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Pleasant Hill Tuesday Febr 27th 1816 part 2nd Tuesday 27 Joel Shields plowing began on pleasant John Bryant James Congleton this day we wraught at the foundation of the mill a gain Note - this day Joel finish'd his shering machiene likewise this day we started 2 plows for the first this year on pleasant hill also this day John Bryant and James Congleton set out for South Carolina Wednesday 28 Stephen Manire this day part of the hands began to dig the foundation of the mill the others to gitting timber for the frame Note this day stephen Manire went to danvill to repair a shering Machiene Thursday 29 Joel Shields Stephen Manire this day I wraught at mending wheels as the day was to bad to work out Note - this day Joel shields and Stephen Manire began a wash Mill Pleasant Hill March 1st Friday 1st George saylor this Aftn I ground an ax for my self and the [fo/n?] made a [frus h?]for sarah shields the other mill hands were employ'd in raising a house for georg saylor Saturday 2 Joseph Runyon James Neely this day we were all imployed in diging the foundations of the mill Note - this day Joseph Runyon and James Neely went to madison Monday 4 M Burnett J dunlevy this day I wraught at the mill till [Aftn?] I then went to mar's [d..ys?] and [?] likewise M B and J d set out for Lexington
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Pleasant Hill Tuesday March 5th part 2nd Tuesday 5th M Thomas to danville this morning at 7 ocl I set out for Danville I arive'd their at 1/2 past 9 and bought the following articles Viz18 dozen of cotten yarn 2 yards of velvet 1 looking Glass 1 pad lock and 2 gimblets I then left that place and ariv'd home 10 mts after 3 pm Wednesday 6 James Neely Joseph Runyon Jon dunlevy M. Burnett this day I wraught at a new fangled Big wheel Note this day James Neely and Joseph Runyon return'd home from madison Likewise John dunlevy and M Burnett return'd from Lexington Thursday 7 this day I being unwell raught but little Friday 8 this day I wraught some at my wheel again Saturday 9 this day I finish'd my wheel Monday 11 this day being some squaly and wet the mill hands spent the day as you mite expect I for my part dress'd a spindle and turnd a whe el and so clos'd the in chares to tedious to mention Tuesday 12 this day we all wraught at gitting timber Wednesday 13 the Green urbage this day we wraught clearing off the timber and the Brush on the hill side at the mill till 12 ocl the hands then went to fit a stock for [?] [tr..?] for the smith shop Note I discover the yards are gitting quite Green the tulips and other blosoms are springing up quite plentiful
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Pleasant Hill March 14th part 2nd Thursday 14 J Baldwin Jas Runyon this day we built a shed at the mill this day Julor Baldwin went to Lexington Note this day Jas Runyon returnd home from frankfort after an absence of 3 days Friday 15 this day we wraught at hewing timber for the mill Saturday 16 this day we wraught at gitting timber Sabbath17 this day J Baldwin returned home from paris Monday 18 Sally Congleton L free this morning we went to the woods But was return'd home by the rain the pm I wraught at a little wheel Note this Sally Congleton moov'd from the senter family to the west and from thence Lucretia free moovd to the senter family Tuesday 19 Wm harris this day we all wraught at the saw mill at rolling up logs Note this day William Harris shamefully departed the faith after living here about 9 years Wednesday 20 this day we wraught at gitting timber again Note this day Wm harris returnd and went to Lebannon to live Thursday 21 this day we wraught as usual Friday 22 Garding sauce planted this day we wraught at the mill again a baut this time the first garding sauce was planted sutch as potates and the like
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Pleasant Hill March 22nd 1816 part 2nd Saturday 23 Potatoes William Shields Phineas Runnion Samuel Banta Henry Hutton this we wraught at gitting timber This Day James Gass planted two hundred and twenty four potatoes [?] of the Irish Blue Also William Shields Phineas Runion Samu,l Banta and Henry Hutton came here and Eat Super and looked at the House and went Home Very comfortable Stephen and Drewry Stephen and Drewry went to the River to live for a time or two for the preasent Sabbath 24 Tyne Vurlorycke this day Tyne Vurlorycke moovd from west Lebanon to the senter family after an absence of almost 10 months Monday 25 this day our small company concisting only 4 in number wraught at gitting timber Tuesday 26 Josep Runyon Betsy Banta Sarah Shields this day we wraught as usugl [usual] Note this day Joseph Runyon Betsy Banta and sarah Shields set out for danville Wednesday 27 Samuel hooser Jordan Pope Joseph Runyon and others this day we wraught as usual Note this day samuel hooser and Jordan Pope set out for Lewis Varner likewise this day Joseph runyon and the sisters returnd home from Danville Thursday 28 this day we wraught at the Mill Friday 29 John Bryant and James Congleton returnd home this day we wraught as usual Note this day John Bryant and James Cong leton return'd home from Carolina Saturday 30 this day we wraught at the Mill