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11 revisions
elizac at Feb 28, 2021 06:57 PM


Coverdale's Bible 1539 edition - painted in England by James Nicholson ([illegible]) 1st edition of the whole English Bible to be printed in England - 1st translation of the Bible as a whole into English was made by the follow as of John Wyolif around 1380-3. -Tyndale - New Testament - issued by Peter Schoeffer of [illegible] in 1525 n 6. 1st English Bible was to be published - 1535 - Miles Coverdale (?) printed at Colonge [illegible] [illegible] by Cavkion + Soter. Matthew Bible - printed - [illegible] of Antwep - text made [illegible] the work of Tyndale + Coverdale - edited by John Rogers -[illegible] Bible 1539 sponsored by Cromwell Bishops' Bible - printed by Richard [?Juyge?] -1568 - black litter also printed the 1st book on [?Obslehius?] in English - "The birth of mankynde, other wise [illegible] the womans booke" by the physician Thomas Raynalde (1540) Geneva Bible -

Coverdale's Bible 1539 edition - painted in England by James
Nicholson ([illegible]) 1st edition of the whole English Bible
to be printed in England
- 1st translation of the Bible as a whole into English was made
by the follow as of John Wyolif around 1380-3.
-Tyndale - New Testament - issued by Peter Schoeffer of
[illegible] in 1525 n 6.
1st English Bible was to be published - 1535 - Miles Coverdale
(?) printed at Colonge [illegible] [illegible] by Cavkion + Soter.
Matthew Bible - printed - [illegible] of Antwep -
text made [illegible] the work of Tyndale + Coverdale -
edited by John Rogers
-[illegible] Bible 1539 sponsored by Cromwell
Bishops' Bible - printed by Richard [?Juyge?] -1568 - black litter
also printed the 1st book on [?Obslehius?] in English -
"The birth of mankynde, other wise [illegible] the womans
booke" by the physician Thomas Raynalde (1540)
Geneva Bible -
