Cookery and medical receipt book





Orange Wine

To make 9 Gallons of Wine, the day before you make the wine, put 8 Gallons of water into an open tub with 3 1/2 of lump sugar to every gallon of water only, take 2 quarts boiling hot & put on the Rinds of 2 dozen Oranges cut very thin & let them stand a day then strain it off & put it to the sugar & water & squeze it through a hair sive to every gallon put the juice of 14 oranges. mix all together put it into a cask if not quite full you may add a little cold water it must not be bunged up for 5 weeks then put a bottle of best brandy & bung it up close - and to be bottled in a twelve months.

Mrs Gardener

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To make the Green [bruse] oil

Take a quart of sallad oil and put in a few young leaves of green bays Rue Red sage green leaves of Lavender and the tops of Rosemary of each a handful and a handful and halfe of Cammomile shred fine & Beat fine in a mortar put all into a pipkin close cover'd & put on a gentle Fire that it may simmer but let the Pipkin have a hole in the top to let out the vapours & so let it simmer for an hour & half then strain it thro a cloth and put it in the bottle

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and when cold add an ounce of oil of spikes lavender. the Herbs are to be gathered' in may.

Dr Smith

For a buise or strain

Take of lavender Balm, Rosemary Red Sage green Camomile of a Valerian of each half a pound stript from the stalks these herbs must be rubbed with a dry Cloth and beat well in a marble mortar then put into an earthen pan With 1/4 Pound of Worm Seed the whole must then be cover'd with Sallad oil about 2 inches

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from the Herbs cover the pan with a pewter plate and put it in the sun ten days taking it in every night after that boil it over a gentle fire a quarter of an hour then strain it & when cold add fresh herbs and procede as before then strain it again & it will be fit for use.

Lavender Water

A quart of rectified spirits of wine one ounce of oil of Lavender quarter of an oz of Bergamot and a quarter of an oz of Ambergrease mix the Lavender & Ambergrease with a small quantity of the spirits then add the remainder shake it every day for

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a fortnight when it will be fit for use.

Mrs Drinkwater

to Dye black silk or net

Soak one pound of chipt logwood in a gallon of spring water one hour boil it half an hour strain it off and let it go cold then put in your net and let it boil take it out add to the liquor of green copperas & verdegrease each the size of a wallnut finely pounded put in the net again and let it boil half an hour take it off & let it stand till it is cold throw it into a large pan of spring water rence it well & continue to do so changing the water till it is not coloured

Mrs Bowe

Last edit over 3 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries
Displaying pages 36 - 40 of 96 in total