




their appreciation for the cooperation of the Club Women in getting signatures.

Reports were made by the following Chairmen: Miss Gregg, for Motion Picture Committee that they have met and organized; Mrs. Bostain, welfare work, showing that much has been accomplished. The committee has collected and distributed 3957 garments, Also working on milk fund.

Mrs. Rivers reported that a tea in honor of Miss Cherul Williams and the teachers of all schools will be given in the club house on Thursday, October 20, from 4:30 to 6:00 o'clock, Parent Teacher Association and the shcools cooperating.

The program was in charge by the Welfare committee, Mrs Bostain chairman, who introduced Mr. J. C. Huskisson and Mr. Jack Simmmons. Mr Huskisson gave an interesting resume of the work undertaken by Reconsturctive Finance Corporation carried on by the government Mr. Simmons spoke of the county relief work s[l?]owing how it is being carried out and how the unemployed are being helped. A rising vote of appreciation was given Mr Huskisson and Mr. Simmons.

Miss Alice Collins presented three delightful readings.

Following Miss Collins, Miss Mary Reeder, harpist, and Miss Torelie [Dart], violinist rendered beautifully two selections, Mendelsohn's "On Wings of Song," and Massenet's "Meditation."

Business being resumed, Mrs. Moor moved that the recommendation of the Board that the initiation fee be abolished be voted on. carried.

In the absence of Mrs.Harry Lee Baker, Chairman of the Conservation committee, Mrs. Ponton reported that Mrs.Baker had received a bronze plaque by the Americas Forestry

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association for the most outstanding work in conservation. Mrs. Gage reported that the bridge tournament would begin October 24. At the close of the meeting the executive committee entertained the members with tea during the social hour. Respt submitted Alice Roberts, sec

Board Meeting, Nov 9, 1932

The regular Board Meeting of the Woman's Club was held on Nov 9 at the home of Mrs. Rivers who presided.

The president presented a request from Mr. Pike of the Christian Church for the use of their club house for their services Mrs. Bastain moved Mrs Duval recorded that the Christian Church concregation be allowed to use the club house for services if satisfactory arrangements could be made carried.

Miss Gregg moved Mrs Moor recorded that our club make a recommendation to the State Legislation Committee of the Woman's Club that they look into the State laws governing the "Free System" with a view

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to introducing a bill at the next Legislature regulating the same.

President announced that we would have a float in the Armistice Day Parade Moved by Miss Grey, seconded by Mrs. Nowood that the Cor Sec be asked to answer the letter of appeal from the Hospital for Crippled Children in St Petersburg to the effect that it will be informible to help them at the present time

There being no further business the meeting adjourned Resp submitted Ruth W [Gramling]

Woman's Club Meeting Nov 10- 32

The Woman's Club met in regular session on the tenth of Nov. in the Club house with the president, Mrs. E.G. Rivers, presiding. The meeting opened with the singing of Swannee River, folowed by the salute to the flag, and the reading of the club creed in unison the minutes of the Oct. meeting were read and approved The Treasurer report was read by Mrs. Gramling as follows:

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11 House Fund $106.10 Checking 69.73 Beutification 75.88 Conservation 52.40 Welfare 00 Accepted Mrs. Grawling moved, this Roberts seconded that the Club pay the $9.00 past due the [Apth?] of dairy Carried The following letters were read by Mrs. Grawling: From the Children's House in Jacksonville asking for notes of appreciation from family; and Mrs. Uyzell and family. On motion by Mrs. Grawling, the Club voted to send $10.00 to the Children's Home. The following recommendation from the Board was read The Board of Directers of the Tallehassee Women's Club in session Nov. 9 1932, made the following recommendation: That the Tallahassee Woman's Club, request legislative committee of the Forida Federaton of Woman's Club to investigate the evils of the [?] system in our State and to take Measures to introduce a bill in the 1933 Legistlature for remedying of the same. Adopted.

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The program for the afternoon was in charge by the Educational Com. Miss Gregg chairman. Miss Gregg introduced Mr James Rickards Sec. of the Florida Educationial Association, who spoke very interestingly on the subject "Florida's Problem in Education Today and the next several years". Mr. Rickards is 39th in the list of State in Education He showed that the teachers are carrying a heavier load than those in other occuptions and receive less money. He stated that one of the greatest needs in education is the opportunity for parents and taxpayers to study their schools their teachers their needs, and then be able to co-operate in a more intelligent way. Leon Jr. High School Girls' Glee Club presented [some] delightful numbers. "Lullaby" and "Little Black Lambs." The Club is under the direction of Miss Allie Beler Whittle. Mis Gregg next presented Mr. Frank Hartsfield County Surperintendent who spoke of Leon County's Problem in education Friday and the next several years." Among the problems stated by Mrs. Hartsfield were:

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