Shakertown Journal

Entries from 1 January 1816 through 31 March 1816 discuss weather conditions, public building projects, and the Pleasant Hill colony.


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Pleasant Hill [Fbe?] 24 1816 Last ist

Saturday 24 this morning at an early hour it drop some rain tho but little till a bout 1 ocl PM when it began to rain wind and thunder and continumed a bout 3 hours when it [quit?] [the?] [insertion] remember [/insertion] the wind blew verry hard from the south west all day

Sabbath 25 a fine clear day but a tremendious strong south west wind.

Monday 26 this was a butiful in deed both clear and pleasant and with out mutch wind

Tuesday 27 this morning we had a light frost and a butiful clear day suceded with a jentle south west brease

Wednesday 28 this day was rather haisy till a bout 5 ocl PM when it clouded over and at 9 ocl it began to rain tho it rai'd but little during the whole night here I think I may safely say that the south wind this evening has exceded anny that we have had this year.

Thursdy 29 this day was cloudy all day but with out mutch rain

Pleasant Hill March 1st 1816

Friday 1st this AM was cloudy but PM was clear and pleasant

saturday 2 this was a butiful day bouth clear and still but disagreeably warm for the season of the year

Sabbath 3 this day was warm and clear til a bout 4 PM when it clouded over and some wind and thunder proceeded from it.

NB - I think this day was warm a nough for the [illegible: paper torn]

Last edit about 2 years ago by jmphillips
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Please Hill Monday March 4 1816 part(?) 1st Monday 4 this morning the wind shifted to the Northwest which ? a cold cloudy day Tuesday 5 this day was some warmer than yesterday after the frost melted off the ground but was some cloudy all day and about 1 ocl P/M(?) some drops of rain fell Wednesday 6 a fine clear day with a gentle Northwest Brease Thursday 7 this was a fine clear warm day with a strong west wind. Friday 8 this day was rather cloudy and considerable cool with a gentle Northwest Brease. Saturday 9 this was a clear day. But cool with a strong Northeast wind. Sabbath 10 this was a cloudy day or rather a smoky day for I think that I never saw any(?) to excede it tho the wind being strong and cold from the S East of course we had to receive a light mist of rain at 7 ocl pm which did not more(?) than lay the dust Monday 11 thi morning at 6 ocl it began to rain and continued at intervills during the day with a strong south wind Tuesday 12 this day was cloudy and remarkible still all day Wednesday 13 this morning about 9 ocl - it began to rain and continued lightly at intervills till about 11 ocl - at which time it began to rain hard and continued till about 1 ocl PM it then quit but remain cloudy and very

Last edit about 2 years ago by keliulferts
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I think it was not later than 7 ocl this evening when it began to rain and continued till the night was expired Thursday 14 this was a clear cool day with a gentle North brease all day Friday 15 this morning the ground was froze quite hard and a remarkable clear cool day succeded. Saturday 16 this morning we had a large frost and a clear warm day suceded. Sabbath 17 this day was cloudy and quite cool with a gentle North brease Monday 18 this morning at 7 ocl. it began to rain and sleet and continued to rain hard all day the ice sickels at night was a bout 8 inches in length. Tuesday 19 this day it rained at interviles till night with a strong south wind. Wednesday 20 this morning was some cloudy but at 11 ocl AM it clear'd off and left us a cool clear PM with a gentle North brease Thursday 21 this morning we had a large frost and a pirty clear day suceded Friday 22 this AM was some cloudy tho the PM was clear. I think the wind from the North west this this day exceded anny that has been this year for strong Saturday 23 this day was mutch like Thursday Sabbath 24 this was a fine clear warm day and verry smokey with a strong west wind

Last edit over 1 year ago by JTayler
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Pleasant Hill March 25th Part 1ist Monday 25 this day was verry mutch like yesterday fine warm weather about this time Tuesday 26 this day was same cloudy and verry smoky with a gentle west wind and during the day some drops of rain fell at intervils Note the peach trees are conciderable in bloom at this time The peach trees are in bloom Wednesday 27 this morning just at 5 ocl it began to rain and continued at intervills to 10 ocl it then quit but remain'd same cloudy till 5PM when at which time we had the begining of a thunder storm but it was verry light and did not last more than 1 hour Note - this day the wind blew from the west Thursday 28 this day was cloudy but with out rain Friday 29 this was another cloudy with a gentle west Brease till 5PM ocl when it drop'd some rain Saturday 30 this day was cloudy all day and threatned rain But none fell Sabbath 31ist this morning at an early hour we had the begining of a storm concisting of rain wind and thunder which continued till 5 ocl it then abated the day remain'd some cloudy with a strong south west wind till 5PM at which time it began to rain thunder and blow and continued at in ter during the whole night Fine warm weather about this time the peach trees are now in full bloom Likewise the trees of the forest are begining to put fourth their little leaves and blosoms in abundance

Last edit over 1 year ago by JTayler
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95. January Monday 1ist 1816 Mechanics part part 2 Monday 1ist This day we made a begining at our grissmill with a number of 10 hands This day I being some unwell done little or nothing excepting I turnd 6 chisle handles for my self Tusday 2 Erly [Ely?] Mclain This day I only sharp'd my saws Likewise this day Ely Mclain and Mason Wilhite set out for south union Wednesday 3 Erly Mclain Mason Wilhite John Hutton John Dunlevy Elisha thomas this AM I spent in trying to find something for chair splits but without any success the PM I went to the smith shop to do some of the joiner work their I cut out the stuff and begun for easing of a door and dresd some of it up this day John Hutton returng home from Baurlien at which place he went to try a sherring machine and if I mistake not he has been gone 7 days Likewise this day John Dunlevy and Elisha Thomas went to the lower part of this Count to preach Thursday 4 Joel Shields John Mcbride Stephen Manire this day I wraught some at the smith shop but being verry unwell I done but little this day Joel S John Mc and Stephen M began 3 shering Machiens this day the preachers came home Friday 5 this day I wraught as yesterday Saturday 6 this day I made out to finish casing a door but had to retreat before night to my bed Note - this day John Varis finish'd his swingling mill after working at it about 36 days Sabbath 7 John Banta This day John Banta went to the world after being among the believers about 10 years

Last edit over 1 year ago by JTayler
Displaying pages 6 - 10 of 19 in total