Cookery and medical receipt book





Carrot Soup

Take 2 lb of beef: stew it tender in 4 quarts of water. Season the broth with herbs to your taste. take 2 quarts of Carrots - let them be first fry'd then boil'd - till quite tender, strain them through a sieve their liquor should be the thickness of a good cream, add the whites of2 leeks and Boil the whole together. when servd up add a teacup of cream.

NB if any difficulty is found in thickening the soup put a little butter + a little flour

Last edit almost 4 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries


To make Essences

Tip some fine carded cottens into Oil of Olive or Ben Nuts till it is thoroughly impregnated. Lay a [bed] of this cotton into an Earthen or tin Vessel - over which lay lightly a partly thick layer of any sweet flowers you like- then another layer of Oil and another of Flowers and so on till your pan is full, tye it lose down and put it in a gentle heat 24 hours, if not strong enough add more flowers renewing the heat then squeeze the Oil from the Cotton + bottle it

Last edit almost 4 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries


To make Raisen Wine

Take 5 lb of Raisen to each Gallon of water. Put the quantity of water you design for wine into a copper, put to it half the quantity of fruit and boil them gently together half an hour, stir them all the time then strain [crossed out: it] off the raisens and and put the best into the sause liquor boiling and stiring them as before. Strain it off and put it into a broad tub put some yeast and work it like Beer, when it has done working stir it up and in about a fortnight put the Bung on [it] in a month after knock it down close and let it stand a year, then rack it off and let it stand till fine.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries


Mrs. Fraser's Orange Wine

Put twelve pounds of fine sugar + the white of [8] Eggs well beaten into Six Gallons of spring water. Let it boil an hour skimming it all the time. Take it off and when it is pretty cool put in the juice and rind of Fifty seville Oranges and six spoonfulls of good Ale yeast and let it stand two days then put it into your Vessel with 2 quarts of good Rhenish Wine and the juice of twelve lemons: you must let the juice of the lemons and Wine and two pounds of double refin'd Sugar stand close cover'd ten or twelve hours - before you put it in the Vessel with the Orange Wine and skim off the seeds before you put it in; the lemon peels must be put in with the Oranges half the rind must be put into the Vessel. It must stand ten or twelve days before it is put to bottles.

Last edit almost 4 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries


Receipt for preserving Orang juice - Mrs Johnston's way

[crossed out: ....] Take

To make orange syrup To 1 quart of Orange Juice, put 3 Pounds of fine moist Sugar - a quarter of a Pint of Brandy or Rum, a small quantity of the Peels: mix all well together & skim it every day till there is no Scum left: then bottle it for use - You may add a little Lemon Juice if you please

Mrs Gardiner

Last edit over 3 years ago by University of Toronto Libraries
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