City of Kingston. City Commissioners Diary, 1881-1897





[Margin] Summoned before the magistrate 20 Jan'y/83 Dismissed [/margin] Lawrence Walch neglected to remove the snow from off the board walk in front of his property on Centre Street, when notified 15 Jan'y/83

[Margin] Summoned before the magistrate 20 Jan'y /83 dismissed snow removed [/margin] John Dunbar neglected to remove the snow from off the boardwalk in front of his property on Union St when notified 17 Jan'y/83

[Margin] Obstruction removed as notified [/margin] Complaint is made that the 7 & 10¢ store on Brock Street has erected a sign on the Boardwalk Contrary to By Law. rep. [reported] P. C. [police constable] Wm [William] Hinds 30 Jan'y/83 Notified the proprietor Isaac Mitchell this day 30 Jan'y /83

[Margin] Summoned before the magistrate on the 31st Jan'y adj to 2nd Feb Snow removed [/margin] Complaint is that Saml Cunningham neglected or refused to remove the snow from off the boardwalk in front of his property on Alfred Street. When notified to do so Report P. C. [Police Constable] Wm [William] Hinds 30 Jan'y /83

[Margin] Wm [William] Newman was summoned and fined $1.00 and cost Forsyth removed the snow [/margin] Complaint was made by Tho [Thomas] Robinson that Wm [William] Newman and Jas. [James] M. Forsyth allowed the snow to remain on the boardwalk in front of their property on Collingwood Street. Contrary to By Law Notified them this day 30th Jan'y /83

[Margin] Summoned on the 9th and fined $1.00 and costs [/margin] Complaint was made that James Watts allowed the snow to remain on the boardwalk in front of his premises on cor. [corner] of Earl and Division Sts Report P. C. Thompson 8th Feb/83

Last edit about 3 years ago by Khufu


[Margin] Snow cleard from the board walk according to notice [/margin] Complaint was made that one Francis Davis did not clear away the snow from the boardwalk in front of the property on Gordon Street Per report P. C. [police constable] Jas. [James] Nesbitt Feb 3rd/83 Notified him this day Feb 8th

[Margin] Summoned before the magistrate Feb 13/1883 Fined $40 and costs [/margin] Wm [William] Murray this day Feb 10th/83 sold or offered for sale a house by auction without having a license so to do.

[Margin] Nuisance removed as notified [/margin] Complaint was made that some person deopsited nuisance on William Street west of Bagot. Made an inspection this day Feb 17th and notified the person implicated to remove the nuisance stone

[Margin] Snow is removed according to notice [/margin] Alex Green M.P. allowed the snow to remain on the board walk in front of his property on Collingwood Street. Contrary to By Law. Notified him this day Feb 7th /83 to remove the snow

[Margin] Complaint dismissed by the Police Magistrate [/margin] Complaint was made the Bernard Monahan did throw or cause to be thrown ashes. slops, kitchen or other refuse on the public street contrary to by law. Summoned

[Margin] Nuisance removed according to notice [/margin] Complaint was made by the Secretary of the P. D. [police department] Board that some person was depositing filth on the Street fronting on the Queen Street School property Notified Jas. [James] C. Gardiner to remove the matter complained of Feb 20/83

Last edit about 3 years ago by Khufu


[Margin] Snow removed this day 17th Mar/83 [/margin] Complaint was made that William Allen allowed snow to remain on the board walk opposite to his property on Brock Street Contrary to By Laws. Notified him this 17th March/83

[Margin] License issued see page 454 [/margin] The following persons were summoned before the magistrate for keeping a "Junk" Shop without having a License so to do as required by By Law this 21st March/83 [Margin] Licensed 454 [/margin] Isaac David (adj to 29th) [Margin] Licensed 454 [/margin] Peter Lamoureaux Snr [senior] (Adj to 29th) [Margin] Licensed 454 [/margin] Peter Lamoureaux Jr (adj to 29th) [Margin] Licensed 454 [/margin] Chas. [Charles] H. Mitchen [adj to 29th) [Margin] Licensed 454 [/margin] William Montgomery (adj to 29th)

[Margin] Summoned before the Magistrate Mar 29th fined $1.00 and cost [/margin] Complaint is made that Jno. Breden neglected or refused to remove the snow from the board walk in front of his property on Union St. Notified him by post this day 19th March

The following persons were summoned before the Magistrate this day 30th March for neglecting to remove snow [Margin] Fined [/margin] Saml P. White Fined $1.00 and costs [margin] Dismissed [/margin] Mr R. Carson Dismissed [margin] Dismissed [/margin] Joseph Kidd Dismissed [margin] Fined [/margin] Patrick McLaughlin Fined $1.00 and costs [margin] Dismissed [/margin] James Davana Dismissed [margin] Fined [/margin] James M. Dunlop Fined $1.00 and costs [Margin] Adjourned [/margin] Wm [William] McCartney Jr Adjourned [Margin] Fined [/margin] Cha's [Charles] Fields Fined $1.00 and costs [Margin] Dismissed [/margin] R. Beaupre Dismissed [Margin] Dismissed [/margin] Felix Hay Dismissed [Margin] Fined [/margin] Samuel H. Fee Fined $1.00 and costs

Last edit about 3 years ago by Khufu


The following persons were summond before the Magistrate this day 30th March for neglecting to remove snow [Margin] No jurisdiction [/margin] 1. John Duff No jurisdiction [Margin] Tenant is liable [/margin] 2. William Allen, dismissed (has a tenant) [Margin] Fined $1.00 and costs [/margin] 3. Daniel Corrigan, fined $1.00 and costs

[Margin] adjourned, to give him time to clear the snow awaycleaned [/margin] John Holmes was summond this day 31st March for neglecting to remove snow from the land he rents from Wm [William] Allen as a pasture (1883)

[Margin] Rec'd the amount as per Tres. [treasurer] receipt April 7/83 [/margin] Robert Wales is opening a drain on William street 36 feet at 25¢ $9.00

[Margin] acct. rec'd as per the Treasurer's Receipt April 11/83 [/margin] Wm [William] Martin Opera House License for Jan'y 1st "Pathfinders" $3.00 Jan'y 24th "Legrand" $2.00 Feb 2 "Muldoon" $2.00 Feb 19th "Thursby" $2.00 Feb 22nd "Leavitts " $2.00 Mar. 8th "Elliott" $2.00 Mar. 14 "Strictly Business" $2.00 Mar. 22 "Kean" $2.00 Mar. 28 "Toney Denier" $2.00 [totalling] $19.00

[Margin] Amt. paid per Treasurer receipt June 16/83 [/margin] Geo. [George] Newlands opened a drain on Princess Street. Notified him this day to pay frontage a/c 26th April/83 12 feet @25 $3.00

[Margin] Bonds given as required by By Law [/margin] Jno. C. Mitchell laid down or caused to be laid down building material on the corner of Earl and Division Streets Notified him by post April 26th/83

Last edit about 3 years ago by Khufu


[Margin] Bond given to the Corporate by Snowden & McC [/margin] Snowden and McCartney are laying down building material on the corner of Division and Agnews Lane Contrary to By Law 28th April /83

[Margin] Summoned before the Police Magistrate and convicted [/margin] William Davis neglected to pay license for two Billiard Tables as required by By Law, summoned for May 2d/83

[Margin] Summond before the Police Magistrate and fined $5.00 and costs [/margin] Martin Staley] refused to take out License for his Bagatelle table as required by By Law, Summond May 2/83

[Margin] Summond before the Police Magistrate and fined $7.00 and costs [/margin] Brayton Gurnsey neglected or refused to take out License for Bagatelle Table as required be By Law, Summond May 2/83

[Margin] Summond before the Police Magistrate May 9th/83 got permission from the Council = dismissed [/margin] Samuel Jenkin is erecting an awning and posts in Ontario Street without having permission from the City Council as required by By Law Chpater 8 Sec 18 Vol. 2 Contrary to said By Law

[Margin] Summond before the Magistrate May 11th/83 dismissed covered the side walk [/margin] George Newland for not covering plank walk to protect the [illegible] during the erection of a building of McNee and Minnes on Bagot St

[Margin] Gave bonds to the Corporation as required by the By Law [/margin] Complaint was made that some person had laid down building material on Gordon Street near Princess. Report by P. C. [police constable] Small May 9/83 Investigated and found that Dr Brown was the person who put the material on the streets

[Margin] Amt. rec'd per Treas. [treasurer] receipt 16th July/83 [/margin] "Opera House" License "Pat Rooney" Apirl 4th $2.00 "W. J. Florence" April 24th $2.00 "Iolanthe" April 30th and May 1st m- [matinee?] $5.00 "Tom Thumb" May 5th and m- [matinee?] $3.00 "Esmeraldi" May 15th and 16th $4.00 "Hazel Kirk" May 23rd $2.00 [totalling] $18.00

Last edit 10 months ago by Queen's University Archives
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