EVERY one loves the beautiful flowers, and as they look up and thank those who water and care for them, they cheer and brighten our lives. After the busy rush of the seed business in the spring is over, the writer always enjoys getting out into the garden among his friends, the flowers, caring for their wants, studying their habits, and enjoying their fragrance and beauty. Every one who passes by a handsome flower garden cannot avoid noticing and admiring it, and the one who has cultivated it feels richly repaid for all their work and expense.
The varieties of flower seeds found in this list have been selected with the greatest care, all being discarded except the best and most popular, and our customers will find that there is not one unworthy or undesirable variety included. Many of the kinds we grow ourselves in this state, and all which we do not grow are from the best and most reliable European sources, and are unsurpassed in quality.
Many who do not meet with the success they had expected in the cuIture of a general list of flowers, attribute the difficulty solely to the seed, overlooking the important fact that nearly the entire range of flower seeds require careful and particular treatment, and the further fact that the treatment and conditions which with one variety will produce the most satisfactory results may utterly blight another.
To insure success, the conditions and requirements of the several species as to soil, moisture, heat, light, etc., should be studied and then observed in culture. Below we give a few general directions for their culture, though more complete directions will be found printed on most of the seed packets.
The soil best adapted to most flowers is light, rich loam, containing enough sand to make it porous. If there is some clay with it the colors will be brighter.
Make the surface as smooth and fine as possible, sow seed in rows, covering each sort of seed in proportion to its size (a good general rule being to cover twice the diameter of the seed) and press the soil down firmly over it. Do not plant any seeds when the ground is wet. Many varieties should be sown early in shallow boxes in the house, in soil consisting of equal parts of fine sand and rich mellow loam, well mixed together and sifted to remove all gravel and lumps. Sow as before directed. Covering the box with glass helps to retain the moisture and keeps the temperature more even. Be careful not to keep them too wet, and as soon as they are large enough to handle, transplant into boxes, from one to two inches apart, where they are to remain until time to transplant to permanent beds.
We will always be glad to answer any questions from our customers, relative to the cultivation of any kinds of plants.
The common name of many varieties will be found immediately following the proper name.
ALL FLOWER SEEDS ARE SENT FREE BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, and as an inducement to the formation of clubs, and to those who buy a quantity, we will send seeds in packets to the amount of $1.25 for $1.
Under this heading we include not only the true Annuals - that is, those plants which grow from seed, blossom and die the same season - but also some Biennials and Perennials, such as Pansies and Daisies, that flower the first season, and then live on for a year or more.
The figures at the right of the column show the price of seeds per packet.
Abronia- Trailing habit, similar to Verbenas, bearing clusters of sweet-scented flowers. Effective for bedding in masses:
-Umbellata- Rosy lilac. 5.
- -Grandiflora- Pure rose. 5.
Adonis Aestivalis- Brilllant scarlet, blossoms throughout the season, succeeds well in the shade. 5.
Ageratum- Very desirable for bouquets; a profuse bloomer:
-Mexicanum- Blue. 5.
- -Albiflorum- White. 5.
Agrostemma- Hardy, free-blooming plants, making handsome beds, and very useful for cutting:
-Coeli Rosa- Deep rose color. 5,
- - -Alba- White. 5.
Alonsoa- A constant bloomer; flowers small but very brilliant; plants removed to the house in autumn will continue to bloom through the winter:
-Albiflora- White. 5.
-Grandiflora- Scarlet; very fine. 5.
Alyssum, Sweet- The delicate fragrance of this little white flower has made it a general favorite; per oz. 50c. 5.
Amaranthus, Candatus-(Love-lies-bleeding)- Produces long drooping chains of brilliant colored flowers. 5.
-Cruentus-(Prince's Feather). 5.
-Salicifolius - (Fountain Plant) - Handsome form, beautlful foliage, very desirable for centers of beds, borders or pot culture. 10.
-Tricolor-(Joseph's Coat)- 5.
Anagallis--Low growing plants, with remarkably bright and handsome flowers; mixed varieties and colors. 10.
Antirrhinum-(Snap Dragon)- An old favorite perennial, blooming the first year from seed and keeping up a constant and beautiful show of flowers till frost:
-Nanum- Dwarf varieties, mixed. 5.
-Majus- Tall varieties, mixed. 5.
-Tom Thumb- A collection of the most beautiful, very dwarf varieties, mixed colors. 10.
Argemone - (Prickly Poppy) - Free-blooming; flowers somewhat resemble the Poppy:
-Dark Yellow. 5.
-Grandiflora- White. 5.
Asperula Azurea Setosa- A hardy, dwarf-growing little annual, producing an abundance of small, light blue, sweet-scented flowers; fine for bouquets. 5.
Asters- Give the Aster a deep, rich soil, with plenty of mulching, and it will surprise even its friends with its profusion of richly-colored perfect flowers. Plant early as possible:
-Dwarf German- Mixed colors. 10.
-- -Pyramidal Bouquet- Very fine, mixed colors. 10.
-Quilled German- Finest mixed. 5.
-Large-Flowered Rose- Flowers vary large, perfect and brilliant, best mixed colors. 15.
-Victoria- This is a magnificent sort; very brilliant colors; mixed. 20.
-Truffant's Paeony-Flowered Perfection- Mixed colors. 10.
-Hedge-hog, or Needle--Mixed colors. 15.
-Washington- Extra large and handsome flowers, very double, fine for exhibition and table bouquets. 10.
-Mixed Varieties and Colors. 5.
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