Ship's Log of the General Goddard, between England and India, 1789-1790


  • UPenn Ms. Codex 939
  • A 755-ton Indiaman which made six trips between England and India. After the second trip, in 1789-1790, it was purchased by Robert Wigram, owner and builder of many Blackwall frigates. Documentation of a voyage between England, Calcutta, and Madras in 1789-1790, under Captain Thomas Foxall. Includes notes on course, distance, and position; weather observations; vessels sighted; and cargo loaded and unloaded.


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    Monday the 24 May

    At 3 AM came several vessels along side Employd [Employed] lightening the ship getting out Hon [Honorable] Companys Bales AM same boats from different [Henry?] ships came to our assistance Employd [Employed] lightening the ship all Pumps going increasing [illegible] At 6 AM got two cables [?end] from [Henry? Clay?] who let go an Anchor for us launched the fore and main top sail yard men on board and cast the masts away and rain at midnight 10 feet watter [water] in her hold

    Sunday 25 May

    This day employd [employed] getting the Honl [Honorable] Companys Cargoe up the Ship Straining much out the fore yard away sprit rail and Jib boom from 9 to 12 feet watter [water] in her hold moderate weather cast the mizen mast away throwd over board all the timber booms gun carriages &c to ease the ship


    Employd [Employed] as yesterday moderate weather gaind in the [?] this day 3 feet

    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
    p. 157
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    Thrusday 27 M [May]

    Moderate and fair Winds Northerly At 8 AM got the Pumps to suck hove on the Cable and the ship went off The [Wa?] of War and fellow cutter took us in Tow at 9 PM Came too with the short Anchor

    Fryday the 28

    Winds calm NE to SE moderate Employd [Employed] delivering the Hon [Honorable] Companys Cargoe the ship making about 3 feet watter [water] in the bow

    Saturday 29

    Fresh Breezes employd [employed] as yesterday In examining the Hold found a leak in the after Hold in the run cut away the [?ing] and filled the room with oakum which being wedged down the ship makes much less watter [water]

    Sunday 30 May

    Winds Vble [Variable] and rain Employd [Employed] Delivering the Honl [Honorable] Companys Bales & Ship making 20 inches P [per] hour

    Monday 31 May

    as yesterday Winds Employd [Employed] as before

    Tuesday 1 of June

    Light Breezes Westerly and fair Weather Delivered the Remainder of the Hon' [Honorable] Companys Cargoe Employd [Employed] taking in Ballast striking Decks down in the hold filling salt watter [water] &c Got two Pumps forward down the fore hatchway In the Evening same on bd [board] a light? Midshipman and 40 men from the [H?] to [?irt] on riggin in the Ship &c

    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
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    Wednesday 2

    Light Breezes Soly [Southerly] Employd [Employed] about the riggin got the mizen mast in fore and main top mast up

    Thursday 3

    Fresh Breezes Wly [Westerly] and fair weather Employd [Employed] about the Riggin Receiving Ballast &c Sundries from the shore Got a new rudder and hung it received ant a mas bower Anchor

    Fryday 4

    Moderate Breezes Wsl [Westerly] and fair Employd [Employed] as before Recd [Received] on bd [board] fresh Watter [water] Cleared Hawse

    Saturday 5

    Light airs Vble [Variable] and fair Recd [Received] our Sails bent the main and fore top sail Jib mizen and fore stay sail Employd [Employed] [as?] our Ballast filling salt watter [water] and about the riggin

    Sunday 6 June

    Light Winds from ye [the] NW and fair weather Employd [Employed] recd [received] sundries and the remainder of our Ballast filling salt watter [water] and about the riggin The Ship decreasing her leak


    Winds and weather much the same tot a sail under the after part of the Ship Bottom [?thened] with Oakum

    Tuesday 8

    Blowing strong from the SW Employd [Employed] as necessary getting the Ship to go round

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    Wednesday 9

    Winds and weather much the same Employd [Employed] as yesterday

    Thursday 10

    Moderate Breezes and fair Employd [Employed] taking more Ballast NB this day ends at noon Perceive the ship makes less watter [water] having decreased her leaks to 14 inches Pr hour

    T Course K F Winds Remarks on Fryday 11 June
    1 Finished taking in Ballast Draught of watter watter forward 16:7 about 16 feet
    5 Wind Light Airs Westerly
    7 Passed spirt Head
    8 Passed the Buoy of the Barr G 1/4
    9 SSE 1 4 NNE
    10 1 4
    11 1 4 Gr [Ground] 13
    12 2 2 14 to 20 At 10 PM [Dun?] Core W 1/2 S Dist 3 Leagues
    1 3 " 22
    2 3 2 22
    3 4 2 25
    4 4 4 33 Culver [?] NW B W Gd [Ground]
    5 4 " 28
    6 4 " 26 14 fm [fathoms]
    7 3 3 27
    8 2 6 27 At 4 AM the Westernmost part of the Isle of Wight NW 7 Leagues
    9 1 5
    10 1 4
    Dist P Log 39 Miles
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    p. 160
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    H Courses K F Wind Remarks on Saturday 12
    1 H E B N Calm Fair
    2 East
    3 3 West
    4 2 4
    5 3 "
    6 3 "
    7 E B N 4 2 Vble [Variable] ground 28 fm [fathoms] Beachy Head NE 1/4 E Dist [Distance] about 5 Leagues
    8 5 4
    9 5 "
    10 4 4 30 fm [fathoms] Beachy Head N dist [distance] about 5 Leagues
    11 4 "
    12 3 2
    1 E B N 1/2 N 3 4 25 fm [fathoms]
    2 4 2 28
    3 ENE 3 4 27
    4 3 " 26
    5 3 3 20 Beachy Head W 1/2 N
    6 4 " 20
    7 4 4 20 [Dungensse] NE B E Dist [Distance] 3 Leagues
    8 4 5 18
    9 4 " 16 At nnon [dungenssy] NW Dist [Distance] 3 Leagues
    10 3 6 18 the shore land ENE The ship decreasing her leaks to 6 inches Pr hour
    11 SE 1 4 20
    12 SSE
    Dist P Log Lat [Latitude] Obs [Observed] 50:53
    H Course K F Winds Remarks on Sunday 13 June
    1 ENE 2 Vble [Variable] Light Air
    2 1
    3 1
    4 1
    5 Calm [C?] two B Bower 16 fm [fathoms] S fore land ENE Spurring up a fresh Breeze from the NE veered away to a half Cable
    10 SE B E 2 4
    11 N B W 4 3 Wore Ship
    12 4 4
    1 4 "
    2 3 6
    3 3 [C?] two B. Bower in 15 fm [fathoms] Dover Castle N B E The south foreland NE Weighd Course and N Graves Gravesend Pilot and took chare of the Ship Got the [Foth?] Sail from under her Bottom the [G?] of which being thought [illegible] Came two in the lower B Bower 7 fm [fathoms] the N fore land NE B N sand down [C?] N B W 1/2 W the S fore land SSW 1/2 W Dist [Distance] from the nearest part of deal town about a mile and a half [last two lines illegible except for a few words] [... were left ... 40 men from ... to ... in getting the ship up]
    4 ESE
    5 NNW
    Last edit over 4 years ago by donna29
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