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{1}To make Harts horne Gelly an
appoued good way

Take some 4 . ounces of scraped Harts horne, and lay it a steepe in
ale quart of faire running water 24 houres, then put in a pipin
cut in pices, and if the party be cold, you may put in neare a pinte
of shery sack, a large mace, half a nutmegg; 4 or 5 cloues, and
a few Coliander seeds, these tye in a little linnen ragg and a
slice of leom with it, and you must put in neere halfe a pinte
of red rose water, this must be boiled softly, with a soberfire
untill it be halfe consumed then put in halfe a pound of the
best loofe suger, or 3 quarters, as the party likes it or as the
substance of the gelly requireth. when it is boiled enough,
which you shall know, by setting some a cooling in a spoone
for you must not boile it soe long till it button on the side
of a dish, for then it will be tough, when you thinke it enoigh
put in a branch of rosemary into your cotten Gelly bagg, and let
it runne into your gelly pot or glasse, This will keepe as well as
Conserue, and one spoonefull will nourish as much as a
whole Cock it is good in Consumption & against the wormes
it Carrieth many euills from the stomack and the heart
you may eate of it att any time or take it in broth, you may
make it of Bugglasse watter the more to comfort the heart if
one be to hot take Endiue water, if ouer stufft take hysop
water or fennell water

{2}To make China Broth

Take an ounce of the best china, slice it thin, of yellow sanders
sliced, the weight of 4[.], steep this in 3. quarts of Barley
water, for 26. houres, then with an old Cock drest and the
bones broken, of Burrage, sidrach, Coltsfoot and harts tongue
leaues of each a handfull, of Rosemary, Maidenhaire and
time, of each halfe a handfull, Raisins of the sunne stoned,
a large handfull, 6. figgs sliced, as many dates, a large mace,
half a handfull of white poppie seed, and att the latter end
of boiling, put in a quarter of a pinte of muscadine, boile all
to the consumption, of halfe the licor or better, either for
broth or Gelly.

{3}To make Second Pottage.

Take a quart of the thickest and sweetest rawe creame, then sweeten
it uery well with sugar, and put in . 6 spoonesfull of rose water
then take . 6 Eggs, and put away 4 of the whites then beat them
well together, when the creame is well boiled with the sugar and
rose water, put them in and stirre them together, when it is a little
more boiled, take it off and powre it into a cleane cloth, that is not
too fine, and tie it together and hang it upm and when it is throughly
cold and drained, dish it but first beate it a little together ere you
serue it

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In recipe 2, there is an abbreviation I am not familiar with.