[right margin] [stamp] CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 01611* 21.MAR. 1924 QUEENSLAND
Protectors C.
PA. [Charleville]
Office of Protector of Aboriginalss [Charleville] 20th march 1924
Relative to attached letter from the Under Secretary Home Secretarys Department,Brisbane,re list of names of places having aboriginal names ,in the [Charleville District],to-gether with the meaning of the aboriginal words.
I beg to report that the letter referred to above was received by [Sergeant O Brian] while Protector here and i was overlooked apparently,and upon receipt of your memora -dum of the 6th Instant,I took the matter in hand and I have tried in the time since to get the information asked for,but on account of there being no old blacks living in this District I have been unable to get any reliable infor-mation as to the names and their meaning,all the old blacks of the Warrego trive are on the North and South Comongin Stations,in the [Quilpie district].
The names and the meaning of them as far as I am able to gather here of places in this District are supplied on the attached list.
[W.J.?ied] Protector of aboriginals
The chief Protector of Aboriginals South Brisbane
B/C. Under Secretary. Home Dept. forwarded. [B?.D.Warkins?]
22 - 3 - 24.
In replying please refer to Record No.
Bidjara - AUSTLANG Language Code E37
Home Secretary's Office Brisbane 5th December, 1923.
I have the honour to inform you that it is proposed to prepare an index of the names of Queensland places and, if possible, to ascertain the origin of the names of each place.
There is a difficulty regarding places having aboriginal names, and it is desired that you get in touch with as many as possible of the older natives in your District, with a view of obtaining a list of the places in your District having aboriginal names, together with the meaning of the aboriginal words.
I shall be glad if you will submit information in the following form, and post it to me at your convenience.
Yours obediently, [William? Gall?] Under Secretary.
The Protector of Aboriginals, CHARLEVILLE
Aboriginal name of places | Name of Tribe | Meaning of word |
Arebella | Warrego River | A lake |
Angellala | do do | Nulla Nulla |
Cheepie | do do | A Pig |
Dillalah | do do | Galar a bird |
Dulbydilla | do do | ------------- |
Meerweh | do do | Com Here |
Myendetta | do do | Water Hole |
Barrowmornie | do do | Rabbits Burrow |
Narrowong | do do | ________ |
Yanna | do do | Come away |
Wallal | do do | ------------- |
[right margin] [stamp] CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 02180 * 16.APR. 1924 QUEENSLAND.
Protectors C.
PA CC Towers
Protectors Office Charters Towers, 14th.April 1924.
With further reference to your Memo's dated 5/12/23. 6/3/24,and 28/3/24,anent list of Aboriginal names of places, and ther meanings.
I have interviewd [Mr Chick] (who promised to supply me with the information)and he informed me that he has mislaid the book containing the information sought,and cannot find it,although he has made diligent search for it.
Hence I regret that I cannot supply the intelligence.
[W. Lasrer?] Protector.
B/C. Under secretary Home Dept. Forwarded. [MD.Warkins?]
Protectors C CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 01702 27.MAR. 1924 QUEENSLAND. Protector?s Office Charters Towers,