The diary of Edwin Marshall Clarke (1917) follows the day-to-day happenings of a twelve year old boy's life in New York during the penultimate year of World War I. Edwin narrates his somewhat troubled adolescence through the lenses of his social life, home life, and formal education, and...
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.
The diaries of Joan Marion Drake (1940-1945) detail six years of the life of a young English school-child during WWII. She was the daughter of a farmer, dutiful to her studies, and she remarks on the war.
Five Year Diary of Lucie Lang 1933-1937 English Dimensions: 14 x 9.5 x 2.3 cm
The diary of Lydia Gay Ingallas (1832-1840), wife of Mr. Daniel Ingallas of Boston, is one of sorrow. She was born in Massachusetts on July 25, 1765 and was extremely devout.
William Richardson Notebook