p. 8
Monday 16 Febry [February]
Blowing hard from the NW with fair wether [weather] Reed onbd [onboard] Sunday private trade Soldiers store brandy 72 casks of the potatoes our booms and 140 soldiers with their bagage [baggage] and 1 sergent and 1 corporal Paid the [?] pay Set the fore and top mast riggin up otherwise employed stowing private trade and taking only the Captains stock
Tuesday 17th
Wind variable cloudy wether [weather] employed stowing the things which came on bord [board] yesterday PM hoisted the long boat in received Sunday Bagage [Baggage] [P?] company's hog
Wednesday 18th
Moderate breezes Westerly and fair Received some steel on account of the Honb [Honorable] Company also the ships spare cordage employed stowing the booms in the Evening bent the top sails delivered up Wm [William] [Attree?] a quirter [quarter] from the guards
Thursday 19th
Winds NW moderate breezes Bent the fore sail and jib cleared morn at 7 AM [[T Brown]] Pilot came on board veered away and unmoored ship at 10 weighed the small Br [Bearing?] at hove into half a cable on the B Br [batten bearing?] at 4 PM weighed an run about to the hope too Be Br at 7 received to half a cable hoisted the cutter Yawl
Fryday [Friday] 20th Winds mostly from the Et [East] fair Wether [weather] bent the main sail Main Mizan top mast stay sails otherwized [otherwise] employed as nesesary [necessary] Received Sunday stores and provisions
p. 9
Saturday 21st
Winds variable at NW to SW with Rain employed as necessary getting the ship ready for Sea &c. came down anchord [anchored] the [?] castle
Sunday 22
Winds Wly [Westerly] and Rain the the first part the latter fair at 9 am Weighed fresh breezes at 2 past 12 PM came too on the shifted the B Br [batten bearing?] for a small Breeze cut the old small Br up for junk not being worthy bent the finner B Br for an outward B Br [batten bearing?] the Nose lights [?] employed as nesesary [necessary]
Monday 23
The first part moderate wind SW the middle and latter blowing very hard at SSW at 7 AM weighed at 8 past the Buoy of the morn at 2 past is paped the Buoy of the girdler at half past 3 PM came in Margret Road Br [Bearing] Brin of [her?] it blowing too fesh to work Hoopers Mill S B W the Petit of the fouland SE h S -- veered to a whole cable
Tuesday 24
Winds SW blowing hard the first part the middle and latter more moderate
Wednesday 25
The first part moderate breezes as at SW and fair at 6 AM weighed at 7 sounded the foreland worked throughout the gulls very fresh Breezes the [melvile?] castle put back at 11 came top B Br [batten bearing?] veered to a cable struck top galt [gallant] masts blowing strong at SW B S sand own calls W B S the buoy of the So [South] brake C 21
p. 10
Thursday 26
Moderate breezes variable AM hove in to half a cable PM [[Mr. Brown]] Pilot left us and [[Payne]] Pilot took charge of the ship this days Logg ends at noon and contains but 12 nots to bring it to sea loggs signal for [[Payne]] the Pilot Ensign at the fore top Mt [Mast] Head