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{8}To make little fried puddings.

Grate a penie white loafe, take a quarter of a pound of currants
3 egges and a pretty quantity of suet, a little spoonefull of
sugar, a little spice, salt, make it a little wtt with milke, soe
that it may be taken up with a spoone and laid in the panne
by spoonsfull, soe fry them with sweet butter.

{9}To make Hoggs puddings white

Take . 6 . pennyworth of manchet and grate it, and put to it 3. pounds
of hoggs suet, cut uery small, but first season it with a little
pepper some cloues and mace, one ounce of nutmeggs, grated
and a little fennell bruised . xu . Eggs and but 4 of the whits
a little rosewater sprinckled upon it, 3 pounds of Currants washed
then boile half a hoggs liuer readie and while it is hot
stamp it and straine it with warame milke, and put it
in with a little salt, and stirre all well together, and wett
it with more warme milke till it be uery lithey, & fill
them with a fillbowle and boile them somewhat fast.

{11}To make Bloudinges

Take greate whole oatmeale and bruise it uery little, steepe
it all night in scalding milke then mingle it with a
little bloud not to much and put in a little beffe broth
and some hoggs suet cut in great peeces, cloues & mace
pepper and fennell seed a little

{12}To make all sorts of
cordiall Conserues

Take the flowers of Burrage, or Buglosse, succory or Endife
in quantity 4 ounces, and adde thereto of rose water one
pinte boile this on a soft fire of charcoals till halfe
of the water be consumed then add thereto of the purest
loafe sugar 12 ounces, and boile it to the forme of a gelly
reseruing it for cooling conserues and cordiall to the heart

{13}To make Cordiall in

Take of Eringo rootes . 2 ounces, of orenge pitts & citrons
pitts of each 2 ounces, of Coliander comfits, and anisseeds
comfits, of Each . 2 1/2 ounces, of the powder of Ploriser
centicon a quarter of an ounce of pearle prepared as
much, of amber greece 20 graines of fine sugar . 6 ouces
of red rose water as much as will boile the sugar to the
hight of manus christi, you must first boile your rosewater
and sugar to that height and then put in your roots and pitts
being maruellous finely sliced, and softly boile it and then
gently shake in your other powders, and giue it a gentle whalme
and soe make them into Cakes

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