Dr. Eichenberger Beior wilAm [illegible] Jan '91 190SF = $95 317 Konrad Botho ( Burger in Braunschweig - 2nd half 15 C) Chronecken der Sassen (low German) d.1499 Mainz : Peter Schoeffer, 6 March, 1492. f Ascribed by GW to K. Botho. Ref : Goff C-488. HC 4990 Pell 2786 Polain (B) 847 Oates 38 Schr 3531 Schramm XIV p.9 Pr 130 799 Woodcuts - GW 4963 BMC I 37. Muther #638 at pl. 145 to 147 6p: BM aw r CL HEHL(-) PML, LC, NYPL(S) 13. Royale, Mainz Wolfenbuttel Breslau plates 33 + 34, Schrieber woodcuts Bunst Z240.9 S3f. [a-L8] i-z A-M8N4. 284 leaves. 10b : 43 lines , [inserted] 305 X 208 [end inserted] 200 X 127 mm, not reckoning the ornamental capital - pages I illust often 20 or 30 mm longer. [inserted] mii [end inserted] Types : 286 , dates + names of places 149a , title, colophon + names of portraits 93 text - small semi cursive text type, used in -One German Hortus Sanitatis 28 March 1485, in the Chronecken du Sassen of 1492 + other vernacular works. S. Thomas Aquinas, Summae Theologiae, 6 March 1467, the 1st book issued by Schoeffer alone after Fust's death. Polain Pell f0, 284 ffnc. rouge et none 43ll. 282 ffnc. impression red + black. init . gras. calligraph et gravures Chronecken der Sassen - the last of Schoeffer's illust. books, which was the third Mainz illustrated book. Repetitions use is made of the woodcuts. (799) The so called Sachsenchronik is a world chronicle but deals particularly t the history of Saxony. - contains view of Frankfort a/M which is the earliest known representation of that town. - 7 yrs after the Hortus + 10 yrs before his death Schoeffer produced another illustrated book in which the woodcuts played a major part - Chronecken der Sassen.
Ces bois sont interessants pour les portraits, les costumes et les armoiries qui y sont representes; beaucoup sont repetes. Botho's Chronicle deals chiefly t the history of Saxony, more especially Braunschweig + Magdeburg, but it is important not so much as an historical source, but as a source for the folklore + legends it contains + also for linguistic reasons, being written in Low German. Of importance are also the many heraldic woodcuts which made the book known as the Low Saxon Picture Chronicle. - a curious cross between a universal + a provincial chronicle. It begins t the creation of the world, the founding of Rome, + the birth of Christ, but already on fol.7 we reach: "Of the Saxons + how they obtained their land".... From that point on the chronicle proceeds in annalistic form, t the main stress + prominence given to the Saxon tribe, their dynasties, + their deeds.
318 Dr Eichenberger Bein wil am See January '91. 85SF = $42.50
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Cessolis, Jacobus de. (Jacopo Dacciesole) (Dominican, 13th Century) | |
Schachzabelbuch. | |
Strassburg : Heinrich Knoblochtzer, 1 September [14]83 f° chancery | |
Ref: Goff G418 HC4897, Schr. 4276 (#108); XIX page 14 (Schramm). Pr 389 | |
GW 6530 BMC I, 89 . F. Murray German (278 X 202 mm) Kristeller #17 | |
Cop : Cleveland Public Library, Munchen SB, Wolfenbuttel LB (#724) (Muther, 147), Wurzburg UB | |
a8 b6 c8 d-f6, 40 leaves the last blank, leaves 37 and 38 are on quarto paper, 4a : 341. 205 x 132 mm printed capitals of several sizes . 15 woodcuts. (14 verschieden) | |
Type : 120 - a larger variety of type 96 t the same | |
M ([Haeblin's?] M6). apparently used by no other German printer. It has a heavy appearance and was mostly used for hcadings but also for text. | |
the 4th and last XV C edition in German, the 3rd t date. | |
H. Knoblochtzer, 1st press : - earliest dated book August 10 1477. | |
He appears to have left Strassburg in 1484 and was working at Heidelberg 5 years later . (1486-1495?) | |
GW / 6530 | 40 Bl. 342 Type : 4 : 120 G Init : a, c, d, c, f, i, k |
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De ludo scach orum, dentach. | |
S. Aegidina Tag [1 September] 1483. | |
Jacobus de Cessolis - a Dominican at Milan, the 1st European to write on the subject of chess. His main objective, even though he gives the moves, was to teach morals rather than the principles of the game itself. | |
Fac.: Vincent Figgins : Caxton's Game of Chess, London 1862. | |
Goff C-416. Strassburg : H. Knoblochtzer about 1478 f° | |
C. 1567 Schr 4274; Schramm XIX p14 Voull(B) 2220 GW 6528 | |
40 leaves a8-[e?]8 32 lines Type:I* 114 G | |
Init: k,m,n 15 woodcuts | |
Cop HEHL | |
St. Gallen | |
correct | |
[21012?] [2gM2?] | Maggs Catalog #555 |
#45 German Manuscript of Schachzabelbuch (not after 1408). | |
- The German translator is unknown. Leaves 37 and 38 on quarto paper - chain lines are horizontal. |