DIARY OF FRANCIS TAYLOR, 1797, 20, [337]
11, [Continued], oil- 4 do.of French Brandy & 20 lb Rice- I paid A.Shepherd Sr.1/- for bringing up. I went to Rob't Tayor's to dinner. H.Burnley & wife, Aunt Taylor, Mrs Burnley & daughters, C.P.Howard and wife, dined there.
12, Tuesday, Fair,pleasant,very dry,some clouds at night. Mrs. Gilden or Gillison came here & breakfasted- I let her have 4 lb washed wool,which she agreed to spin & knit into stockings for negroes at 4/- pair. C.Taylor came here before noon- He got 114 lb.bacon vixt. 4 Gammons 40 lb; 4 Shoulders 42 lb; & 2 Midlings 32 lb. G.C.Taylor came after C.Taylor, they returned for I told them I intended to Aunt Taylor's. I walked by J.Taylor's to Aunt Taylor's, I dined there in company with H.Burnley & wife, Mrs Burnley & daughters- Rob't Taylor & John Taylor, the latter got there to day- & gave me letters from Wm.Taylor G.C.Taylor & *Jno.Finnie.[Rachel,dau.of Jonathan Taylor,married John Finnie]
13, Fair, warm and dry weather. Began to sow (Red)Wheat in field beyond Meadow. John Taylor, C.P.Howard,J.Taylor jr. C.Taylor.G.C.Taylor,Reuben Taylor Rob't T.Moore & Capt Jas.Barbour dined here- Tho Jenkins & W.Stewart were here in evening. I had good peaches. Killed a Shoat 1/4 to M.Biggers.
14, Some Clouds & very little rain. C.P.Howard came here, I appointed to go with him to a sale at Langham's,but heard it was deferred- we went to Terrils Five yard- Dined there. Finished cocking fodder blades. Sowing & plowing wheat.
15, Cloudy and very warm-Rained a little after dark. I called last evening with C.P.Howard by Jos Clark's who gave me some Tobacco to smoke & sold 4 lb Chewing Tobacco to C.P.Howard for a dollar,which I lent him to pay for it. I was not well as for some days past, staid at home. Maj'r McKinney sent a letter, after dark, from F.S.Taylor, who was at Fred'g when he wrote and requested me to get Col.Madison to recommend him as a fit person for Collector &c- I sent Onion seed to Maj'r McKinney. Gab Barbour, J.Taylor jr & wife, called going to Maj'r Moore's
16, Cloudy morn, Fair Evening. I went to Col.Madison's- Col.Madison jr said he would write to Mr.*Wolcott in fav'r F.S.Taylor. Mrs Macon & family, Mr.Bringhurst, dined at Col.Madison's. I did not see Mr.Macon, who was unwell and did not leave his room- I returned home in evening. Thos Bell Came here & Frank drove [*Oliver Wolcott, of Conn. Sec'y of U.S.Treasury,1795-1800, WKA]
17, [Sunday] Some clouds. G.C.Taylor called here- I lent him 20 dollars, he went to Reu Taylor's & Maj'r Moore's. I went to J.Taylor's, dined there. J.Taylor jr, & wife absent. I walked after dinner with J.Taylor to Aunt Taylor's Mr.Howard & wife intend toward Fred'g tomorrow. Returned by J.Taylor's. G.C. Taylor there & said he intends to set out home tomorrow.
18, Monday, Rained a little in last night. some slight showers to-day. Col.Madison sent a letter last evening to Oliver Wolcott,Sec'ty Treasury recommending F.S. Taylor &c- I copied it & wrote F.S.Taylor inclosing thecopy & sent the letters to O.C't.house to go p/r post. G.C.Taylor called here at 10 o'clock, took a cold snack and proceeded on his way home.- intends to F.Walker's to day. Moses being unwell, he took 30 grains Jallap.
19, Very clear-cool day. Moses continues unwell, tho' a little mending. Reuben Taylor called here returning from Pearce Sanford's,and dined with me. I walked in the evening to C.Taylor's- his Eldest daughters at Capt.Conway's- I returned by J.Taylor's.
20, Very clear morn, thin clouds in evening, fair evening. C.Taylor sent & got a Pot of Fat w'ch with Towell 21 lb. Thos.Bell was here enquiring for the steer I sold him last week, got out of his pasture. Finished sowing Red Wheat,21 bus sown on the right side of the Valley in Mountain field, 7 1/2 Bus.in Orchard field. 28 Aug't, making 28 1/2 Sown in all.
From the TAYLOR DIARY, #1907-z in the Southern Historcal Collection, University of North Carolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.
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