Digitizing Peru's Print Revolution


Digitizing Peru's Print Revolution
This project is partially funded by the Latin Americanist Research Resources Project. We have digitized nearly 5,000 pages of nineteenth-century Peruvian periodicals. The OCR on these is in need of correcting! Please help us to make clean OCRd PDFs widely available to interested researchers and individuals by participating in this project.
Don Dieguito El Contrabandista

Don Dieguito El Contrabandista

4 pages: 0% complete (100% corrected, 100% needs review)
Ejercito Unido

Ejercito Unido

4 pages: 75% complete (100% corrected, 25% needs review)
El Amigo del Pueblo

El Amigo del Pueblo

6 pages: 16% complete (100% corrected, 83% needs review)
El Atalaya

El Atalaya

54 pages: 3% complete (100% corrected, 96% needs review)
El Ciudadano Manuel Mariano Bazagoitia

El Ciudadano Manuel Mariano Bazagoitia

4 pages: 50% complete (75% corrected, 25% needs review)
El Ciudadano Miguel San Roman

El Ciudadano Miguel San Roman

Collaboration is restricted.

6 pages: 33% complete (50% corrected, 17% needs review)
El Comandante Jeneral de los Departamentos del Sur

El Comandante Jeneral de los Departamentos del Sur

2 pages: 50% complete (100% corrected, 50% needs review)
El Comandante Jeneral...

El Comandante Jeneral...

2 pages: 50% complete (100% corrected, 50% needs review)
El Conciliador

El Conciliador

14 pages: 42% complete (86% corrected, 43% needs review)
El Constitucional

El Constitucional

4 pages: 0% complete (100% corrected, 100% needs review)
Displaying works 1 - 10 of 308 in total

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