p. 48


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2 revisions
NunezA at Jun 18, 2020 04:09 PM

p. 48

18. One whole vegetation will be found in a 1/4 of an Hour - This vegetation maybe verced either with thinner women srusted Branches for the weaker the water the longer will be the Ramifica tions beforming and the contrary if the water be strong. The whole Surface of the aaa will be in an instent coverd with a thick Shrub. 2d Sept. Dissolve well Metal you please in Ag. fort. or Ag. Reg. evaporate to dryness, and you will have agrey, green as brown Map. [?] to the Metal. Rx [recipe] of this Map the Size of a Pea, and put it into some of the Liquor of (Hinks made by Beliq: In 3 or 4 Minutes you will have a Shoot of the Sire of a Bow, with will rise higher and 1 or 2 Branches will shoot with a small [?] of Air at Top.

One whole vegetation will be found in a 1/4 of
an Hour -

This vegetation maybe verced either
with thinner women srusted Branches for the
weaker the water the longer will be the Ramifica
tions beforming and the contrary if the water be
strong. The whole Surface of the aaa will be in
an instent coverd with a thick Shrub.

2d Sept.

Dissolve well Metal you please in
Ag. fort. or Ag. Reg. evaporate to dryness, and you
will have agrey, green as brown Map.
[?] to the Metal. Rx [recipe] of this Map
the Size of a Pea, and put it into some of the
Liquor of (Hinks made by Beliq: In 3 or 4
Minutes you will have a Shoot of the
Sire of a Bow, with will rise higher and 1
or 2 Branches will shoot with a small
[?] of Air at Top.

p. 48