Recipe book collection: Wellcome Collection

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Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)

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For the Mother Stich

Take a quart of the best white wine and 3 topps of wormwood and one handfull of baume leaves 20 cornes of white peper bruised all this being put to gether in an earthen pipkin cover it close boile it till it come to a pinte then straine it and drinke it one hal= fe in the evening goeing to bed and sweate the other halfe after midnight

A receit for ye Piles

Take ye Blossoms of Sullendine dried & Powderd & mix it with Hony, & take a little upon ye top of a knife:

To pefume powdes

Take 2 Drams of Benjamin, halph a Dram of Laudanum=Storax, Calamint 2 Drams, Aloes=wood halph a Dram, halph a graine of Musk, beate these very small, & mingle amongst yoe powde

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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To Make Lamb

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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For the Dropsy

Take 6 long Broom=stalks, in all containing 6 Brooms heat an Oven hott being cleane swept, let your Broome burn to Ashes infuse it in a gallon of white=wine 24 hours let the party drink of the clear when the Ashes are setled at the Bottom morning & Evening, till it be spent then take the juice of scurvy=grass, & water=Cress a pint of each & let the party drink of it, 3 spoonsfulls morning & evening till it be done

To make the oyntment of White=Roses

Take a quart of Larde & 3 pecks of White=Roses beat your Roses very small & put your Larde, & Roses together then let it stand 9 days close covered, then heat it with 3 spoonfulls of Red=Rose=water, & when you have beaten it over the fire then let boyle softly, then take it up, & strain it for your use, this is good for burnings or inflamations

For a Strain

Bake treacle and crumbes of bread a quantity of sallet oile and boile these together to a poltis and lay it to the place as hot as you can suffer it

Last edit over 2 years ago by Veena
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An Oyntment for Swellings & Wormes

Take Featherfern, Rue, Worm=wood, & double Baume, Tansy, white=mints, smallage, speermints, Basill=mints, Box= leaves, camomell, peny-ryall, mother time, Feenchworm =wood, Mastic, sweet-marjorma, rosemary, syprus, Sage, peach-leaves, Angelica, rose=leaves, Isope, of eachofthese a good handfull, Cardums, Lavendar flowers,- Basill of each of these 2 good handfulls, Dill sweet= =Maudlin, pot=Marjorum, Mugwort, shred all thesethogether as hearbs for a pott, then put it into a great earthen pott & put to it 8 or 10 Ox Galls let them stand 3 or 4 days in steepe being every day stirred one; take 3 pot of Hogs=grease & 2 pot of may butter, boyle all these together till te Galls be consumed straine out the Hearbs & reserve the Oyntment

To make awater to heal any wound

Take 4 ounces of Bolearmanack & 2 ounces of white Copris, half an ounce of Camphire, 4 quarts of running water, you must boyle your Camphire in an earth= =en pot till it come to a powder, & beat the Bolearmanack very small

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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A good pules to break any sore

Take half a pint of Creame & a spoonfull of Hony & a spoonfull of Flower, & a piece of wax as big as a Walnutt & set it over the fire alltogether, & let it stand, till it grow thick but it must not boyle, the spred it upon a cloth & lay it on warme

A good water for a Canker or green wound

Take Arbe-grease, penny=royall, Red Sage, Rosemary Red Fennell, Hore=hound of these half a handfull, & of them which follow 1 handfull, of Sallendine singue foile, collembine, Isop pot marjerome, Featherfen, Plantime, red Bramble= leaves, wood-bine, white arkangell, Ladder to Heaven, tutsan leaves, boyle all these in 2 gallons of running water & let them boyle together till half be consumed & a little beofre you take it from the fire put 1 pint of white =wine to it, & half a pint of Hony, & two spoonfulls of Grai[?] beaten to a powder, a good piece of Roch Allum & let them boyle a litle then take it of the fire & straiine it into a glass, & it will keep a whole year. Probatum est

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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For a cunsumption

Take a make Conny, & 4 pints of Muscadine, & a good hand= full of white Arkangell, & the pith of Beate 2 Ounces of Dates, & Reasons of the sunn a quarter of a pint the stones pict out 9 nutmegs 2 pennyworth of Cynnamon a pennyworth of Mace & a pennyworth of Cloves boyle all this from a potle[?] to a quart, & drink 5 or 6 spoonfulls every morning, this is a very rstoring drink for any weake body Probatum est

For the Cold

Take a handfull of Isop, & some Liquorish boyle it with running water till half be consumed then straine it, take sugar & boyle in the Liquor till it come to Sirrup, you may eate it any time you may take a little Barrows flick & some garlick, & put it very small, & mingle your flick & Garlick together, & anoint the bottoms of your feet before you go to bed

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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For the Falling sickness

Take Froggs, & extract by incision their Livers wash them & dry them in a cloth wrap them up in a colwort= leafe put them into a covered pipkin, & set it into Oven ley them stand there till they be dry, then beat them with the Colworth=leafe to a powder, seach it, & then 3 days after 3 days before every change, give the patient as much of this powder as will ly on a shilling, & 3 or 4 spoonfulls of white=wine take this 9 times, let the patient take eat the pouder of the single Piony root always & at all times during the 9 days or after then for thee conclusiomn take a Vomit 5 grains in thee substance

For the faint Purples

Take a Purple grass & boyle it in milk & drink it in the morning fasting, then take Purple silk & knitt it in 3 knotts, & 5 knotts & 7 knotts & so swallow it down in a little milke or Bear, & you must drink a little Mothrioate & Unicornes horne to put from your heart,

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Make Ipocrist

Take to a quart of whie wine half an ounce of Cynnamon bruise it a little & stepp it in a little of your whitewine the space of 2 hours take 2 Almonds & bruise them a little, & when you lett it run through your bagg, put in your Almonds & soe let it runn till it be cleare & if your please, you may hang a little bagg of Musk in it, you must use your [wd?] Ipocrist in every respect like this but put no Almonds in it;

To Make Perfumes

Take 3 ounces & a half of Benjamin & lay it anight in Rose=water then beat it fine, & take a pint of Damaske Roses, the whites being taken away then beate them, then take the Benjamin & put to them & beate them both toge= ther, till it comes to a Paist, then mingle it with halfe a quarter o an ounce of Musk, finely beaten, put to it a quarter of an ounce of Civet & mold them with an ounce of white sugar=candt searched, & make them up in little cakes & lay them on a paist board, that hath no savour there on come

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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A Purge

Take a quarter of a Pint of Succory water, & a thimble full of Anniseeds bruised, 20 Reasons of the sun stoned, & pennyworht of Rhubarbs, set it upon embers all night, then strain it out in the morning & put to it 4 spoonfulls of Sirrup of Roses, & str it togehter & drink it & an houre after you may drink a little broth

To preserve Quinces white

Take some Pipens & pare them, & cut them in pieces small, then put them into a skillet, & put a little faire water, & boyle the Pipens till they be all papp, & the water boyled away then strain out the liquor from the pipens, & save the liquor then waigh your Quinces, & put twice the waight of Sugar to your Quinces then take your Sugar piece by piece, & dip it in faire water & put it into a dish till it be all melted, & become sirrup, then take the quinces & pare them, & core them, & lay him in water then take your sirrup & put it into your skillet, & put a litle or the pipen water with it, & let it boyle, & scume it very well then take the Quince out of the water, if he begin to turn red, pare him again, & boyle him very quick in the sirrup, then scume them, & take them up

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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up, then flat your Quince on a plate with a spoon, then put him into the skillet again untill it be tender, you must boyle your Quince till your Sirup Jelly on the plate, then put one Quince in a pot with his jelly, & he will come out round with his jelly about him when you servie it at Table

Last edit about 2 years ago by sfemet
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