Early modern recipe books


Early modern recipe books
This project, a collaboration between the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC and the Wellcome Collection in London, contains digitized manuscript recipe books from the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries. It is funded by a grant to the Folger from the University of Sheffield as part of the AHRC-funded US-UK Food Digital Scholarship Network. The goal of the project is to provide a freely available platform for repositories to make their early modern manuscript recipe books available for crowdsourced transcription.
College of Physicians of Philadelphia: Robert Pryor Richardson notes on the lectures of John Syng Dorsey, 1817 (10a-198)

College of Physicians of Philadelphia: Robert Pryor Richardson notes on the lectures of John Syng Dorsey, 1817 (10a-198)

One volume (64 p.) of an incomplete set of notes on materia medica lectures delivered by John Syng Dorsey. Lectures are numbered 2-8; lecture 2 is dated 17 Nov. 1817. Topics covered include animal life, sympathy, nutrients, vegetable food (grains, roots, fruits), animal food (mutton, wild game,...

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86 pages: 37% complete (99% transcribed, 62% needs review)
English recipe book, 17th century and later MS 8575

English recipe book, 17th century and later MS 8575

Collection of medical and culinary recipes in several hands. The recipes are written into a volume that was originally designed for recording classical exempla, epigrams, or extracts from Roman authors; a few entries have been made under such headings as 'Ars', 'Clementia', and 'Crudelitas'....

211 pages: 19% complete (99% transcribed, 80% needs review)
London Metropolitan Archives: Recipe Book (CLC/270/MS00558)

London Metropolitan Archives: Recipe Book (CLC/270/MS00558)

A collection of 17th century recipes, in some cases with the name of the donor, which by 1686 was in the possession of Lady Tyrrill.

524 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
Medici, Antonio De'

Medici, Antonio De'

Segreti ... esperimentati di sua propria mano tutti verissimi dati, e donati a me Caterina Medici nel Convento delle Murate di Firenze, l'anno 1598. On the third leaf the MS. is described as 'Trattato copioso diviso in due parti, nella prima si insegna il modo da fare tutti i lisci senaza...

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694 pages: 3% complete (7% transcribed, 4% needs review)
MS 222: Croy, Anne de, Princesse de Chimay ( -1539)

MS 222: Croy, Anne de, Princesse de Chimay ( -1539)

"Recueil d'aulcunes confections et mèdicines bien spèciales et singulières que madame la duchesse d'Arscot princesse de Chimay, marquise de Remy, comtesse de Pornean de Beaumont, etc. fait mectre en ordre I'an mil Ve trente trois, hors de beaucoup de receptes particulières qu'elle avoit chieux...

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132 pages: 2% complete (2% transcribed)
MS 244: Dineley/Dyneley (or Dingley/Dyngley), Henry (& others)

MS 244: Dineley/Dyneley (or Dingley/Dyngley), Henry (& others)

Collection of medical receipts in English, with a few in Latin. Preceded by a Calendar, etc., and at the end part of an Armorial by an earlier hand. With additions to the Receipts by later hands. Written mainly in double column: the Calendar in red and black, and the Armorial partly emblazoned,...

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444 pages: 6% complete (14% transcribed, 7% needs review)
MS 373: Jane Jackson

MS 373: Jane Jackson

"A very shorte and compendious Methode of Phisicke and Chirurgery Containeinge the Cures inwardly and also the Cureinge of all manner of woundes on the bodie together with remedies for the stone and the causes and signes thereof, etc. As also the making of Sirrups and all manner of oyles and...

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143 pages: 2% complete (15% transcribed, 12% needs review)
MS.5853 Recipe Collection, 19th Century

MS.5853 Recipe Collection, 19th Century

Collection of culinary, household and medicinal remedies. The recipes were collected by Mrs M H Turnbull, who appears to have been in India in the 1820s, and later at Chobham Place, Surrey, and at Abingdon, Berks. A number of items relate to curry and chutney, and to the preservation of articles...

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207 pages: 6% complete (22% transcribed, 15% needs review)


c.17th-18th century herbal manuscript referencing 'Parkinson', presumed to be herbalist John Parkinson (1567-1650), author of the most popular printed herbal during this period "Theatrum Botanicum - Theatre of Plants". The manuscript appears to have been written in 2 different hands and contains...

85 pages: 100% complete (100% transcribed)
MS688 Book of surgerie and phisick

MS688 Book of surgerie and phisick

Handwritten recipe book from the collections of the Royal College of Physicians. Begone the yeare of Our Lord 1601. Written by Andrewe Plowden, Servant to Mistress Honore Henslow. With Typescript letter (MS688A) From Peter Warren, Clerk to the Bradninch Town Trust, donating the volume to R.C.P....

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172 pages: 0% complete (0% transcribed)
Displaying works 1 - 10 of 38 in total

Incomplete Works