Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Capt. Hallowes

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 15
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p. 15

Comp: can supply it at the rates which they charge for passage, but I believe they have everything duty free which accounts at any rate for the liberal supply of wine. When I went on deck again I found that we had cleared the Needles & were gradually losing sight of the white cliffs of England. Farewell to old England then when will I again behold your lovely shores. I remained on deck till 8 oclock every one here are strangers to me. there are 6 or 8 officers of the 34th the regiment that was in the Castle before I left on board. their faces are familiar as I used to see them often marching to the park. At 8 oclock there was tea. About 9 I turned into my berth I have got a very good berth the Cabin is occupied by three of us. Capt. Tedlie of the 50th Royal rifles Capt Hallowes of the Irish Fusiliers & myself. It is a very nice little Cabin well fitted up. We have a Servant or steward to wait on us appointed by the ship, the others also engaged him to wait at dinner & I did so likewise

Last edit almost 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 16
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p. 16

this costs us nothing as it is allowed by the rules of the ship to every first class passenger I believe the one we got was half witted & besides to improve him on that particular evening he was very few. Shortly after I had got into my berth he came in & felt each berth very carefully. Capt Hallowes & I. who were both in bed gave a grunt which set him off. Capt. Tedlie had not come in so he walked off with his bedclothes bag & baggage leaving nothing but the wood box there had been a demand for bedclothes I suppose & this chap had walked off with the first he could get hold of. I had fallen asleep sometime when I heard a tremendous row in the Cabin. Capt. Tedlie had come in & finding nothing but a wood box to sleep in was in no amiable mood, he had the poor steward standing before him shaking like a leaf. The light was going out & the Capt. was ordering the Steward to get a light & bed clothes the poor steward was utterly

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 18
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p. 18


Sunday August 16th 1857

I have kept my berth all day I need the Chloroform which set me asleep 2 or 3 hours but did not cure my sickness I believe that nothing but time will do that Capts Tedlie & Hallowes got up & went to breakfast they have both been in India before. Shortly after first the one & then the other came tumbling into the cabin. I thought they were drunk they complained that they were very seedy(underlined) not sick(underlined) only a little bile however I saw very well what was up although they would not confess it they both turned in & kept bed most of the day. There was no service on board to day I supposed was owing to so many being sick they could scarcely have got up a respectable meeting. Capt Tedlie seems a very melancholy sort of man but it may be partly owing to the misfortune he has had since he came on board he first lost his

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 19
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p. 19

luggage then he could not get a seat at dinner & lastly his bed was stolen & he had only been home a few months in England when he was recalled instead of 3 years which is the usual time time of leave. Capt Hallowes of the Fusiliers is a different man altogether he is a very hand some gay dashing sort of fellow quite a picture of a soldier. he had a sword made when he was home in England on which he has the motto "Vengeance" rather a threatening one. I have no doubt he will use it with some effect among the Sepoys if necessary Capt Tedlie has got the motto "pour la patrie" on his which he says is the motto which was on a sword his father took from a Frenchman at Waterloo. Capt Hallowes was very kind to me today, he had several little things sent to me to my cabin which I could take I felt all night so long as I kept my head down but when I tried to get up I got very sick

Last edit almost 3 years ago by Dendendaloom
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