p. 16
this costs us nothing as it is allowed by the
rules of the ship to every first class passenger I believe
the one we got was half witted & besides to
improve him on that particular evening he
was very few. Shortly after I had got into my
berth he came in & felt each berth very
carefully. Capt Hallowes & I. who were
both in bed gave a grunt which set him
off. Capt. Tedlie had not come in so he
walked off with his bedclothes bag & baggage
leaving nothing but the wood box there
had been a demand for bedclothes I suppose
& this chap had walked off with the first
he could get hold of. I had fallen asleep
sometime when I heard a tremendous row
in the Cabin. Capt. Tedlie had come in &
finding nothing but a wood box to sleep in
was in no amiable mood, he had the poor
steward standing before him shaking like
a leaf. The light was going out & the Capt.
was ordering the Steward to get a light
& bed clothes the poor steward was utterly
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