Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134



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Boccaccio chose famous not necessarily virtuous women To write about & has not included saints . He includes women from mythology, legend & history, ending - his contemporary Joanna, Queen of Siciliy & Jerusalemfounder of Rom The tale of Aeneas , The legendary founder of Rome, how he fled from the sack of Troy , found refuge - Dido at Carthage & eventually came to conquer & settle in Rome. - the brothers learned the new craft of printing in Strassburg . Teacher : J Mentelin Gunther - 1st dated book Augsburg - March 12, 1468 . 1472 Johann moved to Ulm from Augsburg. H. Steinhowel ( b. 1412 in Weil der Stadt - died 1478) 1450 qppointed city physician Ulm , a position he kept all his life. The beginnings of J. Zainer were completely dominated by his 1st author & patron , Steinhowel. - 2 key works of Ulm book ill ustration : the Latin Boccaccio & Griseldis. The series of richly illust. books which Zainer produced during the 1st 5 years of his activity at Ulm & which amounts to a whole humanistic program is probably without exception the result of Steinhowel's initiative. - another strong influence that shaped Zainer's printing program - came from the Dominican monastery. Until the early 80's the texts chosen for publication by the Dominicans were exclusively printed by J. Zainer. - then he was replaced by * Dinckmut . Dinckmut's rise parallels Zainer's decline. J. Zainer overextended himself financially in the years 1480 -2. father - 1473 - 1493 total output 170-180 ed. son (Hans) 1496 - 1519 * See 67, 166 , 213 #66 Bibliothek Otto Schafer - Die grosse Bordure und die 81 Holzschnitte von 79 Stocken stammen von Weils Boccaccio - Meister. One of the very earliets of all such picture books - it is practically the 1st to show the German wood engravers as a fully competent artist - most of all it is memorable because it is the 1st book to bring graphic representations of antique subjects before a very wide public all over Europe ie Cleopatra & the Asp , Rape of Lucrece, Europa & the Bull.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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(107) May '80 Madliger - Schwab 60 SF= $36.80 Biblia (German) Nuremberg : Johann Sensenschmidt & Andreas Frisher about 1476 . Der Zal LXiii Old Testament : Numbers 23, 24 Goff B628 H 3132 BMC II 408 GW 4299 . Cop HEHL II (-) , NYPL 5th German Bible . folio , 514 leaves , the 1st blank , leaves 3 - 410 (end of Old Testament ) numbered - errors, iij - ccccviij ; leaves 411- 514, j - Ciiij . 2 col. 57 lines & headlines . 285(294) x 189 mm Type 99 with a woodcut at the beginning of Genesis & pictoral capitals to the other books; spaces left for smaller capitals. - a smaller type of the same character as 110 , - which it is used for commentaries. The paragraph mark is of the full height of the type .used 1475 & 76. See # 69 - Sensenschmidt - 4 stages may be distinguished in the history of this press (4)- worked - Andreas Frisher - the 1st fruits were the Quodlibeta of S. Thomas Aquinas completed 15 April 1474. - a native of Eger . If he had not himself learned the art of printing in Fust & Schoeffers press in Mainz - which seems very probable - his close connection - Heinrich Kefer who had already [crossed out] [illegible] [end crossed out] worked as an assistant in J. Gutenbergs press would lead us to expect the influence of Mainz in his work . But in the design of his types he is remarkably independent. - From 1428 till 21 May 1491 he was in partnership - Heinrich Petzensteiner , though in 1485 in company - Johann Beckenhub, he printed at Regensburg a missal of that use , & the 1487 Frisingen Missal bears his name alone. Soon after 1491 he must have died. Senenschmidt & frisher - the partnership lasted until , or after 18 Feb 1478 & produced some 20 books including 2 Latin & - German Bible & several law books. Sensenschmidt was the 1st printer in nuremburg - he began printing in that city c.1470.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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The printer of the so - called Swiss Bible , J. Sensenschmidt & A. Frisher , were assoc . at Nuremburg from about 1474 to 1478. Frisher later became rector of the Univ. of Leipzig . In 1491 he went to Rome where he received the post of "primarius sedis apostolicac ordinarus " from Pope Alexander VI , who acceded to the Papal chair in 1492.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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(108) May '80 Madliger - Schwab 40 SF = $24.54 Gart der Gesundheit (Hortus Sanitatis) See #299

Basel : Michael Furter , about 1486 f.o Chapters 240 &41 242 & 3
Cop. Metro . M. of Art, Dept of Prints , N.Y.C. - colored Yale Univ. Historical Lib. of the Med. School , New Haven Conn. folio , 224 leaves , 1st blank , 2 columns (t ables 3 ) Type G 93 text 43 - 44 lines Illustrations . (New) Initial floreated letters , white on black ground , square , - double frame line at beginning of most chapters, the S formed of a dragon, the rest - foliage leaf 119 med. text type ( 92, 93A,93B in BMC) This extremely rare & only herbal that was printed in Switzerland before 1500 is a nearly exact reprint of Gruninger's edition, (about 1486, Klebs 507.3) showing only a sl. variations of orthography etc. Furter adds for the 1st time pretty florated woodcut initials . CCXLIIII - Lingua auis/ ccxxxlx - Laudanuein gumi \ fogels Michael Furter - the earliest books both signed and dated - 1490 But he is mentioned as a printer as early as 15 Jan. 1483 when he bought a house in Basel. He continued printing regularly in the 16th C. & died in 1517. Printed over 70 incunabula - printed the letter of Christopher Columbus at Basel in 1493. - To the medieval practitioner, the knowledge of the medical & magical properties of precious stones was nearly as essential as that of herbs That M. Furter was a native of Augsburg could not be deduced from his Types - as a printer, he certainly wholly belongs to Basel . He was not a learned book printer but seems [crossed out]to[end crossed out] at the beginning To have worked as a bookbinder & also a factor . Without exception ,his founts are taken from types of other Basel printers. - much knowledge of precious stones had been derived from Egyptian & Arab sources.
Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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Goff A 944 The woodcuts of the Arbolayre [ besancon : Peter Metlinger, about 1487) are identical - those found in Johann Gruninger's Strassburg ed. of the Gart der gesundheit ( C.1486), and these identical blocks were used again by Michael Furter of Basel in his ed. of the same book (c. 1490) - In the 15th C. , herbals were held to be medical works rather than botanical treatises & were widely used by the physicians. - The ancient Egyptians had prized minerals & metallic substances for their curative qualities , & it was the custom to administer them in powdered form. - Gold & silver were taken in solution as medicine , the latter was a remedy for heart tremors. - Lapis lazuli removed meloncholy & alleviated pain in the kid neys. - Lodestone - a magnetic rock referred to as Lapis magnetis - the Hortus (1491) observes that it may be used as a marital compass as well as navigational one.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Etenferl
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