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{4}To make a fine Northfolk

Take 3 . Eggs, half a pint of good milke . 3 great spoonsfull of
flower, and a little salt, stirre them well together, and take as
thick a cloth as you can get, fil tie it up quickly and put it in a
seething pot, when it is sodd, take butter, a spoonefull of rosewater
and a little suger, & melt it together, to powre ouer your Dumplin

{5}To make a Custard

Take a pint of good Creame and boile it leasurely a little while,
putting therein Carrawaye seeds if you like it, then take the yolkes
of 7 Eggs, and beat them well, then put in your Eggs with a spoone
full or two of rosewater, Cinamon, ginger, cloues, and mace pounded
sweetening it with suger, and soe put it in to a pewter dish
ouer a pot of water, letting it stand the space of an houre
couering it with an other dish, and wiping the steeme from that
dish now and then

{6}To make a Tansy

Take . 5 or . 6 Eggs, and take out the white of one Egge, put therto
halfe a pinte of Creame and better, and a spoonefull of
flower, the Juice of tansy, sorrell, uiolet leaues, straweberry
leaues, beat all these well together and straine them, put to
it cloues & mace soe fry it with sweet butterm not forgetting salt.

{7}To make Dyet bread

Take a pound of your finest flower, sersed, a pound of the finest sugar
beaten, and well searsed, one ounce of carway seed, a nounce of aniseed, an
ounce of sweet fenell seed, your seeds must be well dryed and rubbed
betweene your hands, and searsed, x Eggs beaten together with the
sugar and seeds, after that take the flower aboue named, and let
one uery softly shake it into the Egges, suger and seeds, and other
still stirring till all the flower be in them, the batter must be
presently put into the coffins, and the Coffins into the ouen
and soe the bread shall be soone baked the coffins must
be made of oake, and the bottoms of plate, and before the batter
be put in your must butter the coffins

{8}To make Puffe Paste

Take a quart of fine flower finely fitted . 2 eggs, whit and all
halfe a pounde of batter, halfe a spoonefull of rosewater, and
as much sugar, first mingle the flower & the eggs with a little
peece of butter, and make it uery stiff, then slice it in thin slices
and lay a piece of butter betwene each of them and role them
with a rolling pinne, soe let them lie a while before you put
them in fashion

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