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3 revisions
Verisimilitude at Jun 10, 2020 02:36 PM


Novelties for 1890

This list contains "the cream" of all the novelties for this season, as well as some
varieties of recent introduction, to which we desire to call your special attention.
As the introducers of so many varieties of sterling merit, which are now listed by
many of the most prominent houses in the United States, we have only to say that we
have exercised our usual strict care to offer only those varieties which have proven to
be decided improvements on the older kinds. Being in correspondence with the lead
ing seedsmen, seed-growers and horticulturists in this country and Europe, we receive
samples of varieties claimed to be new from all over the world, and test their merits on
our own grounds, many of which, while they may be of value in the climate in which
they orignated, are not desirable here. We can recommend all the following varieties
as improvements on the older sorts, and it will pay you to try them this year:


New Bush Lima Bean

A novelty of decided merit, introduced
by an eastern seedsman last year, but
we refused to catalogue it until we had
given it a trial on our own grounds.
This we have now done, and we find it
worthy of all the high praise given it.
The New Bush Lima grows
without the aid of stakes or poles, in
compact bush form, from fifteen to
eighteen inches high, and produces
enormous crops of delicious Lima Beans
which can be as easily gathered as the
common garden bush bean. The New
Bush Lima is at least Two Weeks
Earlier than any of the climbing Li
mas. It produces a continuous crop
from the time it comes into bearing (it
is fit for the table in this latitude by the middle of July) until frost, and being enor
mously productive, a very small patch will keep a family supplied with this splendid
vegetable throughout the season. The quality is simply delicious, and we advise all of
our customers to give it a trial. Per packet, 15 cts.; per pint, 50 cts.; qt., 90c, postpaid.

Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify

Why don't you grow Salsify? We are certain if you grew it one year you would
never be without it, and especially after having tried this magnificent new variety,
which averages fully double the size of the Long White. The roots, uotwithstanding
their enormous size, are of very superior quality and very delicate in flavor; it is
such a decided improvement that we are quite sure all market gardeners who once try
it will use it exclusively. The Salsify is one of the most delicious and nutritious of
vegetables, and should be more generally cultivated for use in winter, when the supply
of really good vegetables is so limited. It has the true oyster flavor, and makes a de
licious and inexpensive substitute for them in soups, etc. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 20 cts.;
1/4 lb., 65 cts., lb., $2.