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34 Seed Catalogue and Garden Guide.

SEEDS FOR THE GREENHOUSE. Florists and amatuers can rely on our seeds being of the finest strains from the best European growers. [table] Abutilon- Fine mixed. 25. Begonia, Tuberous Rooted - Finest new single varieties; mixed. 25. -Rex-(Ornamental-Leaved Varieties)- Extra fine mixed. 25. -Mixed- Fourteen excellent varieties. 15. Calceolaria Grandiflora- Mixed hybrids. 25. Cactus- Mixed varieties. 25. Cineraria, Hybrida- Mixed. 25. -Maritima- White-leaved variety. 10. - - Candidissima. 15. Clianthus, Dampieri. 25. Coleus- Mixed varieties. 15. Cuphea, Platycentra-(True Cigar Plant). 15. -Purpurea- Fine mixed. 5. Cyclamen, Persicum- Best mixed. 25.

Fuchsia, Hybrida- Finest double mixed. 25. Ferns, Best Varieties Mixed. 15. -Tree- Fine mixed. 25. Geranium, Apple-Scented- Per 100 seeds, 75c. 25. -Zonale- Fine mixed. 10. - -Tom Thumb- Mixed varieties. 15. Gloxinia- Choice mixture of French hybrids. 25. Heliotrope- Fine mixed. 10. Lantana- Best mixed. 15. Pimula Sinensis-(Chinese Primrose): -Splendid Mixed. 25. -Best Double Mixed. 50. -Fimbriata Mixed. 40. -Elatior-(Polyanthus). 10. Viuca, Mixed Colors. 10.

ORNAMENTAL GRASSES. These should be cut just as they come into bloom and dried in the shade. Very useful for working up with the Everlastings into winter ornaments; they lend a grace and beauty not obtainable without them. [table] Agrostis Nebulosa- Deleicate [Delicate] and elegant. 10. -Puichella- Very graceful. 5. Briza Maxima-(Quaking Grass). 5. -Gracilis- Smaller than above; very graceful. 5. Bromus Brizaformus- An elegant grass. 5. Coix-(Job's Tears)- Fine for masses. 5. Eragrostis Elegans-(Love Grass). 5. Erianthus Ravennae- Similar to Pampas Grass and perfectly hardy. 10. Eulalia Japonica- An extra fine tall growing Japanese Grass, very fine for groups. 10.

Gynerium Argenteum-(Pampas Grass)- A magnificent grass with graceful plumes twenty to thirty inches long. Roots must be kept from frost. 10. Hordeum Jubatum-(Squirrel's Tail). 5. Lagurus Ovatus-(Hare's Tail). 5. Stipa Pennata-(Feather Grass)- Very graceful and elegant. 10. Zea Japoniea-(Striped Japanese Maize). 5. Mixed Grasses- A mixture of the above ornamental grasses suitable to grow in masses; makes a very striking as well as useful collection. 10.

GREENHOUSE. [in image]

PLANTS AND BULBS. [in image] Our plants are all strong, healthy and vigorous. They are sent by mail, postpaid, at prices named. Our system of packing is so very complete that plants arrive in almost as perfect condition after traveling many hundred miles as they were when packed. When plants are ordered to be sent by express, we not only send larger plants, but also put in enough extras to cover the express charges, and where it is possible to do so, we should advise our customers to have their plants shipped in this way. No order amounting to less than One Dollar will be filled unless ten cents extra accompany same to cover extra cost for packing and postage. [table] [column heading: EACH.] Abutilon-(Flowering Maple)- Red, white and yellow. 10. -Thomson Plena-(See Novelties.) 25. Achania- Scarlet flowers; always in bloom. 10. Aloysia- Lemon Verbena. 15. Alyssum- Large double. Double variegated and Tom Thumb; very dwarf variety; fine for borders. 10. Begonia Flowering- Ten best varieties; each. 10. -Rubra, Scarlet- Everblooming. 15. -Rubra, White. 25. -Rex- Ornamental leaved; twelve varieties. 25. Bouvardia- Winter-blooming plants with clusters of waxy flowers like minature [miniature] tuberoses: -Le Elegans- Single scarlet. 20. -Davidsoni- Single white. 20.

-Alfred Neuner- Double white. 20. -Pres. Garfield- Double pink. 20. Calla Lily- Large white flowers; trumpet-shaped. 15. -Nona- A dwarf variety, more desirable in every way. 15. Carnation Pinks, Snowden- Best white for house or yard. 10. -Crimson King- Dark crimson. 10. -Fire Brand- A fiery scarlet. 10. -Attraction- Yellow and crimson, splashed. 10. -Buttercup- The nerrest [nearest?] approach to yellow. 25. Chrysanthemum- We have not room to give a list of the large assortment we have of these most popular and desirable flowers. Tell us the color you desire and we can surely accommodate your order. 15.

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[table] Coleus--Twenty of the best varieties; per doz. 75c. 10. Cereus Grandiflora--Night Blooming Cereus. 25. Cineraria Hybrida. 25. Cyclamen--Beautiful winter-booming plants. 25. Daisies--Double, pink and white, each. 10. Epiphyllum- Lobster Cactus. 15. Ferns--In variety. 25 to 50. Feverfew--Double white; a popular favorite. 10. --Golden Feather- For borders; per doz. 75c. 10. Fuchsia--Avalanche--Very pretty. 10. --Black Prince--Rose corolla; sepals waxy carmine. 10. --Carl Holt--Pure white, corolla crimson, striped white. 10. --Earl of Beaconsfield--Flower three inches long; carmine. 10. --Elm City--Double purple. 10. --Emma Topfer, or Storm King--(See Novelties.) 25. --Mdm. Vanderstrauss--Double white. 15. --Phenominal--(See Novelties.) 25. --Snow Fairy--Finest double white. 15. --Speciosa--Blooming nearly all the time. 10. And many other varieties. Funkia Alba--Day Lily; pure white. 25. Farfugum Grand--(Leopard Plant)--Rich dark green foliage with bright yellow spots. 25. --Snow Flake--A variety of the above with the leaves edged and splashed with white and often tinged with pink. 50. Gloxinias--Summer and fall blooming. 50. Geraniums, Fancy Leaved--Mad. Pollock and Sunset. 25. --Mt. of Snow, Happy Thought, Distinction, Crystal Palace Gem, Golden Circle, Cloth of Gold, Mad. Salieroi, Marshal McMahon, and Bismark, each. 10. --Scented--Apple, Nutmeg, Rose, Balm, Lemon, Peppermint, Oak Leaf, Mrs. Taylor, Skeleton Leaf and Variegated Rose, each. 10. --Ivy--Ten choice varieties, each. 10. We have not space to list all, but will here name a few of the leading flowering sorts: --Single, Queen of the West--Orange scarlet, best bedding variety. 10. -- --Senator Allison--Dark velvet scarlet, large white eye. 10. -- --Le Grande--Large scarlet, white eye. 10. -- --Geoffrey--The darkest single scarlet grown, fine. 10. -- --Master Christine--Bright pink, splendid bloomer. 10. -- --Jealousy--Large orange yellow. 10. -- --New Life--Scarlet and white striped, no two flowers alike, very attractive. 10. -- --Cygnet-The best single white. 10. -- --Peach Blossom--The color of a Peach Blossom exactly. 10. --Double Ami Hosie -- Rich deep crimson; one of the best. 10. -- --Henry Cannell--Intense deep scarlet; one of the best for bedding. 10. -- --Asa Gray--Orange salmon; extremely good bloomer. 10. -- --La Constitution--Yellowish salmon; very fine. 10. -- --Mrs. Garfield--Bright rose pink. 10. -- --Bishop Wood--Scarlet, shading to vermillion. 10. -- --Bridal Bouquet--Handsome double, pure white. 10. -- --Blond--Delicate pink; splendid bloomer. 10. -- --Phallas--A rich apricot orange; fine. 10. -- --Cheerfulness--A flesh pink shaded rose; free bloomer. 10. Heliotropes--Universal favorites on account of their delightful fragrance; flowering equally well in summer or winter. 15. Hoya--(Wax Plant)--For house culture. 25. Hybiscus--Bloom freely in summer; scarlet. 25. Hydrangea--White and pink, each. 15. Ivies--English--No vine excels this. 15. --German--Grows very fast. 10. Impatiens Sultana--An everblooming plant of the Balsam family; fine for pots or bedding; bright crimson. 15. --Lucy--Flowers rose color. 15. Jasmine Grandiflora--White, star-shaped flowers, very fragrant. 25. Lantanas--Nothing gives more constant bloom than, these; ten varieties, each. 15.

Lopesia Rosea--(Mosquito Plant)-- A beautiful plant of trailing or bushy habit, which is covered all winter with delicate pink flowers, resembling a mosquito. 10. --Alba--Like above, only white. 10. Maurandia Vine--Pretty for baskets. 10. Myosotis--(Forget-me-not)--Two varieties. 10. Marguerite Daisy--Single white. 10. -- --Double yellow. 30. Mountain Pink--(Crassulus)--A fine plant for baskets or rockeries; flowers bright pink, two inches in diameter. 10. Musk Plant--Flowers yellow. 10. Oleander--Double pink. 25. --Single White. 25. Oxalis--Fine pot or basket plant. 10. Othonna--Good basket plants; flowers bright yellow. 10. Petunia--We have all of the finest double fringed varieties; many colors. 15. Pansies, Choice Mixed. Per dozen 50c. --Finest Mixed. Per dozen 75c. --White and other colors separate. Per dozen 75c. Primula (Chinese Primrose)--Pink and white, each. 25. Pelargoniums--(Lady Washington Geraniums)--A large assortment of these beautiful plants. 15. Roses--While we have a large variety of roses, we will only name here those which have been tried and found to be the best and most reliable for house culture or bedding purposes: --Aurora--Beautiful blush, changing to white. 15. --Bon Silene-Bright carmine rose. 15. --Catharine Mermet--Bright flesh color. 15. --Cornelia Cook--Creamy white. 15. --Douglas--Rich crimson. 15. --Duchess De Brabant--Silvery pink. 15. --Glorie de Dijon--Blush yellow, very fragrant. 15. --Hermosa--Light rose. 15. --Isabel Sprunt--Light canary yellow. 15. --Pearl des Jardins--Beautiful rich yellow, very large. 15. --Safrano--Saffron yellow, very free bloomer. 15. --Sunset--Beautiful orange yellow. 15. Any of the above at $1.20 per dozen. --Hybrid--La France and Gen. Jacquiminot. 25. Salvia, Red, White, Blue and Maroon--Each. 10. Stevia--Fine for winter blooming. 10. --Variegated--Foliage striped. 10. Smilax--Prettiest vine in cultivation. 15. Violets, Louise--Double purple. 15. --Swanley Whlte--Double. 15. Verbenas--One of our best and most popular bedding plants. Plants set out in April or May will give a mass of bloom all through the summer and fall months. We have a splendid variety of the best colors and shadings. Dozen, 85c. 10.

BULBS FOR SPRING PLANTING. Many of the most showy, attractive, inexpensive and easiest grown of all summer and autumn flowers are contained in this important class. There are scarcely any others flower that can compare with the noble and brilliant spikes of the Gladiolus, the grace and elegance of the Lily, the purity and sweetness of the Tuberose, the majestic foliage of the Caladium, and the wonderful markings of the Tigrida. Bulbs for spring planting require scarcely any care, and quickly make a gorgeous display, while the bulbs can be kept over winter, and will year after year continue to return a hundred-fold in beauty and satisfaction the trifling expense of the original cost. In the following list we have selected the varieties which we believe will give our customers the best satisfaction. The bulbs are large and strong and will be sent, well packed, in the same parcels with flower or vegetable seeds, plants or other goods. We trust all who have a flower garden will include some of these bulbs in their order. Sent postpaid at price named. [table] Amaryllis, Formosissima--(Jacobean Lily)--Dark velvety crimson. Bulbs may be potted any time in spring; they bloom year after year; must not be allowed to freeze. 40. Caladium, Esculentum--A splendid tropical plant growing four or five feet with immense leaves beautifully veined and variegated with different shades of green. Very showy, leaves frequently growing three feet in length. Medium sized bulbs 20c; very large. 40.

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[table] Canna--Beautiful foliage plants of very tropical appearance; growing from three to six feet high. In fall store in a dry cellar: --Grandiflora. 20. --Tall Red. 15. --Tricolor Dwarf. 20. --Mixed Varieties and Colors--Contains a splendid assortment; per dozen $1.10. 10. Dahlias--We have a large collection of these exceedingly showy and grand fall flowers, and can furnish almost any color desired. They comprise all the most gorgeous shades and colors imaginable; per dozen $1.50. 15. [Illustration] GLADIOLUS.

We wish especially to call your attention to our list of Gladioli, the most desirable of all bulbs, and claimed by many well acquainted with their wonderful and varied beauty, to be the flower of all flowers. Our stock is from a magnificent collection, and the following are sure to fulfill all expectations. To have the immense spikes of bloom develop in the greatest perfection, they should be cut when the first four flowers open; place them in water nearly up to the lower flower; and the entire spike will develop into the greatest loveliness, lasting from a week to ten days. To have a constant succession of flowers, the bulbs should be planted at intervals from the middle of April until the first of July. We cannot too highly recommend our mixed Gladiolous. We have had them grown for us and they have been carefully selected from choice varieties and embrace a truly magnificent variety of beautiful colors: --Red Varieties Mixed--Per doz. $1. 10. --Light, White and Striped--Per doz. $1. 10. --Choice Yellow Varieties, Mixed--Per doz. $1.50. 15. --Extra Fine Mixed--Embracing all colors; per 100, $2.50 per doz. 40c. 5. --Seedlings--A splendid assortment grown from the best hybrid mixed seed. There are sure to be a number of choice new varieties among these. Per 100, by express, $3; doz. 50c. 5. --Pure White. 10. --Ceres--Pure white blotched purplish rose. 15. --Arsinoe--Fine satiny rose, flamed with bright carmine. 15. --Brenchleyeusis--. 5. --Eugene Scribe--Light pink, glazed with carmine; flowers very large and perfect. 15.

[new column] [table] --James Carter--Light orange red with white blotch. 15. --Le Poussin--Light red; larget white throat. 15. --Meyerbeer--Rose scarlet, amaranth; red blotch. 25. --Napoleon III--Bright scarlet, white stripe. 15. --Princess of Wales--White, flaked with carmine rose. 10. --Shakespeare--Very large, beautiful flowers; white, slightly suffused with carmine rose, with large, violet crimson blotch. 20. --Le Moine Seedlings--A fine collection of this new and distinct variety. 15. Hyacinthus Candicans--Beautiful summer blooming plants, having large spikes of large flowers resembling the Hyacinth: per doz. $1. 10. Maderia Vine--Ornamental climber of very rapid growth, thick, light green, glossy leaves; the most elegant vine for out-door culture; keep roots in cellar over winter; per 100, by express, $2.50; by mail, per doz. 50c. 5. Double Tuberoses--The roots of this delightfully fragrant, pure white, wax like, double flower may be planted from February to July; before planting remove the small offsets; use good, rich soil, plant in six inch pots, one root in a pot: --Extra Large Double Dwarf Pearl--This is an extra choice selection of this variety, which is characterized by its short, robust stem and long spikes of large flowers, produced in great profusion, perfectly double; per doz. $1. 10. --Tall Double--Per doz. $1. 10. Tigridias--A splendid summer flowering bulb, bearing large spotted flowers: --Red Spotted--Per doz. $1. 10. --Yellow Spotted--Per doz. $1. 10. --White Spotted--Very handsome. 15. Oxalis--Quite pretty little flowers, suitable for hanging baskets, pot culture or for use in bordering beds: --Lasiandra--Per doz. 20c. --Deppii--Per doz. 20c. Lilies--The Lily is a favorite flower everywhere--a Queen of Flowers--and only the Rose can dispute its claim to queenly honor. With few exceptions Lilies succeed in our gardens finely: --Auratum--The Golden-rayed Queen--its immense blooms, produced in great profusion, are deliciously fragrant and very beautiful. 25. --Candidum--Pure white, good for forcing. 20. --Harrisi--The new perpetual White Lily. 25. --Rubrum--Rose, spotted crimson. 25. --Tigrinum--Common Tiger Lily.......................10 --Speciosa Album--Large, pure white flowers on full, well rounded spikes. 25. WINTER BLOOMING BULBS. [Illustration] Some of the most beautiful and fragrant of all the flowers grown belong to this class, and when potted in the house they come in bloom just at the time when flowers are most wanted and the most difficult to obtain. There is nothing prettier or more desirable than a window garden nicely arranged with these, and they will attract more attention than anything else with which it could be filled. Our bulbs which ara grown by one of the best bulb growers in Holland, arrive in this country about September 15th, and we usually have a good assortment of them for about two months. The best way is to order during the spring or summer, and then your order will be filled as soon as bulbs are received. All bulbs are large and strong and are sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Hyacinths--Of all the bulbous flowers, the Hyacinth is the most beautiful and popular. It is cultivated and highly prized in every northern country in the world. They may be successfully grown in the garden or for house culture in pots or [continued next page]

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[continued from previous page] [table] glasses. Either double or single of any of the following colors: --Pure White, Rose, Red and Blue--Per doz. $1.75. 15. --Double or Single Yellow--Per doz. $2.25. 20. --Double or Single Mixed Colors--Per doz. $1.10. 10. Roman Hyacinths--Earliest of all, will bloom by holidays; produces three to seven flower stalks; per. doz. $1. 10. Tulips--Nothing can excel these for early spring blooming in the open ground. Can furnish separate colors when desired: --Extra Choice Mixed Colors--Per doz. 75c. 8. --Good Mixed Colors--Per doz. 40c. 5. --Parrot, Mixed Colors--Beautifully fringed varieties; per doz. 50c. 5. Crocus--All Colors Mixed--Per 100, $1; doz. 15c. Narcissus, Mixed Colors--Per doz. $1.50. 15. --Poeticus--Per doz. 50c. 5. --Paper White--Per doz. $1.50. 15. Lillium Candidum--Per doz. $2. 20. Lily of the Valley--Per doz. $1. 10. Snow Drop--Double--Per doz. 60c. 5. --Single--Per doz. 35c. 5. Maderia Vine--Per doz. 50c. 5.

Russian Mulberry Trees for Silk Culture. The culture of silk is better adapted to home industry than any other branch of work which opens so large a field in the commercial market, it being valuable as a commodity and always in demand. It particularly commends itself to women and children of the rural districts. The Russian Mulberry is by far the best variety for silk culture. It is a very rapid grower, and is perfectly hardy. The leaves are mostly lobed or cut and make unequaled food for the silk worms. The fruit has an aromatic flavor and su b-acid sweet taste and is very much liked by some, although there are other varieties which excel it in this respect. The Mennonites, who first brought it to this country, use it as an ornamental hedge plant, and it really makes a beautiful hedge. Our stock is grown specially for the mail trade, and we offer them at the following prices by mail, postpaid: Two to four inches high, eighty for $1; four to six inches high, fifty for $1; six to twelve inches high, thirty for $1; twelve to eighteen inches high, twenty for $1. Prices on larger sizes or on large lots by express or freight on application: Russian Mulberry Seed--Per pkt. 10c; oz. 40c. 1/4 lb. $1.25; lb. $4. Silk Worm Eggs--(French Yellow, or White Japanese)--Per 1,000, 50c; 1/2 oz. $3; oz. $5, postpaid. A complete Text Book on Silk Culture, containing all the information and instruction necessary for a person to know in order to succeed in this business fully illustrated: price is 25c; but by purchasing a large number we are enabled to offer them to our customers at only 15c each.

TREES, PLANTS AND SHRUBS. BY EXPRESS OR FREIGHT ONLY. Trees, shrubs, or plants from this list can be sent only by freight or express. They are all strong and healthy from open ground. Stock in this list is supplied by a reliable nurseryman, and will be shipped direct from the nursery in Des Moines, about April 15th. Of apples we can supply ab out 150 varieties, and can generally supply any kind ordered. We can most cordially recommend all to try these, everything is A 1 in quality and prices are reduced to the lowest point possible for first-class stock. No premiums or discounts can be allowed on this list. One-half dozen sold at dozen rate, and twenty-five at the one hundred rate. It will pay persons who want a large amount of nursery stock to send us list of same and we will quote special prices: Apple Trees--No. 1, four to six feet; select, each, 20c; doz. $2; 100, $15. -- --Second selection, four to five feet; each, 15c; doz. $1.50; 100, $12.50. Crab Apples--Transcendent, Hyslop, Quaker Beauty and many others: each, 40c; doz. $4. Cherries--Early Richmond, English Morello, Gov. Wood and Montgomery: four to six feet; each, 50c; doz. $5; three to four feet; each, 40c; doz. $4.

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Plums--Four to six feet, a fine assortment; each 50c; doz. $5. Pears--Bartlett, Clapp's Duchess, Vicar, Keiffer and many others, both standard, four to six feet, and dwarf, three to four feet; each 50c; doz. $5.50. Mulberry--Russian, four to six feet; each 40c; doz. $4. Grapes--Concord, one year, No. 1; doz. $1.25; 100, $7. --Concord, two year, No. 1; doz. $1.50; 100, $10. --Worden, best early, hardy as Concord, two years; doz. $1.75; 100, $15. --Martha, Elvira and Rogers' Hybrids and many other kinds, two years; each 20c; doz. $2; 100, $15. --Prentiss, Pocklington and Lady, two years; each 25c; doz. $2.50. --White Niagara--Each $1; doz. $10. Currants--Best sorts, two years; doz. $1.50; 100, $10. Gooseberries--Two years, Houghton; doz. $1.25; 100, $8. --Two years, Downing; doz. $1.50; 100, $10. Raspberries--Mammoth Cluster, Turner, Gregg, Cuthbert, Thwack, etc.; doz. 75c; 100, $5. --Souhegan and Tyler; doz. $1; 100, $7. Blackberries--Snyder, hardy, abundant bearer; best, 75c. per doz.; $5 per 100. Strawberry--Wildon, Crescent, Cumberland, Triumph, Chas. Downing, Kentucky, Seth Boyden and Downer's Prolific; 25c. per doz.; $1.00 per 100; $7 per 1,000. Evergreens--Scotch Pine, two feet; each 30c. --Austrian Pine, eighteen inches; each 25c. --Norway Spruce, two to five feet; per foot 20c. --Riga Pine, six to nine inches; each 25c. --Red Cedar, ten to fourteen inches; each 25c. --Balsam Fir, ten to fourteen inches; each 25c. --Arbor Vitae, two feet; each 40c. --American White Spruce, two feet, fine; each 50c. --Silver Spruce and Douglas Fir, from Colorado, ten to fourteen incles; each 50c. Deciduous Ornamental Trees--Catalpa and Silver Birch, six to eight feet; each 50c. --Catalpa and Silver Birch, four to six feet; each 40c. --Mountain Ash and Rock Maple, four to six feet; each 60c. Weeping Trees--Kilmarnock Willow and Cut Leaved Weeping Birch, four feet; each $1. --Weeping Mountain Ash, fine, five feet; each $1.25. --Wisconsin Weeping Willow and Silver Maple, five to six feet; each 50c. Shrubs--Weigelias, Snowball, Flowering Almond, Hydrangea, Lilac, Dogwood, Barberry, Tree Honeysuckle, Rose Acacia, a large collection of the finest Spireas and other varieties of Shrubs, all strong plants; each 50c. Vines and Creepers--Ampelopss, Bignonia, Honeysuckle, Wisteria, Bittersweet, etc.; each 50c.

HARDY ROSES. All should have some of these beautiful, outdoor Roses. The following are the best varieties: Prairie Queen--Bright pink, climbing; each 50c. Baltimore Belle--Pale blush, variegated, climbing; each 50c. Augusta Mie--Large, clear, bright pink, very fragrant; each 50c. Gen. Washington--Bright vermillion rose, large fine form and perfectly double and a very free bloomer; each 50c. Madame Plantier--Pure white flower of most perfect form, blooms only in spring, but is literally covered with flowers then; beautiful for cemetery decorations; each 50c.

The Best Seeds are the Cheapest. CAMANCHE, IOWA, Sept. 30, 1887. I will say that what seeds I have purchesd of you have been satisfactory. I like your seeds very much, and shall get them of you when I want seeds. W. E. RICHARDSON.

Valuable Testimony. MINERAL RIDGE, IOWA, March 17, 1897. I purchased seed of you last year and was well satisfied with them. Next year I think I will buy more extensively. Wishing you success, E. M. CROUNER.

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CHOICE RECLEANED GRASS SEEDS. ETC. We desire to call the especial attention of the farmers of Iowa and the Northwest to our superior facilities for supplying them with Blue Grass, Timothy, Clover, etc., of the best quality. This branch of our trade has made a remarkable growth, which we attribute to our great care and close attention in the handling of farm seeds. Where we used to handle grass seed by the bag only, we now buy and sell by the car load. With improved machinery for cleaning, together with the shipping facilties of our city, which are unequaled by any other point in Iowa, we are confident it will be greatly to your advantage to send us your orders for what you may need, be it a large or small quantity. We will take pleasure in quoting special prices on larger quantities than listed below, or giving any information that we are able to.

SHIPPING. In this department every thing which is quoted by the packet or pound is sent by mail postpaid; all larger quantities, unless specially noted, are sent by express or freight, at the expense of the purchaser. No extra charge for bags or delivering at depots. The prices quoted by bushel are subject to any important change in the market without notice. But if price goes lower than that quoted, persons ordering will be given the benefits of it.

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CLOVER SEEDS. The soils best adapted to Clover are tenacious or stiff loams. It is a fertilizer, as its long powerful tap roots add largely to the black mass of earth. It helps destroy annual weeds by the luxuriant foliage, and by shading the surface of the soil, increases its fertility. It weighs sixty pounds to the bushel: Mammoth, or Large Red--This variety is the best for ploughing under for manure. It grows five or six feet high. Sow twelve to fifteen pounds per acre; per lb. 40c; 3 lbs. $1; pk. $1.60; bu. $5. Medium Red or June--Grown for hay or for pasture. For milch cows it is better than timothy, while it imroves the lands on which it is grown. Sow twelve to fifteen pounds per acre; per lb. 35c; 3 lbs. $1; pk. $1.50; bu. $5.75. Alsyke or Swedish--Very hardy, withstanding the rigors of our cold winters, without injury; a wonderful cropper, being less injured by extremes of wet and dry seasons than any of the clovers. Its long fibrous roots completely permeating the soil, making it a great fertilizer. Sow seven pounds per acre; per lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.25; pk. $2.50; bu. $9. White Dutch--A small, creeping, spreading variety, much used for lawns, with white, very fragrant blossoms. Sow six pounds per acre; per lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.25; pk. $3.25; bu. $12. Alfalfa, or Lucerne--For loose, rich soils with porous subsoils, there is probably no forage plant equal to this. Its roots penetrate very deep, in some cases as much as fifteen feet, thus enabling it to produce heavy crops where all other grasses dry out entirely. Makes a splendid soiler, requires heavy seedling. Sow fifteen to twenty pounds per acre; per lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.25; pk. $3; bu. $11.25.

GRASS SEEDS. Timothy--As a crop to cut for hay, this is probably unsurpassed by any grass in cultivation. Thrives best on moist, loamy soils, of medium tenacity. Sow either in spring or fall; twelve pounds per acre; weighs 45 lbs. per bushel; per lb. 35c; 3 lbs. $1; pk. 75c: bu. $3. Orchard Grass, or Cock`s Foot--One of the most valuable of pasture grasses, on account of its quick growth and luxuriant aftermath. It is ready for grazing in the spring two weeks sooner than most grasses, and when fed off is again ready for grazing in a week. It stands a severe drouth, keeping green when many grasses wither, and will endure considerable shade. Sow one bushel per acre; weighs 14 lbs. per bushel; per lb. 60c; 3 lbs. $1.50; pk. 75c; bu. $2.50. Red Top--Makes a good pasture when fed close. Is valuable for low, wet meadows, producing a large return in good hay. Sow in the spring or fall; one bushel per acre; weighs 14 lbs. per bushel; per lb. 35c; 3 lbs. 90c; pk 50c; bu. $1.25. Kentucky Blue Grass--This makes excellent pasture grass for our soil and climate, succeeding finely on our hill lands, and producing the most nourishing food for cattle, retaining its qualities till

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a late period in the winter, and farther south affording abundant food through the winter. Two bushels of extra clean, or one bushel of fancy clean seed should be sown per acre. It forms the finest and closest of lawns; for this purpose and extra quantity of seed should be used; say four to six bushels per acre; 14 lbs. per bushel. --Fancy Clean Seed--Per lb., 50c; 3lbs. $1.25; pk. 75c; bu. $2.25. --Extra Clean Seed--Per lb. 40c; 3 lbs. $1; pk. 60c; bu. $1.75. English Blue Grass, or Meadow Fescue--More robust than Kentucky Blue Grass, produces more pasturage, and stands the heat of summer well. Makes excellent hay. Sow in spring or fall, one bushel per acre; weighs 24 lbs. per bushel; per lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.25; pk. 75c; bu. $2.25. Crested Dogstail--One of the finest of lawn grasses, valuable on dry hard soils and hill for pasturage; twenty pounds per acre; 16 lbs. per bushel; per lb. $1: pk. $2; bu. $7. Sweet Vernal Grass--One of the earlist in spring, as well as the latest in autumn, mixed with other grasses it is valuable for lawns, exhaling a delightful fragrance when in bloom; per lb. 75c; 3 lbs. $2. Tall Fescue--(Festuca elatior)--Root fibrous, somewhat creeping, perennial, flowers in June and July. It thrives well on moist soils, and yields abundant crops. Cattle and stock eat it greedily; per lb. 50c.; 3 lb. $1.25; pk. $1.75; bu. $6. Hard Fescue--(Festuca duriuscula)--Is found in all the finest permanent pastures in the country, and is much valued for its dwarf habit. It resists the summer drought, and develops remarkable verdure during winter. It should form a part of every mixture for lawn or pleasure grounds, and for permanent pasture and alternate husbandry; per lb. 35c; 3 lbs. $1; pk. $1.50; bu. $5.50. Meadow Foxtail--Roots fibrous, perennial, flowers in May. This is one of the best grasses for permanent pastures, and should always form a fair proportion of the mixtures for that purpose, because of its extremely rapid growth and nutritive qualities. Thrives best on a rich, strong soil; per lb. 60c; 3 lbs. $1.50; pk. 85c; bu. $3. Rough Stalked Meadow Grass--Root fibrous, perennial. This grass is valuable on account of its quick growth, productiveness and nutritive qualities. Grows in perfection on moist, rich soils, and is also well adapted to ground shaded by trees. Grows early in the spring, and continues green until late in the fall; per lb. 40c; 3 lbs. $1; pk. $1.50; bu. $5.50. Common Millet--A well known and valuable annual forage plant, produces immense crops, especially valuable for cattle; 48 lbs. per bu.; one bu. per acre; per lb. 30c; pk. 50c; bu. $1.50.


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