Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134



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7 years after the Hortus + 10 yre before his death he produced another illust book in which the woodcuts played a major part, Konrad Botho's Cronecker der Sessren (March 6, 1492) P. Schoeffer - of the 130 books which came from his press more than 1/2 dealt to law + theology; of the entire output of his press, only 18 works were printed in German. plant is grown mainly because it is one of the earliest blooms in the garden Swertz und yes niesswiertz (nyess wurtz, nieswurz) black + white hellebora Latin: M. elleborus albus herbaccous perennial of the buttercup family to handsome flowers of various colors. -fo. S8 belonging to Chapter c/(165) XV Elleborus albus = leaf 144- [crossed out] Schoeffer [margin] wyss nyeszwortz. chpt. begins on S7v [end margin] did not have a woodcut of this herb, the chapter consists entirely of text. [end crossed out] Blatt 143 Elleborus albus: wysz nyeszwortz Blatt 145 Elleborus higer: Awartz nyeszwortz -This edition remained the high water mark in figures of plants (Chapt. 166) up to 1530 (Brunfek). Written in a Baverian German. -3 plant families supplied the 4 classic poisons: Hemlock, Nightshade, Aconite, + Hellebore. The last 2 are members of the Buttercup family + all but the first still have at least minor medicinal uses. not used as a poison for killing pests today -It was customary for the plant picture to appear at the head of its chapter, on the right hand page. Since the text was often quite short, and did not nearly fill the 2 pages alloted to each plant, this arrangement used in great deal of paper. Only after the work was 3/4 done did Schoeffer decide upon a more economical composition. -P. Schoeffer sold his woodblocks to Basal where an ed. to his illustrations appeared in 1491(?) (See #108). One of the first incumabula on a scientific subject written in the vernacular. The partnership of Fust + Schoeffer flourished + produced many books. In 1466 Fust died of the plague in Paris, where he had gone to further his business. Schoeffer survived until 1503, after which the printing house was Continued by his son. Lehmann - Haust, H. - P. Schoeffer Gurst Ref Z 232 S36 L5

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-No less than 34 authorities were citied in its pages - The ubiquitous Diedcorides _ Serepion were each quoted more than 200 times, whil ePliny, Galan, Platisrius * + the 11th C Persian Ibn Sina or Avicenna could claim well over 100 citations apiece. -Of the 381 woodcuts, 282 game indication of having been copied directly from familiar German plants of field + garden. - The medicinal properties fo gold, oliver, milk, oil, vinegar, water, quicksilver, coral + lapis lazuli won their inclusion also - to the compilar's mind, whatever headed was an herb. * Matthaeus Platcarius -12th C Salerno physician - "Antidoterium" or "Circa inetans". -contains a good picture of Canapus or Hanff (Cannabis sativa) our 'pot'. This was prescribed for distended stomachs, drapsy, pains in the anal region + as a plaster for boils + carbuncles. Applied to wounds it relieved pain + a decoction of its roots + seeds mixed to white lead + roses was used to treat erysipelas. Only when its vapors were employed to case headache did it come close to its modern use as a hallucinogen. Part 1 contains the foreward Part 2 chapt 1 - CCCXXV on plants Parts 3-5 contain indicies + the tracton mire.( Uroscopy - flask - called a matula) Fischer -has listed the plants of Schoeffer's ed by their scientific names according to modern usage. Arab physician - Serapion the Younger (to AD 820) The black Hellabore or Christmas nose (H. higer) blooms between Dec + Feb. In medicinal times it was called Christs herb because of the time of its flowering The part used medicinally consists of the rhizome + roots. It was its poisonous properties to contain glycosides which it contains. White hellebore, Verateum albym, has also been known + used medically + for poisoning from early times. It owes its poisonous properties to its alkaloidal content. In the Middle Ages the Verateums were known as remedies for falling sicknesse, phrensies, sciatica, dropsick, poison, + all cold diseases that be of hand curation + will not yeild any gentle medicines.

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118 Dec '80 Angonaut $20

Catholicon - Joannes (Johannes) Balbus (d. 1298) Strassburg: [Printer of the 1483 Jordanus de Quadlinburg.] Georg Husner -not after 1483. folio (1473-1505) leaf 317 (standard copy) Goff B24 Hain 2252. BMC I 130 GW 3186 Proctor 632 Cop HEHL, Stan U.L. in this copy 1st words underlined in red.

402 leaves, 2 columns to printed headlines. 57-58 lines (282x192mm) Types 160, headlines; 91a (measuring 99, to psalter capitals), text Spaces left for capitals, to guide letters. -At first 4 sections - Orthographia, Ethimologia, Dissintestica, Prosodia See #18 -The greater part of the volume is taken up by the Dictionary which treats the etymology of the Latin terms in Vogue (word list) during the Middle Ages. -on encyclopedic dictionary - completed 1286. combined the words of Papiss x Uguitio -its availability owing to frequent printings made it one of the most influential books of the 15th C. -The Catholicon is a basic source for the Promptorium, (ca 1440) (earliest Latin -English dictionary) as its seems to have been for most lexicons, Latin + bilingual in the 2nd 1/2 of the 15th C. The printer of Jordanus de Quedlinberg, who produced about 10 editions from 1483 or earlier to 1502, was the most active anonymous shop of the 15th C. E. Voullieme attempted to identify him as the Strassbyrg Printer Greorg Husner (Zentralblatt fur Bibliotheks wesen 32, 1915: 304-21). V. Scholderer hes argued persuasively that although Husner may have had some connection to the shop he is not likely to have been its master. (50 Essays, pp. 240-243). From 1486 onward, virutally all the Jordanus Press books have precise completion date reckoned by saints' days. GW 3186 - 394 Blot Type 1:160 G 2:99 G (BMC 99A, 99Bboth by 1483 filed to (P2, P3) 91. Text types Before 1483 Lombardic majuscules are used to 99B chiefly for dictionary work.) Type 160 (P1) used throughout. Title + headline type. to large + small face respectively

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119 Jan '81 L'Estampe Originale S.F. Book Fair $65

La Mer des histoires [French] Lyons: Jean Du Pre, I] 20 Aug. 1491 II) 23 Aug 1491 folio La Tieru Aage niiii Johannes (de Psato de Pratis) feuillet C (3) Chapitre xiii Goff R347 Brunet III col. 1640 Claudier III 493 XIIII Cop NYPL(S) UIII Library. Pellechet 34cm, 50 lines. A free translation of the Rudimentum novitorium Jacque C Brunet (Manuel der Librarie) Z 1011 B89 Lubeck 1475 Continued to 1483 2 col in fol. foth a 2 col. fig sur bois. 117 woodcuts * Le premier vol. a 10ff prelim. conterant le tihe, le prologue et la division de l'ouvrage en sit ages, et la table des chapitres; texte, femillets la cciiii 138 woodcuts La seconde renferme CC XXi ff de texte finisant a la mort de Louis XI, en 1483; ensuit un f. blanc. Cuivi de 23 ff sign JJ, KK, LL, pour le Martyrologe des sainetz, termine par la souscription.

A. Claudin - imprimes avec une fonte nouvelle de 13 points -la grande planche du Baptime de Clovis et du la Bataille dee Tolbiau. Atelier de Jean du Pre (1487-1500) Chronicle of Printing -C. Clain - after a brief collaboration to Nicholas Muller, also Philippi, set up as a printer on his own account at Lyons. his 1st book, Guillermus Postilla was completed 30 Nov. 1487. not to be confused to the Paris printer of the same name. Jean du Pre va imprimer en province, a Narbonne et a Uzes -Son retour a Lyon -Son sejour a Avignon. The Old Testament story says that Hagar's (The bond woman spouse of Abraham) giving birth to Ishmael stirred up such jealousy between her + Sarah, Abrahams 1st wife + mother of Isaac, that Sarah persuaded Abraham to banish the bondwoman + the child into the desert. There Hagar gave up hope + left the child under a shrub to die. But Gof heard the child's weeping, Created a well fo water in the desert to save them both, + promised

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Hagar that from her son also, as from Isaac, He would "create a great nation." According to the symbolism of this old saga, the Jews + the Arabs (and by extention all Moslems) are the common offspring of Abraham (called "Ibrahim" in Arabic). This makes Christians + Moslems cousins, at least by legendary lineage Haebler ther are reasons to support the assumption that for some time Jean DuPre actually possessed presses in the 2 important centers fo French printing - Paris + Lyon.) and from these the requirements of the many provincial towns were supplied i.e. Abbeville, Chartres, Salins, Uzes, Avignon.

Last edit over 1 year ago by cw057318
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