
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.





26 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning and taught Primary. Grandma is ill in bed. Feast Sunday. The party was a very poor do, no band. Janet Olive & I went to a sacred concert in evening which was very [good]

27 MONDAY Went to school as usuall. Had a lot of homework in evening which was very difficult. Very cold weather and no fires at school.

28 TUESDAY Took two dishes and potatoes and apples to school and made a cheese and potato pie, and pond apple pie. 6d. Olive said she enjoyed them. George came in evening. Had a lot of H.W.

29 WEDNESDAY Had a letter from Mummy and Daddy. Had a lot of homework in evening, and George came in Janet had a bath.

30 THURSDAY Went and saw Miss Tilly about my career during gym. I have dropped Scripture. Had some very boring Maths lessons. Had a bath and went to bed early

October 1 FRIDAY Had a free lesson and got my maths done. Fell over in rounders and cut my knee. Mummy and Daddy came home in evening and George came in Olive washed my hair.

2 SATURDAY Helped Mummy and wrote an English essay in morning. Olive went home after dinner. We all went to pictures in evening and saw Random Harvest V.G.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



3 SUNDAY Went to Sunday school in morning and taught primary. Finished homework in afternoon Mummy & Daddy went to Little Thetford in evening. We stayed at home on our own

4 MONDAY Started wearing my gym tunic. Had a terrible lot of home work. George finished his last op.

5 TUESDAY George put a stone on the gate to tell us he has back. Saw him in the evening. He did not come in as he was celebrating his last op at the chequers. made vegies au gratin and apple pudding in cookery.

6 WEDNESDAY got my homework finished early. Peggy came over and stayed the night. George and his navigator Tom came in and we had a supper party.

7 THURSDAY Lovely day. Mummy and Peggy went to Ely. Did not have much homework. Took Peter for a walk Peggy went at 8.40 pm.

8 FRIDAY Lovely day. Played hockey in the afternoon. Did not see George at all in evening. F.L. Hump came over from Witchford for a short time in evening Did some homework.

9 SATURDAY Janet Gown came to live with us for a few days Peeled veges in morning. Did homework all the afternoon. George came in for a little while. Hump came over for the evening.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



10 SUNDAY Went to Sunday school in morning and taught primary. Finished my homework in afternoon. George came to Janet and I took him to chapel. Miss Russel preached

11 MONDAY Lovely day. Dissected a fish in science. Very interesting. Went out in dinner hour. Went to a practise of play in evening with Mummy.

12 TUESDAY I have got a prize for science. Janet a form Prize. George went on 14 days leave. Betty Ambrose away from school . Acted in the Conqueror in evening

13 WEDNESDAY Betty came back to School, and said she had been away because of a headache. Had a terrible lot of homework in evening

14 THURSDAY Had a nasty gym lesson Mummy went to Ely with Mrs Gambert and bought herself a new Mustard dress. Did a lot of homework.

15 FRIDAY * Lovely day went out if the dinner hour. Had a super game of hockey in the afternoon. S. L. Hump came in evening for about half an hour Did some homework.

16 SATURDAY Helped mummy and went to Sutton to take my satchel to be mended. Did homework all the afternoon S.L Hump came in evening and we played games.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



17 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning and taught primary. It poured with rain. Finished home work in afternoon. Read the tale of Two Cities in evening.

18 MONDAY Quite a nice day. Had 2 free lessons so got some homework done. Had a fire in lounge. Olive came and Daddy and she played their violins. I did H.W. and read Tale of Two Cities.

19 TUESDAY Made chocolate pudding and sauce in cookery. Brought them both home and they were lovely 8d. Had a crazy game of netball in little playground Did homework in evening.

20 WEDNESDAY Lovely day. Had a lovely Science lesson when we played with plungers, syphons and syringes. Had a history test lasting two whole lessons Mrs Susman came for tea. Had a lot of HW

21 THURSDAY Poured with rain in the morning, but cleared up in the afternoon and was quite nice. Had a nasty gym lesson. Had my hair washed in evening and did homework

22 FRIDAY Lovely day. Started making blouse Pattern in Needlework. Went out in dinner hour and bought myself a navy cardigan. B/4 Hockey matches played in afternoon F.L.Hump came in evening

23 SATURDAY Poured with rain nearly all day. Helped Mummy all morning Did homework and had a bath in afternoon. Constables came in evening.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir



Went to Sunday School in morning and taught Primary. Poured with rain in the morning.Went to Sunday School in afternoon. finished homework in evening.

Thick fog in morning had two free lessons. but still had a lot of homework.

Made lentil soup in cookery 2d. Played about in Geography. Thick fog. Had fire in lounge but no one came in so had a very dull time.

Thick fog again. Had quite a lot of homework, but George came in and so left most to do in free lesson. He is going on a Destroyer for experience and then on lanes path finding.

George's birthday met him in the morning with a bad of apples, and he had forgotten it was his birthday. He came in the evening and we had a ripping time It was all over the chestnuts and an orange

Not quite so foggy. Broke up for half term. George came for tea but could not stay as he had to go to Plymouth Peggy, Olive and SL. Hump came in evening and we played games.

Peggy and I went to Little port with Daddy and Saw Tann's dogs Brian came in afternoon and was a nuisince. Played games in evening.

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Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
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