


Status: Complete

Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.

-Coccinea- Brilliant scarlet. 10.
-All Varieties- In finest mixture. 5.
-Grandiflora- A very fine, large-flowering strain; best mixed colors. 10.
-Nana- Dwarf, compact-growing class; very fine for borders and ribbons; extra fine mixed. 10.
-New Double White--A splendid German novelty of robust, half dwarf growth, nearly all coming double from seed. Very desirable for cutting. 15.
Poppy- Hardy annuals, very showy and of easy culture; some of the double and newer sorts are exceedingly attractive:
-White Crimson Tipped- A new, very handsome variety, which is unusually double. Petals are tipped with crimson. 10.
-Double Carnation- Fifteen varieties mixed; will make an attractive bed. 5.
--Paeony-flowered- Fine mixed. 5.
-Papaver Umbrosum- Flowers rich, glowing vermillion, with a deep shining black spot on each petal. 10.
-Opium. 5.
Portulaca- This old favorite is brightest in the hot, dry weather when other flowers are drooping; they are of almost every conceivable shade of color, and will make one of the brightest spots in the garden:
-Single Varieties Mixed. 5.
-Double Mixed- Very handsome. 15.
Pyrethrum, Golden Feather--A very handsome foliage plant. 10.
-Golden Gem- A beautiful plant for edgings or ribbon beds; double-flowering. 10.
-Roseum- Persian insect powder plant. 10.
Ricinus-(Castor Oil Bean) - Stately foliage plants; make a very handsome appearance on the lawn planted singly; also fine for clumps:
-Africanus- Stalk and pods rose color. 5.
-Gibsoni- Dark purple stem and leaves; fine. 10.
-Sanguineus Tricolor--Blood-red stalk; very attractive. 10.
-Gianteus--The largest variety grown. 10.
-Common- Per oz. 15c. 5.
Salpiglossis -- A very handsome, half-hardy annual; flowers beautifully veined and penciled:
-Finest Mixed. 10.
Salvia- One of the most brilliant of flowers; thrives in any light, rich soil; often called Flowering Sage; all are free bloomers:
-Coccinea Hybrida- Fiery scarlet. 5.
-Horminum Alba- White. 5.
-Patens- Beautiful sky blue. 15.
-Splendens- Brilliant scarlet; very fine. 10.
Saponaria- Desirable low-growing plants; suitable for edgings or borders, flowering throughout the season; hardy annuals, of easy culture; setting alternate plants of red and white makes a handsome border:
-Red, White and Mixed- Each. 5.
Scabiosa-(Mourning Bride)- One of the best of free-flowering hardy annuals of very handsome colors:
-Atropurpurea- Best tall varieties; mixed. 5.
--Best Double Tall Varieties- Mixed. 5.
--Nana- Best Double Dwarf; mixed. 5.
Schizanthus- Pretty, free-flowering half-hardy annual, with oddly marked flowers; mixed. 5.
Sedum- Well suited for baskets and rock-work; blooms freely; many varieties mixed. 5.

Sensitive Plant- A very pretty and curious plant, the leaves closing when touched; seeds start slow, and it is best to plant them in boxes, cover shallow and see that they do not dry out; it makes a good house plant for winter. 5.
Statice Sinnata Hybrida- Produce their small flowers in panicles; will hold their color when dry, and are valuable to work up with the everlastings; hardy and of easy culture; fine mixed. 5.
Stevia Serrata- Produce an abundance of pretty white flowers early in the fall. 5.
Stocks, Ten Weeks- This plant embraces wonderful range of colors, unsurpassed for beds, borders or pot culture. To insure the best results they should be started early in the house and be transplanted to rich soil deeply cultivated and with plenty of moisture:
-Large-Flowering Dwarf German- Finest varities mixed. 10.
-Brompton, or Winter- Not hardy enough to stand our winters, but potted in the fall they make good winter bloomers and can be transferred to the garden in the spring; mixed colors. 15.
Sunflower- See Helianthus.
Torenia Fournieri- Beautiful free-flowering, trailing plants, well suited for baskets, vases and in moist situations out of doors. A very handsome plant, well worthy a trial. 10.
Verbena- Plant seed in boxes or under glass in March, and transplant when a few inches high. In this way the verbena can be grown from seed as easily as any annual and will produce much stronger plants than cuttings; another advantage is that a large portion of the plants will produce fragrant flowers. They delight in rich soil and good culture, and will repay all such trouble by abundance of bloom and richness of their color:
-Henderson's New Mammoth - See description in Novelty List, page 12. 25.
-Hybrida Candidissima- Large, trusses of pure white flowers; very beautiful. 15.
-Defiance- True scarlet; extra fine. 15.
-Niveni- White, sweet-scented. 10.
-Hybrida, Fine Mixed. 10.
--Extra Choice Mixed- From the finest German collection of named sorts. 25.
-Good Mixed- Contains a nice variety. 5.
Vinca- Seed should be started in the house and plants set out the first week of June. Treated in this way they make very handsome border plants, giving a mass of bloom through the summer and fall, when they may be potted for the winter flowering indoors. Mixed varieties. 10.
Virginia Stocks- Free flowering, hardy little annual, pretty for beds, edgings, baskets or vases; easily grown; mixed colors. 5.
Whitlavia- Delicate and pretty, but perfectly hardy plants with drooping clusters of bell-shaped flowers; they thrive in cool, moist situations, free bloomers, and for partially shaded places are very desirable:
-Grandiflora- Dark blue. 5.
--Alba- White. 5.
Zinnia- Strong growing, hardy and elegant plants, rivaling the Dahila when well grown. Splendid for hedges, beds or borders:
-New Zebra- See description in novelty list. 10.
-Elegans, Fine Mixed- Single. 5.
--Finest Mixed Double- Tall sorts. 5.
--Finest Mixed Double Dwarf. 10.

A very useful class of plants for winter decorations, as well as being very handsome garden plants. The flowers should be picked as soon as open, and the stems tied carefully together to keep them straight; dry in the shade, and they will retain their form and color for years.
Acroclinium- Strong growing plants, with handsome, daisy-like flowers:
-Roseum- Pretty rose color. 5.
--Fl. Albo- Pure white. 5.
--Fl. Pleno- Splendid double mixed. 15.
Amobium Alatum Grandiflorum- New, one of the prettiest of the everlastings; large flowering. 5.
Edelweiss- The pretty Alpine flower so much admired and sought after by tourists; hardy perennial. 20.
Gnaphalium Orientale Fl. Pleno- The famous French Immortelle. 20.
Gomphrena - (Globe Amaranth) - Mixed varieties. 5.
Helichrysum- A mixture of splendid double varieties, one of the best and most easily grown of the everlastings. 5.
Rhodanthe Maculata- Pretty bell-shaped bright rosy crimson flowers. 10.
Statice- Not a true everlasting, but retain their color when dry, fine for bouquets, fresh or dry; fine mixed colors. 5.
Xeranthemum- Free-flowering, easily grown, making a very handsome bed:
-Double White. 10.
-Double Purple. 10.
-Superbissimum- Pompon flowered. 15.

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