p. 19




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luggage then he could not get a seat at
dinner & lastly his bed was stolen & he had
only been home a few months in England when he
was recalled instead of 3 years which is the
usual time time of leave. Capt Hallowes
of the Fusiliers is a different man altogether
he is a very hand some gay dashing sort of fellow
quite a picture of a soldier. he had a sword
made when he was home in England on which
he has the motto "Vengeance" rather a threatening
one. I have no doubt he will use it with
some effect among the Sepoys if necessary
Capt Tedlie has got the motto "pour la patrie"
on his which he says is the motto which was
on a sword his father took from a Frenchman
at Waterloo. Capt Hallowes was very
kind to me today, he had several little
things sent to me to my cabin which
I could take I felt all night so long
as I kept my head down but when
I tried to get up I got very sick

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