Mary Quayle Innis Diary 1964-1968





December 15

1964. Tues. Had my hair done. To Heliconian dinner. Carols & Chester Mystery play. Lovely.

1965. Wed. Shopped in a.m. Feeling below par but went to Xmas dinner at Whitney Hall. In Cody, Moff Woodside table.

1966. Thu. Washed dress, nightgowns. man fixed gas stove. To lunch with A. Brady at Faculty Club.

1967. Fri. to bank & shopped. Snowing. Worked on Opening exercises. Pictures from Anne.

1968. Sun. Very cold 7 degrees. To church - white gifts. Hugh et al came for dinner - very good time. Reading Trevor-Roper - Rise of Christian Europe.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards


December 16

1964. Wed. To P.O. & Cheese shop. Cold & bright. To Miss Grant's for sherry dinner at Ferg. Lovely. Harris drove me home.

1965. Thu. Wrote Xmas cards. Miserable cold. Listened to Gemini 6 come doun etc. Read & knitted.

1966. Fri. Religious Educ. Com. Scarboro Board & Applewood boys. Mild. Read & knitted. Tired.

1967. Sat. Worked on revision. Shopped. Mild day.

1968. Mon. Cold. To office, Bert Monday there first time. Called Miss Gibney & Dr. Carpenter. To library. Xmas cards.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards


December 17

1964. Thu. Lunch at Union. With B. Hunt to concert at Johnson Bldg. Lovely. She drove me home & we talked. Helen came in.

1965. Fri. Had my hair done. Lunch at Beulah McIl.'s. Cold worse. Donald came at night.

1966. Sat. Shopped & got Globe. Packed & to Waterloo at 4:25. Crowds. All met me

1967. Sun. to church. To Hugh's - saw new house on the way. Raining. They gave me Jennifer's picture.

1968. Tues. Cold & dry. Picked up flight to Vancouver. Wrote 13 letters to "nursing writers". Jill Reynolds came in.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards


December 18

1964. Fri. very cold. Shopped. washed & ironed. D. came for lunch & left. Saw eclipse of moon.

1965. Sat. Donald shopped & read proof on his book. Talked. Cold bad.

1966. Sun. to library with Anne. Cold. read, played with Mary. boys covering tree with cut-outs.

1967. Mon. raining hard. worked on revision all day. Christmas cards arriving. Letter from Anne.

1968. Wed. Cleaned & washed clothes. Cold & bright. Cards coming. To bank.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards


December 19

1964. Sat. To library. "Rosenkavat" on radio. Bright & cold. Read & knitted.

1965. Sun. Daggs came - Anne to see [Bris?]. Lunch with all & tea, great fun. They left at 5. D & I to Hugh's for dinner.

1966. Mon. Played with Mary to stores. Cold. Cut out broun skirt for Anne.

1967. Tues. Worked on revision. Cards. Had my hair done. Lorraine called up. To Save the Children for wool.

1968. Thu. Sleeting & windy. returned library books. Beulah phoned - Gladys died. Phoned Lorraine.

Last edit about 3 years ago by Matthew Edwards
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