EVERY one loves the beautiful flowers, and as they look up and thank those who water and care for them, they cheer and brighten our lives. After the busy rush of the seed business in the spring is over, the writer always enjoys getting out into the garden among his friends, the flowers, caring for their wants, studying their habits, and enjoying their fragrance and beauty. Every one who passes by a handsome flower garden cannot avoid noticing and admiring it, and the one who has cultivated it feels richly repaid for all their work and expense. The varieties of flower seeds found in this list have been selected with the greatest care, all being discarded except the best and most popular, and our customers will find that there is not one unworthy or undesirable variety included. Many of the kinds we grow ourselves in this state, and all which we do not grow are from the best and most reliable European sources, and are unsurpassed in quality. Many who do not meet with the success they had expected in the cuIture of a general list of flowers, attribute the difficulty solely to the seed, overlooking the important fact that nearly the entire range of flower seeds require careful and particular treatment, and the further fact that the treatment and conditions which with one variety will produce the most satisfactory results may utterly blight another. To insure success, the conditions and requirements of the several species as to soil, moisture, heat, light, etc., should be studied and then observed in culture. Below we give a few general directions for their culture, though more complete directions will be found printed on most of the seed packets. The soil best adapted to most flowers is light, rich loam, containing enough sand to make it porous. If there is some clay with it the colors will be brighter. Make the surface as smooth and fine as possible, sow seed in rows, covering each sort of seed in proportion to its size (a good general rule being to cover twice the diameter of the seed) and press the soil down firmly over it. Do not plant any seeds when the ground is wet. Many varieties should be sown early in shallow boxes in the house, in soil consisting of equal parts of fine sand and rich mellow loam, well mixed together and sifted to remove all gravel and lumps. Sow as before directed. Covering the box with glass helps to retain the moisture and keeps the temperature more even. Be careful not to keep them too wet, and as soon as they are large enough to handle, transplant into boxes, from one to two inches apart, where they are to remain until time to transplant to permanent beds. We will always be glad to answer any questions from our customers, relative to the cultivation of any kinds of plants. The common name of many varieties will be found immediately following the proper name. ALL FLOWER SEEDS ARE SENT FREE BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, and as an inducement to the formation of clubs, and to those who buy a quantity, we will send seeds in packets to the amount of $1.25 for $1.
ANNUALS. Under this heading we include not only the true Annuals - that is, those plants which grow from seed, blossom and die the same season - but also some Biennials and Perennials, such as Pansies and Daisies, that flower the first season, and then live on for a year or more.
The figures at the right of the column show the price of seeds per packet. [table] Abronia- Trailing habit, similar to Verbenas, bearing clusters of sweet-scented flowers. Effective for bedding in masses: -Umbellata- Rosy lilac. 5. - -Grandiflora- Pure rose. 5. Adonis Aestivalis- Brilllant scarlet, blossoms throughout the season, succeeds well in the shade. 5. Ageratum- Very desirable for bouquets; a profuse bloomer: -Mexicanum- Blue. 5. - -Albiflorum- White. 5. Agrostemma- Hardy, free-blooming plants, making handsome beds, and very useful for cutting: -Coeli Rosa- Deep rose color. 5, - - -Alba- White. 5. Alonsoa- A constant bloomer; flowers small but very brilliant; plants removed to the house in autumn will continue to bloom through the winter: -Albiflora- White. 5. -Grandiflora- Scarlet; very fine. 5. Alyssum, Sweet- The delicate fragrance of this little white flower has made it a general favorite; per oz. 50c. 5. Amaranthus, Candatus-(Love-lies-bleeding)- Produces long drooping chains of brilliant colored flowers. 5. -Cruentus-(Prince's Feather). 5. -Salicifolius - (Fountain Plant) - Handsome form, beautlful foliage, very desirable for centers of beds, borders or pot culture. 10. -Tricolor-(Joseph's Coat)- 5. Anagallis--Low growing plants, with remarkably bright and handsome flowers; mixed varieties and colors. 10.
Antirrhinum-(Snap Dragon)- An old favorite perennial, blooming the first year from seed and keeping up a constant and beautiful show of flowers till frost: -Nanum- Dwarf varieties, mixed. 5. -Majus- Tall varieties, mixed. 5. -Tom Thumb- A collection of the most beautiful, very dwarf varieties, mixed colors. 10. Argemone - (Prickly Poppy) - Free-blooming; flowers somewhat resemble the Poppy: -Dark Yellow. 5. -Grandiflora- White. 5. Asperula Azurea Setosa- A hardy, dwarf-growing little annual, producing an abundance of small, light blue, sweet-scented flowers; fine for bouquets. 5. Asters- Give the Aster a deep, rich soil, with plenty of mulching, and it will surprise even its friends with its profusion of richly-colored perfect flowers. Plant early as possible: -Dwarf German- Mixed colors. 10. -- -Pyramidal Bouquet- Very fine, mixed colors. 10. -Quilled German- Finest mixed. 5. -Large-Flowered Rose- Flowers vary large, perfect and brilliant, best mixed colors. 15. -Victoria- This is a magnificent sort; very brilliant colors; mixed. 20. -Truffant's Paeony-Flowered Perfection- Mixed colors. 10. -Hedge-hog, or Needle--Mixed colors. 15. -Washington- Extra large and handsome flowers, very double, fine for exhibition and table bouquets. 10. -Mixed Varieties and Colors. 5.
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[table] Balsam- An old favorite much improved; unsurpassed for masses, fine for ribbon beds or borders; flowers double as the Rose, and very striking in their rich coloring: -Best Double- Mixed colors; per oz. 60c. 5. -Double Rose-Flowered--White. 10. - - -Mixed Colors. 5. - -Camelia-Flowered- Mixed colors. 10. - -Carnation-Striped- Mixed colors. 10. -Maiden's Blush- A new variety of Double Balsam, which is of a very delicate and handsome blush color. 10. Bartonia Aurea- Bright yellow. 5. Begonia- Tuberous-rooted. 25. -Rex- Extra mixed. 25. -Fourteen flowering varieties mixed. 15. Brachycome-(Swan River Daisy)- Blue. 5. - White. 5. Browallia Elata- Produces very delicate and handsome flowers in great abundance; mixed. 10. Cacalia Coccinea- A handsome free flowering little plant; owing to the peculiar form of the flower it is sometimes called Tassel-Flower, or Flora's Paint Brush; scarlet. 5. Cactus- Fine mixed varieties. 25. Calandrinia- Very pretty little plants for rockeries or vases; hardy, easily grown: -Speciosa- Crimson. 5. --Alba- White. 5. Calendula- Belongs to tbe well-known Marigold family: -Officinalus Le Proust- Very double, nankeen colored, fine. 5. - -Meteor- Striped light orange. 5. -Fine Mixed. 5. Calliopsis- Fine for cutting, and the more you pick it the better it blooms; mixed varieties and colors. 5. Callirhoe Pedata Nana- Large purplish crimson flowers with white eye, very handsome, free bloomers. 5. Campanula Speculum - (Venus' Looking-Glass)- Handsome for masses; hardy, free bloomers. 5. Candytuft- Hardy annual of the easiest culture, an old favorite. Seed should be sown where the plants are in bloom: -Snow Queen- Splendid new variety. See description on page 11 of novelty sheet. Try it. 10. -Amara- White. 5. -Coronaria-(Tom Thumb)- Dwarf. 5. -Odorata- White; sweet-scented. 5. -Dunnett's Crimson- Splendid. 5. -Best Mixed- Per oz. 40c. 5. Canna- Magnificent foliage plants growing from three to six feet in height. If convenient, it is well to start seed in heat. Finest varieties mixed, per oz. 40c. 5. Carnation- The finest of the Dianthus or Pink family, very fragrant. Easily grown from seed and blooms second year. -Double Extra Mixed Colors. 20. - -Selfs, Mixed. 10. - -Perpetual or Tree. 25. Catchfly-(Silene Armeria)- A very pretty and showy little plant; mixed colors. 5. Celosia Japonica-(Japan Cockscomb)- Very bright crimson, well grown specimens are large and finely cut, producing a very striking and handsome appearance. 10. -Glasgow Prize- A very fine, semi-dwarf variety; with large, brilliant crimson comb, and handsome dark foliage. Specimens grown on our place for seed this year measured 12 to 15 inches in diameter. 15. -Cristata Nana- Dwarf mixed. 10. -Pyramidalis Plumosa- Very handsome feathered sort; fine mixed. 10. Centaurea Cyanus-(Batchelor Button)--Mixed. 5. -Moschata-(Sweet Sulton)- Mixed. 5. Centranthus- Very handsome small flowers, desirable for bouquets; mixed varieties. 5. Crysanthemum- Very showy and desirable for fall and early winter blooming. Plants potted in the fall make a continuous bouquet for many weeks. -Tricolor- Fine mixed. 5. -Indicum Pompon- Double mixed. 10.
Cineraria Hybrida- Very handsome greenhouse plants, fine mixed. 25. -Maritima -Silver-leaved. 10. --Candidissima. 15. Clarkia Elegans- Of easy culture, an early and free blooming plant; fine mixed. 5. Clianthus Dampeiri- A beautiful shrubby climber, grown mostly under glass, but does well set out of doors in summer time; flowers brilliant scarlet, growing in clusters. 25. Coleus- Handsome foliage plants, much used for massing and edgings; seed should be started under glass; mixed varieties. 15. Collinsia- Very pretty hardy annuals, producing an abundance of flowers in clusters; mixed. 5. Convolvulus Minor -(Dwarf Morning Glory)- Flowers smaller than the old vining sort, and producing a greater abundance. Beautiful for massing; fine mixed colors. 5. Crepis- Low growing plants with neat little flowers of bright yellow, white, pink and red; fine mixed. 5. Cuphea Platycentra-(Cigar Plant)- Greenhouse plant, also makes a handsome border; flowers bright scarlet, tipped with black and white. 15. -Purpurea- Fine mixed. 5. Cyclamen Persicum- One of the handsomest of greenhouse plants. The foliage is handsomely marked and the flowers beautiful. Seed should be sown under glass in well rotted compost and sand; mixed colors; best strain. 25. Daisy- Popular perennials, blooming the first year from seed; very handsome for borders or pots; best double mixed. 10, Dahlia- This beautiful flower is easily grown from the seed. Start early in the house. 10. Datura Fastuosa- Best double mixed. 5, Dianthus - Deservedly popular, coming into bloom early and continuing throughout the season. The fragrance, beauty and bright coloring of their flowers are universally admired: -Chinensis - (Double Chinese Pink)- Finest double mixed. 5. -Heddewigi- Finest selected single mixed, undoubtedly one of the most showy of the Pink family. 5. -Laciniatus- Double fringed; best mixed. 10. -Imperialis--(Double Imperial Pink). 5. -Mixed Varieties and Colors. 5. -Barbatus-(Sweet William)- An old favorite; hardy perennials, single mixed. 5. Digitalis-(Fox-Glove)- Hardy perennials; bloom the first year; fine mixed. 5. Erysimum - Handsome, hardy annuals; free blooming, resembling the single Wall Flower; deep orange fiowers. 5. Eschscholtzia--(California Poppy)- Low growing plants; pretty for massing or edging; mixed. 5. Euphorbia- A showy foliage plant. 5. Feverfew- See Matricaria. Fuchsia Hybrida- Well known greenhouse plants. Easily grown from seed; finest double mixed. 25. Ferns- Fine mixed. 15. -Tree- Fine mixed. 25. Gailardia- A showy bedding plant, producing an abundance of brilliant flowers through the whole summer and fall: -Pieta- Best mixed. 5. -Lorenziana- New double, one of the finest annuals grown for bedding and cutting. 10. -Grandiflora- Very handsome perennial, varieties mixed. 10. Geranium, Fine Mixed Colors- Contains a choice assortment. 10. -Tom Thumb- Best dwarf; mixed colors. 15. -Apple-Scented- Per 100 seeds 75c. 25. Gilia- Low growing annnals, pretty for border or beds; flowers profusely; very useful for cutting; of easiest culture: -Tall Varieties- Mixed. 5. -Dwarf Varieties--Mixed. 5. Gladiolus - A well known bulb, easily grown from seed, and we should like to have all of our customers try raising them in this way. This seed is of our own growing from the best varieties, and will produce an assortment sure to please any lover of flowers. They bloom the second year from seed. 15. Gloxinia- Greenhouse plants, producing richly colored and brilliant flowers; finest strains of new Hybrids; mixed. 25.
31 Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, Iowa.
[table] Godetia- Handsome plants for borders or ribbon beds, flowers very bright, consistent bloomers; best varieties mixed. 5. Gypsophila Elegans- Very handsome small flowers, produced in loose panicles in great abundance; fine for bouquets; also much used dried for winter bouquets; mixed colors. 5. Helianthus-(Sunflower)- Some varieties of this well known plant are very ornamental: -Globosus Fistulosus- Double, the best of the tall varieties. 5. -Nanus- True double dwarf, quite pretty. 5. Variegated- Handsome ornamental foliage. 10. -Mammoth Russian- Largest of all; per lb. 50c; oz. 10c. 5. -Common- Per lb. 40c; oz. 10c. 5. Heliotrope- A great favorite with all lovers of flowers for their beauty and fragrance; well suited for beds, borders and pot culture; all varieties mixed. 10. Hybiscus Africanus- Handsome hardy annuals with large highly colored flowers. 5. Hyacinthus Candicans- A vigorous grower, throwing up flower stalks three to four feet high, with beautiful, white, drooping flowers; fine for mixing in beds of Gladiolus; blooms the second year from the seed. 10. Ice Plant- A very attractive trailing plant, much admired for baskets and rockeries. 5. Jacobaea- Blooms throughout the season, making a brilliant show; mixed varieties. 10. Kaulfussia- Good border plants. 5. Lantana- Greenhouse perennial; makes a fine bedding or pot plant; easily grown from seed: -Hybrida- Best mixed. 15. Larkspur- Beautiful plants with fine cut leaves. They do best in a rather heavy rich soil: -Double Striped- The handsomest variety extant, colors bright and distinct. 5. -Dwarf German Rocket- Mixed colors . 5. -Tall German Rocket- Mixed varieties. 5. -Hybrida- Very fine; mixed varieties. 10. Leptosiphon- Very handsome in borders or ribbon beds; succeed best if shaded a little; mixed. 10. Linum-(Scarlet Flax). 5. Lobelia- Handsome trailing plants; profuse bloomers; elegant for baskets, vases or borders: -Crystal Palace- Handsome blue. 5. -Erinus- Mixed colors. 5. Lupinus- Commonly called Sun Dials; flowers of very bright colors, produced in spikes; a fine bedding plant: -Mixed Varieties. 5. Lychnis- Very desirable hardy perennials; blooming the first year if sown early: -Haageana Hybrida- Fine mixed varieties. 10. Malope- Strong growing plants, with pretty blue and white flowers, produced in great abundance; mixed. 5. Matricaria Capensis-(Double Feverfew)- This may be called everybody's favorite; a splendid bedding plant, and one of the best to pot for winter flowers; pure white. 10. -Golden-(See Pyretherum.) Marigold, African- Double mixed. 5. -French- Double mixed. 5. -Dwarf French- Double mixed. 5. Mignonette- Well-known sweet-scented little flowers; fine for borders or masses: -Sweet-Scented- The old favorite; per oz. 20c. 5. -Grandiflora- Large flowered. 5. -Golden Queen- A very distinct new variety, with bright golden flowers. 10. -Parson's White- Very pretty. 5. -Miles' Spiral- Long and large spikes. 5. -Machet- A variety of very dwarf, vigorous growth, with massive spikes of deliciously-scented red flowers; the best of all sorts for pots. 15. Mimulus Moschatus- (Musk Plant). 10. -Tigrinus- Tigred [Tigered?] and spotted varieties; very fine. 10. --Duplex- Beautiful double (Hose in Hose) tigered and spotted varieties. 10. Myrabilis Jalapa-(Four o'clocks)- An old favorite, useful for massing or borders. 5. Myosotis-(Forget-me-nots)- Perennials; bloom first year from seed. Pretty plants with neat little star-shaped flowers: -Alpestris- Blue. 5. --White. 5.
-Palustris- True Forget-me-not; blue. 10. Nasturtium-(Tom Thumb)- None of the annuals make a prettier bed. The brilliant coloring of the flowers are very attractive: -Extra Choice Mixed Colors. 5. -Crystal Palace Gem- Sulphur, spotted with maroon. 5. -Empress of India- A splendid new, dark-leaved variety with crimson flowers. 10. Nemophila- Elegrant little plants for early spring flowers, and will bloom freely all summer if protected a little from the hot sun; six to eight inches high; mixed colors. 5. Nicotiana Affinis- Very valuable plant, three feet high; produces freely deliciously-scented, large white tubulous flowers. 10. Nigelia-(Love in a Mist)- Hardy annuals, about one foot in height, finely cut leaves with handsome flowers; blooms early; mixed. 5. Nolana- Flowers cup-shape with pretty shades of violet and blue; mixed varieties. 5. Oenothera-(Evening Primrose)- An interesting half hardy annual, opening its flowers towards evening with a snap that is sure to attract attention, especially of the children. -Acaulis Alba- Pure white, very handsome. 10. -Lamackiana- Yellow. 5. Oxalis- Handsome basket plant; summer or winter; fine for rockeries. 10. Pansy- This little beauty needs no extended description, as it would be hard to find even a child in the land whose heart has not been gladdened by their bright faces. Succeeds in any rich soil, but flowers will be small in mid-summer, where exposed to the sun. Should be freely watered in dry weather. Seed started in February or March will produce early spring flowers. Very pretty and effective ribbon beds can be made with these separate colors: -Azure Blue- Very fine shade of sky blue. 10. -Bronze-Colored- Handsome. 10. -Cliveden Purple- A very rich color. 10. -Violet Margined with White. 10. -Pure White- Appropriate for cemeteries. 10. -Golden Yellow- Best of the yellow varieties; desirable as a contrast. 10. -Faust-(King of the Blacks)- Jet black. 10. -Snow Queen- Flowers of a delicate, pure, satiny white, handsome and attractive. 15. -Emperor William- Ultra-marine blue. 10. -Odier, or Blotched- This superb, large variety of pansies have been much improved. 20. -Lord Baconsfield- New, large flowers of deep purple violet, shading off in the petals to a white hue. 15. -Quadricolor- New and distinct; fine. 10. -Trimardeau, or Giant- New. See description on Novelty Sheet, page 11. 35. -Choice German Mixed- Magnificent large velvety flowers of richest hues and colors. 25. -Choice Large-flowering Mixed- Very fine. 20. -Fine Mixed- Choice varieties. Per oz. $2.25. 10. -Good Mixed- Per oz, $1.50. 5. -One packet each of the first twelve varieties, $1.00. -One packet each of the fifteen varieties, $1.50. Perilla Nankinensis- An elegant, finely cut leave foliage plant. 5. Petunia- Are easily grown from seed and succeed in any common soil. The double varieties require more care and should be started in the house. The great variety of bright colors, beautiful stripings and markings and constant show of bloom make them general favorites: -Fine Mixed Colors. 5. -Hybrida- Extra fine striped and blotched varieties; mixed colors; handsome. 10. -Grandiflora Fimbriata- Finest fringed varieties in mixture combining elegance of form, with great diversity of delicate and charming colors. Extra large flowers. 20. -Double Inimitable- Splendid mixture; our seed is Benary's best and will produce a large percentage of the fine double-flowering plants. 25. Phlox Drummondi- If we could have but one flower for our garden, that one would be the Phlox. Its brilliant shades of color ranging from clear white to brilliant scarlet make and almost dazzling show; continually in bloom: -Alba- Pure white. 10.
32 Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.
[table] -Coccinea- Brilliant scarlet. 10. -All Varieties- In finest mixture. 5. -Grandiflora- A very fine, large-flowering strain; best mixed colors. 10. -Nana- Dwarf, compact-growing class; very fine for borders and ribbons; extra fine mixed. 10. -New Double White--A splendid German novelty of robust, half dwarf growth, nearly all coming double from seed. Very desirable for cutting. 15. Poppy- Hardy annuals, very showy and of easy culture; some of the double and newer sorts are exceedingly attractive: -White Crimson Tipped- A new, very handsome variety, which is unusually double. Petals are tipped with crimson. 10. -Double Carnation- Fifteen varieties mixed; will make an attractive bed. 5. --Paeony-flowered- Fine mixed. 5. -Papaver Umbrosum- Flowers rich, glowing vermillion, with a deep shining black spot on each petal. 10. -Opium. 5. Portulaca- This old favorite is brightest in the hot, dry weather when other flowers are drooping; they are of almost every conceivable shade of color, and will make one of the brightest spots in the garden: -Single Varieties Mixed. 5. -Double Mixed- Very handsome. 15. Pyrethrum, Golden Feather--A very handsome foliage plant. 10. -Golden Gem- A beautiful plant for edgings or ribbon beds; double-flowering. 10. -Roseum- Persian insect powder plant. 10. Ricinus-(Castor Oil Bean) - Stately foliage plants; make a very handsome appearance on the lawn planted singly; also fine for clumps: -Africanus- Stalk and pods rose color. 5. -Gibsoni- Dark purple stem and leaves; fine. 10. -Sanguineus Tricolor--Blood-red stalk; very attractive. 10. -Gianteus--The largest variety grown. 10. -Common- Per oz. 15c. 5. Salpiglossis -- A very handsome, half-hardy annual; flowers beautifully veined and penciled: -Finest Mixed. 10. Salvia- One of the most brilliant of flowers; thrives in any light, rich soil; often called Flowering Sage; all are free bloomers: -Coccinea Hybrida- Fiery scarlet. 5. -Horminum Alba- White. 5. -Patens- Beautiful sky blue. 15. -Splendens- Brilliant scarlet; very fine. 10. Saponaria- Desirable low-growing plants; suitable for edgings or borders, flowering throughout the season; hardy annuals, of easy culture; setting alternate plants of red and white makes a handsome border: -Red, White and Mixed- Each. 5. Scabiosa-(Mourning Bride)- One of the best of free-flowering hardy annuals of very handsome colors: -Atropurpurea- Best tall varieties; mixed. 5. --Best Double Tall Varieties- Mixed. 5. --Nana- Best Double Dwarf; mixed. 5. Schizanthus- Pretty, free-flowering half-hardy annual, with oddly marked flowers; mixed. 5. Sedum- Well suited for baskets and rock-work; blooms freely; many varieties mixed. 5.
Sensitive Plant- A very pretty and curious plant, the leaves closing when touched; seeds start slow, and it is best to plant them in boxes, cover shallow and see that they do not dry out; it makes a good house plant for winter. 5. Statice Sinnata Hybrida- Produce their small flowers in panicles; will hold their color when dry, and are valuable to work up with the everlastings; hardy and of easy culture; fine mixed. 5. Stevia Serrata- Produce an abundance of pretty white flowers early in the fall. 5. Stocks, Ten Weeks- This plant embraces wonderful range of colors, unsurpassed for beds, borders or pot culture. To insure the best results they should be started early in the house and be transplanted to rich soil deeply cultivated and with plenty of moisture: -Large-Flowering Dwarf German- Finest varities mixed. 10. -Brompton, or Winter- Not hardy enough to stand our winters, but potted in the fall they make good winter bloomers and can be transferred to the garden in the spring; mixed colors. 15. Sunflower- See Helianthus. Torenia Fournieri- Beautiful free-flowering, trailing plants, well suited for baskets, vases and in moist situations out of doors. A very handsome plant, well worthy a trial. 10. Verbena- Plant seed in boxes or under glass in March, and transplant when a few inches high. In this way the verbena can be grown from seed as easily as any annual and will produce much stronger plants than cuttings; another advantage is that a large portion of the plants will produce fragrant flowers. They delight in rich soil and good culture, and will repay all such trouble by abundance of bloom and richness of their color: -Henderson's New Mammoth - See description in Novelty List, page 12. 25. -Hybrida Candidissima- Large, trusses of pure white flowers; very beautiful. 15. -Defiance- True scarlet; extra fine. 15. -Niveni- White, sweet-scented. 10. -Hybrida, Fine Mixed. 10. --Extra Choice Mixed- From the finest German collection of named sorts. 25. -Good Mixed- Contains a nice variety. 5. Vinca- Seed should be started in the house and plants set out the first week of June. Treated in this way they make very handsome border plants, giving a mass of bloom through the summer and fall, when they may be potted for the winter flowering indoors. Mixed varieties. 10. Virginia Stocks- Free flowering, hardy little annual, pretty for beds, edgings, baskets or vases; easily grown; mixed colors. 5. Whitlavia- Delicate and pretty, but perfectly hardy plants with drooping clusters of bell-shaped flowers; they thrive in cool, moist situations, free bloomers, and for partially shaded places are very desirable: -Grandiflora- Dark blue. 5. --Alba- White. 5. Zinnia- Strong growing, hardy and elegant plants, rivaling the Dahila when well grown. Splendid for hedges, beds or borders: -New Zebra- See description in novelty list. 10. -Elegans, Fine Mixed- Single. 5. --Finest Mixed Double- Tall sorts. 5. --Finest Mixed Double Dwarf. 10.
EVERLASTINGS. A very useful class of plants for winter decorations, as well as being very handsome garden plants. The flowers should be picked as soon as open, and the stems tied carefully together to keep them straight; dry in the shade, and they will retain their form and color for years. [table] Acroclinium- Strong growing plants, with handsome, daisy-like flowers: -Roseum- Pretty rose color. 5. --Fl. Albo- Pure white. 5. --Fl. Pleno- Splendid double mixed. 15. Amobium Alatum Grandiflorum- New, one of the prettiest of the everlastings; large flowering. 5. Edelweiss- The pretty Alpine flower so much admired and sought after by tourists; hardy perennial. 20. Gnaphalium Orientale Fl. Pleno- The famous French Immortelle. 20. Gomphrena - (Globe Amaranth) - Mixed varieties. 5. Helichrysum- A mixture of splendid double varieties, one of the best and most easily grown of the everlastings. 5. Rhodanthe Maculata- Pretty bell-shaped bright rosy crimson flowers. 10. Statice- Not a true everlasting, but retain their color when dry, fine for bouquets, fresh or dry; fine mixed colors. 5. Xeranthemum- Free-flowering, easily grown, making a very handsome bed: -Double White. 10. -Double Purple. 10. -Superbissimum- Pompon flowered. 15.
ORNAMENTAL CLIMBERS. This list inclues all the most desirable, both of the delicate and the vigorous growing varieties. [table] Adlumia-(Mountain Fringe)- A beautiful, hardy perennial, with Fern-like foliage. 5. Balloon Vine- Half-hardy annual, requires partial shade; pretty vine and flower. 5. Calampelis Scabra- Bright orange flowers produced in great abundance. 10. Coboea Scandens- One of the most magnificent climbers, prized for its rapid growth (often twenty to thirty feet) and abundance of beautiful, brilliant scarlet flowers; the seed should be planted edgewise, in moist earth - a pot or box is best - and given little to no water till plants are two or three inches high. 10. --White- New and elegant. 15. Convolvulus Major-(Morning Glory)- Very useful, rapd and free blooming, hardy climbers; mixed colors; per oz. 15c. 5. Cypress Vine- Rapid climbers, with handsome, finely-cut foliage and brightly-colored flowers: -Scarlet- Very bright. 5. -White- Pretty in contrast with scarlet. 5. -Mixed Colors. 5. Dolichos Lablab--(Hyacinth Bean)- An excellent climber for dry, exposed places; mixed. 5. Gourds- Useful for covering fences, arbors or old trees and stumps; greatly admired for their curiously-shaped and colored fruit: -Calabash, or Dipper. 5. -Hercules Club. 5. -Nest Egg- Used largely for nest eggs. 10. -Dish Cloth. 10. -Sugar Trough. 10. -All Varieties Mixed- Includes the above and many other varieties. 5. Ipomea- Embraces a large class of plants, much admired for their fine foliage and handsome flowers; free bloomers and rapid growers: -Bona Nox- Large purplish flowers; blooming at night; often called Good Night, Evening Glory or Moon Flower. 5. -Purpurea-(Morning Glory)- Mixed. 5. -Quamoclit-(Cypress Vine)- Mixed colors. 5.
Maurandia - Pretty for baskets, window vases and indoor decorations; fine mixed. 10. Nasturtium, Tall - Admirably adapted for rock work, covering trellises, etc. They have recently come into much favor again: -Choice Mixed Colors- Per oz. 15c. 5. -Roi des Noirs- Almost black, very distinct. 10. -Napoleon III- Golden yellow, striped with rosy scarlet. 10. -Geant des Batailles - Brilliant carmine, fine. 10. Smilax- Much used for winter decorations; seed starts slowly and should be planted in loose, rich soil and kept moist and warm. 20. Sweet Peas- A hedge of Sweet Peas in bloom is one of the prettiest sights imaginable. The richness of their colors and delicacy of their fragrance make them indispensable in the flower garden. Plant them early and deep, two to four inches, in rich, loose soil; furnish support when four to six inches high: -Butterfly- White, tinted lilac; oz. 25c. 5. -Crown Prince of Prussia- Bright blush. 10. -Invincible, Scarlet- Oz. 15c. 5. -Painted Lady- Pink and white; oz. 15c. 5. -Violet Queen- Very pretty; oz. 25c. 10. -White- Oz. 15c. 5. -Extra Fine Mixed- Contains a splendid assortment; per lb. $1.00; 1/4 lb. 35c; oz. 10c. 5. -Everlasting Peas- Mixed colors. 5. Thunbergia- Rapid-growing, free blooming climbers, well suited for house culture; baskets or vases. 10. Tropaeolum- One of the most desirable of the annual climbers; easily grown in any common garden soil; produces and abundance of flowers of handsome shades or various bright colors: -Peregrinum-(Canary Bird Flower)- Curious light yellow flowers; resembles our pet canary birds. 10. -Lobbianum Spitfire- Bright scarlet. 5. --Finest Mixture- All sorts. 5. -Majus-(Tall Nasturtium)- Best mixed. 5.
BIENNIALS AND PERENNIALS. Plants of these do not flower till the second season; among them are some of our best-known and highly-prized flowers. Seed may be sown in spring where plants are to bloom, or later in the summer in beds protected from the hot sun and kept moist. [table] Aquilegia-(Columbine)- Very hardy and easily grown. Flowers of all shades; mixed varieties. 5. Aconitum Napellus-(Monk's Hood)- Does well under shade. 5. Carnation- The finest of the Dianthus or Pink family, very fragrant. Our seed is unsurpassed: -Double Extra Mixed. 20. --Selfs Mixed. 10. --Perpetual or Tree. 25. Canterbury Bell- A free blooming and very handsome border plant; flowers bell-shaped: -Single Mixed. 5. -Double Mixed. 5. Delphinum Chinensis-(Perennial Larkspur)- Well-known and very desirable border plants, producing their flowers on long spikes; fine mixed. 5. Dahlia- Strong growing bulbous plants with handsome flowers of all shades of color. The roots must be taken up and kept from frost through the winter: -Double Large Flowering- Mixed. 10. Gladiolus- From best hybrid varieties. 15. Hollyhock- A clump of double hollyhocks in full bloom is a great attraction, some of the flowers, especially the white, are a very good substitute for the Camelia:
-Double, Very Fine Mixed. 10. Hyacinthus Candicans- A very vigorous grower, throwing up flower stalks three to four feet high, with beautiful, white drooping flowers; fine for mixing in beds of Gladiolus. 10. Lathyrus Latifolious - (Perennial Peas) - Handsome, free flowering plants, growing five to ten feet high, die down to the ground every winter, starting up again in the spring; fine mixed. 5. Sweet William-(Dianthus Barbatus)- For richness and diversity of color the flowers of the Sweet William are hardly equaled; perfectly hardy: -Single Varieties Mixed. 5. -Double Varieties Mixed. 10. Viola Odorata-(Sweet Violet). 10. --All Varieties Mixed. 10. Wallflower- Plants removed to pots in autumn will produce an abundance of delightfully fragrant flowers; half-hardy: -Double Varieties Mixed. 20. -Single Varieties Mixed. 5. Veronica- Extremely pretty little plants for edging; seed should be started early to be valuable the first of the season; mixed varieties. 5.
MIXED FLOWER SEEDS FOR THE WILD GARDEN. A mixture of a great number of such flower seeds as are suitable to be planted together. Altogether forming a mass of bright colored flowers and beautiful foliage which is sure to interest and please. Select a light rich soil, as free from weeds as possible, and plant in this latitude about the tenth of May. Half oz. 20c; pkt. 5c.