File 3: Hassall family, correspondence, volume 1, pp. 1801-8095, ca. 1830-ca. 1900





[Page 31]

at Blithesdale [Blythedale] on his way to Brisbane but had no opportunity to converse with him as the Coach was about to start for Roma which I reached Tuesday morning. I immediately met the Church wardens and arranged to attend a Meeting of the Parochial Council on the following day and herewith enclose a Report of the same. From particulars there gathered and information elsewhere I would feel called upon to make the following observations. 1st Revd Mr Hutchens has had to bear the brunt of all the

difficulties and misery attending a new comer settling in so distant a part of the Colony. At first his house consisted of a very small [indecipherable] building unfit for his wife and family to live in. The heat must have been intense and the loss of a little boy some months old must have greatly disheartened them. This wretchedness was followed up by the constant deficiency in the payment of Stipend and the harrassing annoyance of pecuniary matters, together with a manifest indifference generally as to Religious concerns among the people. The New Parsonage was unfenced

Last edit 10 months ago by peterm


[Page 32]

and no stable and other accessories. These the Church Wardens had not money to complete, but a promise was made to refund it [indecipherable] on hand should Mr Hutchings advance it in the mean time. It appears the Church wardens were not duly consulted in all points and the con tracts which should have passed their hands were objected to and ignored. Also instead of being paid to Mr Hutchings the bills were sent in to the Church wardens who would not recognize them. This matter has created a good

deal of unpleasantness but I have been given to under stand that the debt will be arranged and Mr H. relieved of his responsibility at least as far as the true value of the work will allow.

2 ndly In September last an undertaking was made it is stated, to pay up the arrears of Stipend and in future be more punctual in the payments. Also a conditional arrangement was entered into viz provided Mr Hutchens would attend the out Stations more punctually and efficiently an endeavour would be made to raise the Stipend.

Last edit 10 months ago by peterm


[Page 33]

above £300 per annum This promise was not carried out on either side. The Stations would not pay because they were not properly and punctually visited and therefore the funds could not be increased. From what I can learn there has never been a plan, for stated services at any of the Stations. Notice would be given by letter which sometimes arrived too late, and occasionally when the congregation had collected Mr Hutchings did not attend nor afterwards account for

his absence and this appears to have given great offence so that the Stations are now almost if not entirely in abeyance as far as the Ministrations of religion are concerned. The visit to St George is objected to because the Ch. Wardens had no notice and the Church was closed for 4 Sundays - but I believe the journey was undertaken to perform a Marriage and Mitchell Downs visited during the absence from Roma - In conclusion I doubt if it would be at all agreeable to Mr Hutchings

Last edit 10 months ago by peterm


[Page 34]

to resume his duties at Roma as he has sold off his effects and left hastily. Nor do I think matters can be satisfactorily arranged so speedily as to ensure his Stipend from the present time -

I am My Lord Yours obediently J S Hassall

Last edit 10 months ago by peterm


[Page 35]

Oxley 19th Jany. 80 [Note added later] (This date is evidently meant for 1886)


The Right Revd. Bishop Hale

My Lord, In compliance with your instructions I proceeded to Roma starting on Saturday as I had notice of a funeral on Friday at Oxley - I remained at Dalby over Sunday and assisted Revd Mr Markam - who was invalided from a broken collar bone. Tuesday [word deleted] Monday I reach Blithesdale [Blythedale] and proceeded by Coach Tuesday Morning. I found Revd Mr Hutchins there at Blithesdale on his way to Brisbane - but had no opportunity

[Continued on page 36]

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Last edit 10 months ago by peterm
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