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Diary of Francis Taylor, 1797

20, Fair, Pleasant, C. Taylor sent & got 3 3/4 lb butter- invited me to dinner- I was very unwell-Headack, sore throat, mouth & e Maj'r Moore & Reu Taylor called here. I went w'th them to C. Taylor's- Rob't Taliatferro (Caroline) & wife, Mrs. Wardell, Tho's Jenkins, And'w Shepherd, Jun'r, Wm Stewart, were there.
21, Some clouds in morn, a little rain about noon, Treading last Stack of early Wheat. I walked to Court house-- A vestry was appointed, but only 4 met of the Vestrymen, & Mr. O'Neill. I came by Aunt Taylor's, dined there-- Ch's Taylor & family, Rob't Talliaferro & do., Ch's Wardell & wife, Mrs Smock-- Tho's Bell & wife, Tho's Jenkins, Cha's Bell, J. Taylor jr & wife, Nancy Taylor, R. Smith's wife.
22, Tuesday, Fair pleasant day. James Sebree came here early in the morning & got 9 1/2 lb Wool for which he paid 12/- Macon Biggers got 1/2 Bushel Salt, had 1 Bus before, 1 1/2 being his allowance for present year. Began to read Red Wheat by the Barn. I walked by wheat yeard to C. Taylor's- Rob't Tailaferro & family, Aunt Taylor, Mrs Smock, Charles Wardell,& his wife, C.P.Howard and his wife, R.Smith's wife, Tho's Jenkins &c, dined there. Began to dry Peaches.
23, Fair morn, a very little rain in the evening. Rober Bell got 16 lb Wool. paid 12/- in part, 80/ due. T. Bell sent for and got basket peaches. Running Early Wheat through the Fan & putting it into Wheat house. I walked to Court house to T. Bell's- Aunt Taylor, Mrs Smock, C.P . Hoard & wife, C. Wardell & do., R. Smith's wife-- Mrs Brnely, Sally Burnley, Hob't Taliaferro & family- C. Taylor & daugh-- ters Sally, Betsy & Polly, A. Shepherd jr, Betsy Shepherd &c.
24, Fair, warm. Macon Biggers' wife got 12 lb wool. Col.E.Pendleton jr., rode here and rec'd from A. Thornton, trusee &c.-- I signed a bond to indemnify & .Thornton if he had no legal right to pay the sums I have received from him,viz't: 25, Au--gust, 1796, $23.2.0 & 24, August 1797, $5.18.g, which En. Pendleton settled and said was right. Col. Pendleton went from here by J. Taylor's to Aunt Taylor's where I went to dinner- Mrs. Pendleton, E. Pendleton younger, Rob't Taylor's wife Mrs Burnley, Mrs. C.P Howard & wife there.
25, Some Clouds in morn, fair day. Began to sow wheat in Orchard field. G.C. Taylor, C. Taylor and son, came here & staid till evening- If they had not come, I should have gone to Rob't Taylor's. Had 14th Hnd Corn removed.
26, Fog in morn, some drops rain in evening- Thunder and great Clouds to North & South. I was unwell & staid at home. Con't to sow wheat.
27, Sunday, Fair warm, a little for in morn. I walked to C. Taylor's- he drew a a tooth for me, it was the farthest in my jaw & some bone came with the tooth. G.C. Tay-lor(at C. Taylor's) has boils & a bad stye. H.Fitzhugh & wife, H. Taliaferro jrs. wife and Lucy Fitzhugh at C.Taylor's.
28, Fair morn. I went to Court. Tho's Bell sent Jack & got a pot of butter, 26 lbs gross including pot & coarse towel. Mr. D. Triplett gave me a draft playable on gross including pot & corase towel. Mr. D. Triplett gave me a draft playable on sight for 70 dollars on Mr.Rob't Patton. I paid G. Grasty, Dr. Sheriff, $2.15.8., for Taxes & Levies & a fee bill ag't G. Taylor, dec'd. 3/6, included. Paid $18. to W. Pollock for the Colt bought the 10th Augs't. Rec'd 7/6 from Jos Clark for shoes sold him last Court, also 18/9 from T. Proctor for 15 lb wool & 6 dollars & 1/3 from Wm. Stewart. Lent Jos Clark 12 dollars which he borrowed for Thomas Clark & sadi shou'd be repaid to me at next Court. Finished plowing in Wheat, Clark & said shou'd be repaid to me at next Court. Finished plowing
29, Pleasant morning, dry weather. Reu Taylor called here, I went with him to Court I got Mr James Blair to take D. Triplett's dare in my favor on Robert Patton for 70 dollars, & requested him to receive payment- to send me 3 doz Port wine-Sack Salt & Hat. Reuben & Charles Taylor came with me from Court, we had a rine Watermelon- they dined here. Had a bed or Wheat trod by Barn 2d day.
30, A very little rain feel last night-foggy morning. Had Turney seed sown in their parts of patch. Mr. D. Triplett'sent James Bebree & wagon, to whom I delivered 50 Bus' Early Wheat, the price to be settled hereafter. I walked in evning to Court-- unwell.

From the Taylor Diary 1907-z in the Southern Historical Collection, University of NOrth arolina Library, Chapel Hill. FOR REFERENCE ONLY: PERMISSION TO PUBLISH MUST BE REQUESTED. WARNING: MOST MANUSCRIPTS ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT.

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