Farfel Notebook 02: Leaves 065-134





83 May 78 1980 - $350 - leaf $65.22 - Paris - P. Pronte (300F) Temerdank. Melchoie Pfintzing (1481-1535) Nuremberg: Hans Schonsperger. 1517 March 1 the Elden - 3rd press 10x14 1/4 [inserted] Z240 P96 Pt. 2 [end inserted] Proctor # 11180 - 1517 - Type 13 - 2nd frekturschift, smaller than 12; 20 lines when unleaded measure 152 mm type 14, libe 13, but smaller; 101. measure 59mm. Copy: L.C. flourished initials are used to these Types. #10939 - 1519 - 2nd edition Augsburd. Hans Schonsperger - 4th press - Types 13, 14. 3rd edition - 1537. 1st edition - 1517 - 40 copies on velliem. - The type was one of the first in the style known is "Fraktur". - The work is illustrated by 118 wood engravings by (1490-1539/40) Hans Schaufelein a pupil of A. Duner + engraved by Jost von Negken, probably by Schaufelin, himeslf and other artists. The letter press was produced by movable types, while the remarkable flourishes by which it is accompanied were engraved either on wood or lead, + carefully fitted onto the text. Teh 1st + 2nd editions of the poem differ very little from each other except in the adjustment of these flourishes. The language of Tenerdank in the old court language of Germany which speedily fell into disease when Luther came to the front. 33 1/2 x 23 1/2 cm [580]p. Rosenwald Collection #100 How the sagacius hers Tenerdark was asked in the Queen's presence by 6 knights to tilt to them." (1459-1519) Maximilian I being himself the hero described under the name Terundannckl + in all probablitiy the author of some poertions of the work, in conjunction to his Chaplain Melchioz Pfintzing or at all events its prompter.

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Z241.3 T41 1519 (1884) Bender Ref Thenerdank Max. I Tenerdank - "Noble Thought on High Resolution" - a romantic + allegorical poem in which Maximilian himself figures as the duo, + his bride Mary of Burgundy, as the heroine under the name of "Ehrenreich", daughter of "Romreich", meant for Charles the Bold. Duke of Burgundy. (rich in renown.) (rich in honour.) - Emperor's opponents - Furwittig, Unfalo, Neidhard C. Fairfax Murray Z240 M98 II. #329 Nurnberg, Joh. Schonsperger, [illegible] misfortune envy Gothic letter, 24 long lines to a page pertness fol. (352x248) generally seen as symbolic of Maximilian's enemies in Italy, Germany + The Netherlands The only book printed by Schonsperger at Nurnberg. 290ffn.ch. Brunet V (Z1011B89) Updike I p.140 "un certain nombre d'exemplaires de cette premiere edition ont ete tires sur tres beau Velin." "on a remarque entre les exemplaires sur Velin et les exemplaires sure papier quelques differences, soit dans l'orthographe de certains mots du texte, soit dans les monogrammes des planches; cependent ces deux tirages se rapport ent a une seule et meme edition." - paper ed. rarer than the velum one. Graesse VII 106 The paper from sig. p onwards appears to have been specially made, for the watermark is a large double eagle with arms of Austria + Burgundy. Before sig. p the watermark is a kind of anchor within a circle. woodcuts - the same blocks were used in the subsequent editions - Hugsburg, Frankfurt, Ulm (last 1693) The entui series used to be assigned to Schaufelein, some of the cuts being signed with his mark, but researches in recent years show that, more reasonably, the set is the work of several hands. S 1) Hans Leonhard Schaufelein (c1480-1539 or 40) 20 cuts 2) Hans Burgkomaiu (1473-1531) 13 cuts HB 3) Leonhard Beck (d.1542) 77 cuts (88-101) + 4 other artists (8)

Last edit over 3 years ago by Sandy_G


C.F. Murray #330 Augsburg 1519 -2 editions - certain leaves [inserted] orthogrophy of certain works changed. folio 345x243mm The watermark in this edition is a numning stag. The woodcuts are the same in number as before, v12 118. -A good number of the Nuremberg + Augsburg artists worked at sometime on the many grandiose book progects of the Emperor Maximilian, designed to glorify the House of Hapsburg. Some of these projects were so ambitious that they were never completed. The Weisskunig, Which undertook to describe the parentage, education + exploits of Max. to 249 illustrations by Burgkmain was put on a press for the 1st time 2 1/2 C. later in 1775.

R. Muther The 1519 Augsburd 2nd edition had only 115 illustrations i.e. 3 less than the 1st. It lacks numbers 14, 30, + 40 otherwise the illustrations + the Type are the same. Nuremberg - 1st came across a style of letter - schwabacher 1st used by Fredrich Crenssner in 1485. - popular to the middle of the 11th C when it was supplanted by Fraktun. [inserted] updike [end inserted] In the pafes of Teuerdanek the style of gothic type changed entirely + the simpler of the older fracktun were twisted into less afreeable shapes.

Leonhard Beck - born around 1480 - d. 1542 - member of an Augsburd family Beck's part in the publications commissioned by Maximilian is quite large. Not less than 124 cust for the Weisskunigan are by his hand, [inserted] Geisberg [end inserted] 1514-16; in addition, 80 illustrations for Theuerdanck were included in Schonoperger the Elder's Nuremberg publication. Theuerdanck - 124 illustrations Wolf Traut (3) Enhard Schon (3) all others to the exception of Schaufeleins 21 are the work of masters from Augsburg. mainly Beck, Burgkman, Breu, Weiditz + the monogrammist NH Some of the blocks were cut

Last edit over 3 years ago by cw057318


as early as 1512. The editing of the text, composed in verse by Siegmund von Dietrichstein, Max Treitzssuerweim + the provost Melchin Pfintzinger in Nuremberg was not completed until 1514. The original blocks have been lost. The Teuerdank, Witten in rhymed couplets + his Weisskunig in prose were the last manifestations of the epic in the late Gothic period of German literature. [inserted] Graesse Vol 7 p 106 Ref Z1011 G73 [end inserted] 1517 Il y a en tout 290 ff ch. (y compris 1 f. bl.), dont les 8 derniers qui manfuent souvent contiemnent une explication des allegories et une clef - 119 gr en bois Il ya des exempl. de cette premiere ed. tires sum papier (a sont les plus rares -45 Kr. Panzen) et sur peau velin. Entout on recontre de consideraldes diversites, seit dang le texte, soit dons les munga des fig. et meme dans le titre des deux classes d'et. sur papier et sur velin. cipendant on thouve que les exempl sur papier, qui semblent etre d'un premier tinage, conteimnent tonjous la lecon juste. 1519 des ex aur velin n'existent pas de tout. les figures reduites et la clef des 118 (no 117 est saute) figures. [inserted] B Quasitch 100th anniv. cast [end inserted] The Theuendank (118 woodcuts, [inserted] (6 1/4x5 1/8") [end inserted] 14 1/2x 10 3/8") embodies in a romantic + allegorical form the story of the wooing of Mary of Burgundy by the young + knightly Maximilian while Archduke of Austria. At the end is a key which explains the initials used to designate the various characters. This 1st ed is castly superior to the 2nd in the carefulness of the type work + the beauty of its impressions. It was apparently not a published book but issued only for private distribution after the Emperor's death in 1519. The blocks are not preserved.

Last edit over 3 years ago by cw057318


84 June 78 Angonaut $8.50 Cologne Chronicle - Hamelmann, O.P. Die Chonica can der hilliger Stat von Coellen. Cologne: Johann Koelhoff, the younger, 23 Aug. 1499. 1483 - f. 331 Ref: BMC I p 299 Goff C-476 H. 4989 GW 6688 Pr 146411 Cop: HEHL. NYPL, PML (313x205mm) kkiij

FOlio: 366 leaces, 14-366 numbered ij-ccc.l [inserted] 49 lines + headline (often 2 lines) [end inserted] 50 lines + headlines, 242(253)x155mm. Types 290, larger headings + title; 150b, lesser headings + headlines; 96, text. some spaces to guide letters left for capitals; printed Lombardic capitals slsewhere. Numerous woodcuts.

At the death of J. Koclhoff (1475-1493) the elder in 1493, his business was taken over by his son, and carried on to the end of the century. (1493-1502) printed about a score of incunabula. The authors, a Dominican friar, whose name is also reprinted as "A. Milman," used his narrative in part upon a chronicle of the bishops of the city (Chronica presulum to archiepisco porum Coloniensis ecclesiac) written about 1370. Among the numerous woodcuts, perhaps the most interesting is the full page view from Cologne from teh east bank of the Rhine (on f. xxx). This Chronicle is one of the most important early authorities for the history printing. In a long (ggii) passage (ff. 311 verse - 312 verse) it states that printing was invented in Mainz, in 1440; that the 1st printed book (1450) was a Latin Bible in missal Types; but that the Mainz printings had been preceded by editions of Donatus issued in Holland. Koelhoff's Chronicle ruined the printer: the book was confiscated + banned, + Koelhoff was exiled (d. 1502).

[inserted] leaf 311 verse under year 1450 begins famous chapter "Van der bouch druchker Kunst Wener -" which has been so frequently quoted.

Last edit over 3 years ago by cw057318
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