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January part 2nd Monday 8 you may judge from the tener of my proceedings what I am at by this time the chat has been unwell unwell for several days and now I lie with my heels cock,d up higher than my head most part of my time with the inflwansys and not I alone but most part of the sosiety JD Pucket this day Joseph Pucket came her from south union Tuesday 9 Saddlers I think I am some better to day than yesterday tho keeps the room with my heels as high as ever Note this Jordan Pope and the sadlers Moovid in the corner shop and second stary to work Wenesday 10 this day i keep the room a gain Thursday 11 Ive got able to begin a table this day Friday 12 this day i wraught some at my table Saturday 13 this day I wraught as yesterday Sabboth 14 I shall not take it so tedious as to mention the proceedings of sabbath as i think it to be unpr offitable Monday 15 This day I finish'd my table Note the sosiety is generly on the recovery from the influenzy Tuesday 16 this AM I turned chair posts but having the cholic very prodedi ously in the PM was constrain'd to quit my busineys Wednesday 17 John Dunlevy James Longheton This day I made 2 pair of fliers [pliers?] and one spool and spent the rest of the day in gitting split timber this day John Dunlevy and James Longhetan set out for the lower part of this state to preach Thursday 18 Blacksmiths This day the smiths movd in the new shop
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Pleasant Hill January Thursday 18th Part 2nd
Thursday 18 Francis Talis Abraham fite William Harris Joseph Pucket
This day I wraught at getting split timber. Note - this day Francis Talis and Abram Fite set out on that long and disagreeable orleans Note William Harris went out a parto fo the way with them likewise Joseph Pucket set out for home
Friday 19 Anna Thomas Nathanial Wil John Longletan
This day I wraught at making splits This day Anna Thomas Jun peseas'n Note this day Nathaniel Wilhite and John Longleton went to danville with the wagon to sell garden sace.
Saturday 20 I made splits all this day excepting the time of the funeral. This day Edmund Bryant received a verry disagreeable cut on his leg with an Note this day Nathaniel and John came home
Monday 22 Robert Foster John Longleton William Runyan This day I being unewll done but little except a walking cain that i made for my self Note this Robert foster went to Madison to substiture a molatai girls place formaly the perperty of naman Bosheets - see page 46 letter A in my book of 1$15 likewise this day John Longleton quit the team and william run suceed
Tuesday 23 This day I mended little wheels for oldmands family
Wednesday 24 Samuel hooser John Beyafoar yallow patsy and the others This day I made a pair of fliers and spread afor Abram willhite and then began the turning for staphens Machiene
Thursday 25 John Dunlevy James Laughtetens Nancy page This day I wraught at the turning for the machiene again note this John Dunlevy and James Longhetan came home about this time Nancy Bag morred from the last to the west family
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Pleasant hill Friday January 26 part 2 Friday 26 this day I Being unwell done but little Saturday 27 M, Thomas Jo danville this morning at 6 ocl I set out for danville and just at 9 ariv'd their I spent the day till 4 PM - before I left that place I bought the following articles "viz" 3 files at 50 cts per peace $1.50 one stick bottle green twist at 12 1/2 cts one doz of wheel-irons at $4 one gros inch and quarter screws at $1 one bed cord at 25 cts 12 1/2 pounds of copper at 40 cts per pound $5 Jon Bryant s hooser B Miner Patsy Roberts Note this day John Bryant samuel Hooser and the sisters return'd home from madison Monday 29 Samuel harris John Badjett this day I wraught at turning for Machiens Note this day samuel Harris moovd from the river to the East family and from thence moovd John Badjett to the river. Tuesday 30 This day I turnd 6 file handles for Jonah and the ballance of the day turnd Machiene stuff Wednesday 31 this day I repaird wheels for the senter fam part 2nd Pleasant hill Fbr thursday 1ist 1816 Thursday 1ist William Haris this day I repair'd a little wheel for the senter family and tur'nd 6 file handles for father Note this william harris return'd home from the [?] Friday 2 this AM I went to samuel denny's to get some chary timber of him and returnd home by the saw mill and got home at 12 ocl and in having a prodedious [prodigious] pain [??] [back?] and head was entierly disabled from anny hand labour Abram Wilhite Note this day Abram wilhite set out for the salt works saturday 3 this day I laid by with sickness Monday 5 it is all most nedles [almost needless] for me to keep a journal of my work as I am partly laid up with pains and sickness this day I done about as mutch as a good hand would do in one hour
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Pleasant Hill Tuesday Febr 6th 1816
part 2nd
Tuesday 6 This day * with James Gass and Micajah *enett to take the mianders of shawnee run
Wednesday 7 Stephen Manire Machine John Varis this day I finishd a brace for William Sheldo Note this Stephen Manire finish'd his shering Machine
Thursday 8 Abram Wilhite this day John Voris son set out for shelby well I must confess that I have give cuff a lift this day Note this day Abram Wilhite returnd home from bullet
Friday 9 John South I shall not mention any thing about my own work for the present this day John South sharpened his spirits so mutch as to leave this sosiety
Saturday 10 Zacheriah Burnett Peter Green Joseph Measuer Efraigm Steele this day Zacheriah burnett and Peter green moovd from the west to the senter family Gate this day Joseph Micarver and Ephraim steele made their first bending of half bushels after working at it several weeks
Monday 12 Tylor Baldwin this day Tylor Baldwin set out for lexington
Tuesday 13 John varis senior this day John Varis returnd home
Wednesday 14 Tylor Baldwin this day Tylor Baldwin returnd home from Lexington
Monday 19 M. Thomas Joseph Runyon this is the first day that I have been at bussiness for almost 2 weeks on acount of inibilitys this day I set out to work at the grissmill and spent the day in gitting saw logs Note this day Joseph Runyon went to Frankfort with the wagon to sell carpets
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Pleasant Hill fbr 20 part 2nd Tuesday 20 Wm Runyan James Varis this day I wraught at the mill again Note this day off M. Runyan and James Varis set out for Lexinton with Wednesday 21 Tylor Baldwin the waggon This day I wraught at the mill again like wise this day Tylor Baldwin set out for Lexington. Thursday 22 M. Thomas Calvin brunner this day I went with calvin Brunner to Cornelius Casine's and from there to Charles Rikers and from thence to harodsburg and from thence came home a little after dark Friday 23 Tylor Baldwin and others Joseph Bunyan Mason Wilhite this day I wraught at the mill or at gitting bags for it Note this day the brethren returned home from Lexington likewise Joseph runyon and mason Wilhite Saturday 24 this day I wraught in the woods till the rain came on I then returned home and spent the evening in makeing a staff Sabbath 25 Martha Britten hanah Weaver this day Martha Britten and Hanah Weaver mooved from the East to the west family Monday 26 Griss Mill Sally Manfort Liddy Ballance Catty linebach this day I wraught at the mill Note this day we clear'd the timber off of the mill seat Likewise this day Sally Manfort and Liddy Ballance moov'd from the West family to the river and from thence came Catty Linebach to the East family