p. 18




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Sunday August 16th 1857

I have kept my berth all day I need the
Chloroform which set me asleep 2 or 3 hours
but did not cure my sickness I believe that
nothing but time will do that Capts
Tedlie & Hallowes got up & went to breakfast
they have both been in India before. Shortly
after first the one & then the other came
tumbling into the cabin. I thought they
were drunk they complained that they were
very seedy(underlined) not sick(underlined) only a little bile however
I saw very well what was up although they
would not confess it they both turned in &
kept bed most of the day. There was no
service on board to day I supposed was
owing to so many being sick they could
scarcely have got up a respectable meeting.
Capt Tedlie seems a very melancholy sort
of man but it may be partly owing to
the misfortune he has had since he
came on board he first lost his

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