File 1: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 4, pp. 1-402, 1811-1856



Needs Review


will advise you what to do with them - in haste I am Dear Son yours truly Hassall

Last edit about 1 year ago by Roslyn
Needs Review


Parramatta 25th April 1815.

Dear Son As we are in want of Sugar I will thank you to inquire of Mr Riley the price of his sugar and if not too dear he may send me a chest of Tea & 2 or 3 bags of sugar - in case the sugar is cheaper through taking the tea - & if not only send the sugar - if Mr Riley should have none you had better get the bag from [indecipherable] your Brother has mentioned to me but I think it should not be more than one shilling per pound as they sold it to Mr Cartwright at the same time last week - but I must leave you to do the best you can for me but be sure to send us a bag let the price be what it may - in haste - I am Dr Son yours sincerely Hassall

Last edit about 1 year ago by Roslyn
Needs Review


Fathers Mr, Tho [Thomas] Hassall Mr Birnies Sydney [indecipherable] Hassall

Last edit 8 months ago by natsa
Needs Review


Parramatta 23rd May 15 My Dear Son Through Mr Allen calling in the store receipts - is the cause of my enclosing the within for £19.7.9 stg - which I think you had better present to Mr Broughton or Mr Allen in return to prevent future disputes - otherwise you can use it any other way so that you secure the payment - As Mr Shelley will deliver this to you I will thank you to send me by him the three lots of Bills upon England as I shall want to send them to London, and the sooner you get them - the sooner I shall close my Packet -- your mother has just been favoured with yours of this day, date and agreeable to your request. We will all endeavour to be at home to enjoy your company with any friends you wish to invite, on Monday next as we have no wine if you could send us up by an early conveyance one dozn of Port & one dozn [indecipherable] it will

Last edit about 1 year ago by Roslyn
Needs Review


be very acceptable which charge to my account and be sure to let us have the wine in time for Monday that we may make merry with our friend - Your letter to Mrs [indecipherable] with the I am etc " etc came safe to hand and if you could purchase me 2 or 3 [indecipherable] from [indecipherable] for the use of our men they would be of great service indeed- in very great haste I remain My very dear Son yours sincerely Hassall

Last edit about 1 year ago by Roslyn
Displaying pages 26 - 30 of 289 in total