Protector's Office Boulia 25/3/24
P.A. Boulia
Re the Attached Memorandum.
In compliance with the attached Memorandum I have to advise that I am unable to get any list of Aborignals Places here that I could get the meanings of the names from Aboriginals. There are places on the Western Border Fences with Aboriginals names but I would require to meet an Aboriginal from that quarter that would know the names of the places as a number of the Abos in this part are of diffferent tribes and has different Lingo,s and it seems that a Boulia bred Aborignal would not know the name of a place of Aborignal names 100 miles away Some of the old Idemeyer Aborignals would know the names and meanings of places of Aborignal names on the Western Border if interviewed and Idemeyer is 80 miles from here.
?? Protector
The Chief Protector Brisbane
The Under Secretary Home Dept. forwarded. ? DEPUTY CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 14.4.24
In replying please refer to
[red ink] Protectors Misc. B. CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 00604 31.JAN. 1924 QUEENSLAND [red ink] P.A.Bowen
QUEENSLAND Yuru - AUSTLANG Language Code E62
Home Secretary's Office Brisbane 5th December, 1923.
I have the honour to inform you that it is proposed to prepare an index of the names of Queensland places and, if possible, to ascertain the origin of the names of each place.
There is a difficulty regarding places having aboriginal names, and it is desired that you get in touch with as many as possible of the older natives in your District, with a view of obtaining a list of the places in your District having aboriginal names, together with the meaning of the aboriginal words.
I shall be glad if you will submit information in the following form, and post it to me at your convenience.
Yours obediently, signature Under Secretary.
The Protector of Aboriginals.
Sir/ accordingly names hereunder, cannot ascertain name of tribes JMcInnerny? ? 28/1/24 Protector.
[left margin] ref. Under Secretary, Home Dept. M.D.Watkins DEPUTY CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS
Aboriginal name of | Name of | Meaning of |
places | Tribe | word |
1. Bootaloo | unknown | 1. Bottle tree |
2. Kaile Valley | " | 2. Belonging to me (mine) |
3. Bin Bee | " | 3. very good |
4. Euri Creek | " | means meat (Euri) |
5. Mookarra | " | 5. means mate (my mate) |
6. Gumlu | " | 6. place for Gum trees |
7. Don Delta | " | 7. meaning plenty sand |
8. Koala | " | 8. native bear |
9. Wakla | " | 9. means water |
10.?Galaummuda | " | 10. plenty scrub |
Protectors B Office of Protector of Aboriginals Burketown. 24th March 1924.
P A Burketown
Re:– Information required of places in this District having Aboriginal names vide the attached correspondence from The Home Secretarys Office.
I beg to report that I have made careful and searching inquiries throughout this District with a view of obtaining the information required in respect of places having Aboriginal names . and as far as I can learn there is no places in this District bearing Aboriginal names.
I have visited the Aboriginal Camps around Burketown and I have made inquiries from several Aboriginals from various parts of the District, But the Aboriginals were unable to tell me of any place in the District having Aboriginal name.
J. C. Dwyer Protector of Aboriginals.
The Chief Protector of Aboriginals. Brisbane
? Under Secretary. Home Dept. forwarded ? DEPUTY CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 14.4.24
In replying please refer to Record No.
Home Secretary's Office Brisbane 5th December, 1923.
I have the honour to inform you that it is proposed to prepare an index of the names of Queensland places and, if possible, to ascertainn the origin of the names of each place.
There is a difficulty regarding places having aboriginal names, and it is desired that you getin touch with as many as possible of the older natives in your District, with a view of obtaining a list of the places in your District having aboriginal names, together with the meaning of the aboriginal words.
I shall be glad if you will submit information in the following form, and post it to me at your convenience.
Yours obediently,
? Under Secretary
The Protector of Aboriginals BURKETOWN.
Aboriginal name of | Name of | Meaning of |
places | Tribe | word |
? | — | — |