Cairns Police District Cairns Station
Relative to :— List of Aboriginal names of places and their meaning, vide attached correspondence.
I beg to report having ascertained the meaning of Aboriginal names of places and attach a list of same here-
I have been unable to ascertain the meaning of the names of places quoted by Senr Sergt Martell, although I have interviewed several intlligent aboriginals.
J. B. McHugh Constable 2587
Inspector of Police CAIRNS
The Chief Protector of aboriginals Brisbane forwarded E. Martell P. A 76/3/24
?? Under Secretary Home Dept Forwarded ? DEPUTY CHIEF PROTECTOR OF ABORIGINALS 2.4.24.
Office of Chief Protector of Aboriginals South Brisbane March 6th. 1924.
Memorandum -------
The under secretary, Home Department, draws our attention to the fact that the list of aboriginal names of places, and their meaning, requested on December 5th last, has not yet been received and he would be glad if you would attend to the matter as early as possible.
? Chief Protector of Aboririginals.
Const. McHugh Interview some intelligent aboriginals and obtain the meaning of the places such as "Yarrabah" "Kammerunga" "Alloomba" "Koah" "Myola"
E. Martell SS
Protector of Aboriginals Cairns.
Yidinji - AUSTLANG Language Code Y117
Aboriginal words and meaning of same
Aboriginal words | English translation |
Names of places | |
Alloomba | Name of a district |
Babinda | Name of a particular district |
Behana | Name of a Creek |
Banna | Water |
Bellender-Ker | Mountain |
Biboohra | Native name for Barron Falls |
Carbeen | Scubby gum |
Chumbrumba | Forext pocket in a scrub |
Jungara | Bean tree |
Kairi | Native name for Mazlin Creek (Near Atherton) |
Kamma | Black gin |
Kulara | Fig tree |
Kureen | A little track |
Kowrowa | Native name for the Barron River |
Kambul | Cyprus pine |
Kalunga | Pleanty of water |
Kaban | Country of flying squirrel |
Meringa | Red soil |
Malanda | Native name for Upper Johnstone running waters |
Minbun | Brown oppossum |
Millaa-Millaa | Named by Christie Palmerston |
Mantaka | Silkwood |
Myola | A coined word |
Mareeba | A part of a name of a halfcaste woman of the Moreton |
tribe | |
Nyleta | Wild honey |
Peeramon | Name of a hill |
Quingilli | Blue gum |
Rimula | Name of an old nigger |
Tula | Green oppossum |
Tolga | Red mud |
Tepon | Small stonen or gravel wash |
Tumoulin | A water fall |
Wirra-Wirra | Land of plenty or good things |
Weerimba | Tooth billed Bower Bird |
Wongabel | Wood pigeon |
Wondecla | Place of meeting |
Woree | Picaniny |
Yungaburra | Name of a tribe (also a big fig tree) |
Yatee | Name of a woman. |
Yadgin | Grass pocket in a scrub |