JULY 1943
18 SUNDAY Went to S. School in morning and taught Primary. Saw Rona. Went to S. School in afternoon. Grandma came to tea. Revised all evening.
19 MONDAY Had 2hr Algebra exam first which was not too bad. In afternoon had English literature unclear text exam 1½ hrs which was awful.
20 TUESDAY Had a 1½ hour French exam which was not too bad. In afternoon had a lovely History lesson on education.
21 WEDNESDAY Had a practical cookery test in which we could make any dish for a party I made shortbread biscuits. Had a laughable singing lesson.
22 THURSDAY Had Mrs Wright for English went swimming. In afternoon had to have a Geography lesson
23 FRIDAY Had a double geometry lesson to start off with . In afternoon form II acted a play which was very good and we listened to some gramophone [smudged text]
24 SATURDAY In morning went and watched Rona be bathed at 10 o'clock. in afternoon did some washing. Had a bath in the evening.
JULY 1943
25 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning Mrs Baxter took primary. I played Went to Sunday S. in afternoon. Auntie Dorothy and Mollie and Jill came in evening. Also flight went Humphreys came for ½ hr.
26 MONDAY Played Rounders in morning. A very very hot day. Helped to tidy up lab in Science. Played a little tennis. In eveningafternoon 2 RAF boys came to tea Hymphreys came in evening.
27 TUESDAY Mussolini resigned. Had long history lesson on him. got all my old art pictures from Miss Oats. Watched erased text
28 WEDNESDAY Cleared up in cookery and cleared up in Science. Sang community songs in singing
29 THURSDAY Saw Miss Oats puppet show which was lovely. Went swimming terribly hot. Checked books. Lower IVs acted some plays which were not very good. Hump came in evening.
30 FRIDAY Said good-bye to Miss Roy and Miss Oats. Gave Miss Burton 6 wine glasses for wedding present. Broke up at 12 o' clock . FL Hump came in evening
31 SATURDAY Helped Mummy all the morning Mrs Faires came in afternoon and F. L. Hump came to tea. Read book on lawn in evening.
AUGUST 1 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning. Auntie Connie took Primary. K. Shipp & I took Primary to see Joy's baby christened. F.L. Hump came to tea and we went to chapel in evening.
2 MONDAY Rough windy day. Helped Mummy in morning. Did some sewing in afternoon. Took Peter for a walk in evening. F.L. Hump dropped in for a short time
3 TUESDAY Helped Mummy all the morning went to Sutton in afternoon. Brian in hospital. Having his tonsils out. Ironed in evening. FL Hump came for evening
4 WEDNESDAY Helped Mummy all the morning Had a birthday party in afternoon. F.L. Hump was only visitor able to come Had some fun in evening
5 THURSDAY Clarences birthday. Mummy went to Ely and had her had her hair cut Hump cycled to Ely to get me a book I ironed all the evening
6 FRIDAY In evening went to Sutton to see Ian. He is lovely. George Falloon D.F.M. came and helped to pull plums in evening also Tom Wilkinson came for weekend
7 SATURDAY *Tom went out with Daddy for day Did some cooking in morning. Had dinner very late. FL Hump came for afternoon and came again in evening. Went to bed early
8 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning and taught primary. Hump came in afternoon. I read all the afternoon and evening. In evening we had a fire.
9 MONDAY Tom went back in morning. I got up late. Helped Mummy in morning. George and Tom came in evening also in F.L. Hump.
10 TUESDAY Nice day. Mummy washed and I pegged things out. The planes from our drome went out over Nuremberg. They all returned.
11 WEDNESDAY Made an apple pie and tart in morning. Peggy Davison came for day. Went for cycle ride around drome in afternoon. George Tom and F.L. Hump came in evening.
12 THURSDAY Nice day. Cleaned out my bedroom and did ironing in morning. Served plums in afternoon. F.L Hump came in evening and we played ball.
13 FRIDAY Helped Mummy in morning. In evening went and helped George to pull plums. Clarence cycled over from beyond St. Ives to see us for an hour.
14 SATURDAY Daddy took F.L Hump and I to meet Sheila in the car. F.L. Hump took Sheila and I out to coffee. Went to Sutton in afternoon to see Ian.
15 SUNDAY Went to Sunday School in morning and taught Primary. George and F.L.Hump came for tea. George played violin but had to go early in evening.
16 MONDAY Lovely day. Sheila and Janet went to Sutton in morning. I stayed at home and helped Mummy. Pulled plums in the afternoon. F.L.Hump came to tea.
17 TUESDAY Lovely day. Did a little washing in morning. Tom came for supper and George came for tea and supper.
18 WEDNESDAY Helped Mummy in morning. Lovely day. Went to Auntie Winnie's for tea and played with Roger. George came in evening and had a sleep here.
19 THURSDAY Helped Mummy in morning. We sold a lot of plums. F.L Hump came plum pudding and stayed for supper.
20 FRIDAY Very hot and sultry. Tak F.L Hump pulled plums in afternoon and came to tea. George came in the evening.
21 SATURDAY Helped mummy in morning. George came at dinnertime. F.L Hump at tea time. Both came for evening and we played games. Had a lovely time.