Recipe book collection: Wellcome Collection

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Wellcome Collection: English Recipe Book, 18th century (MS6956)

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To Preserve Pippens red coulourd Take yoe best Pippens & pare ym, then take a peircer & bore a hole through ym, then make Sirrup fe ym, as much as will cover ym, & soe let ym boyle in a broad peserving panne & put into ym, a piece of Cynamon stick & soe let ym boyle close covered very leiseaurly turning ym very often, for if you turne ym not very often they will spott, & ye one side will not be like ye othe, & let ym thus boyle till they begin to jelly then take ym up & pott ym, & you may keepe ym all ye Yeare

To preserve Goose=berryes Take yoe goosberies, & pick out ye stems then take Suger & put to yoe Goosberies waight for waight & put a little faire wate to ym, & boyle ym a quarter of an houre till they be cleare

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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To make whites Take halfe a pound of refined Suger and the whites of 2 eggs you must beate them 2 houres and then you must lay it a broad upon paper in little round cakes and then bake them but you must take heed that ye your oven be not hotter than for Suger Cakes

To preserve Greene Apricoks Take ym, & scald ym, & scrape of ye outmost skin of ym, & then you must change ym in water hotter & hotter till they be greene then you must take ym out of ye wate, & put dry Suger waight for waight, & then you must boyle ym till the Sirrup be thick you may doe white plumms to have ym greene as you doe ye greene Apricocks;

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To Make Jelly of Rasberries

Take yoE Rasberries & set ym over ye fire in a skillet & put a little fire watE to ym till there be a great deale of Juice in ym then you must be let ye Juice runne from ym through a strainer tehn take to a pint of Juice a pint of SugE put in yoE SugE in yoE Juice & boyle it, till it will cut in like manner you may doe Currants, or Barberries, only to Barberries you must take double ye weight of SugE

For ye Cough

Take hony ye last when you go to bed, & ye first thing in ye morning & it helpeth you may mingle ye powdE of dryed Rosemary wth it if you please

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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For the Eyes

Take sullendine, pounded & strained ye juice into a little hony mingled together & dropt into ye Eye, then take ye white of an egg, & beat it to an Oyle then take a little flax finely picked, the bigness of ye Eye dip it in ye white of ye Egg, & lay it one ye Eye assoone as you have dropped ye sullendine & hony, this is good fe any thing that groweth in ye Eye;

To make Sirrop of Burrage flowes Take 6 Ounces of flowers to a pinte & half of water you must heat yoe water very hott, & put in yoe flowers, & let ym stand all night stopt close you must take 4 pd & a halfe of Suger & straine yoe - flowers into yoe Suger & boyle it up.

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To Preserve Pom-Citrons.

Take yoe Pom-Citrons one pd & a half & cutt ym, some in halfs & some in quartes & take ye meat out of ym & boyle ym tender in faire water then take 2 pd of Suger being clarified, & make a Sirrup of eym & let ym boyle in ye Sirrup a quarter of an houre very gently then take ym up & lett ye boile Sirrop boyle till it be thick & then put in yoe Pom-Citrons & you may keep ym all ye year, if you please you may pare ym

For the Stich Take a quart of beere and a handfull of dandelions and a Spoonefull of red Saunders Seeth it till half be consumed and drinke it morning and evening.

Last edit over 2 years ago by sfemet
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To make Marmalade of Quinces Take yoe Quinces cut ym in halfs & pare ym, then take to a pound of Quinces a pound of Sug er, & make a Sirrup with a pint of water, then put in yoe Quinces into yoe Sirrup, & let ym boyle soft ly till they looke red then let ym boyle a pace till it will cut, keep it sitrring with a spoone

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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How to dry Oringo Rootes Take yoe Rootes & wash ym very cleane & boyle ym, & as soone as they will peele, peele ym very cleane, then take ye peath out of ym, & take a qsd of Suger, to a pd of ye rootes, & make a Sirrop, & put ym into it, & boyle ym quickly, but you must have some of yoe suger cut & beat it & search it fine; & take ym out of ye Sirup cleare, & then plate ym as you please, & dust ym well with Suger, & lay ym upon papers before ye fire, & they will be dry in 2 or 3 houres;

For one that cannot heare well & are deafe Take ye juice of Betony, & womans milk, & mingle ym together, & dip a piece of black wool in it, & put it into ye eare, this doing 10 or 12 days or more, & if this will doe take ye milk of a Red cow, & boyle it in Oatemeal, & ye juice of Betony, & lay it plaister= ways on ye eare:

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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To make Paist Royall white

Take a pd of refined Suger beaten & searched & put into an Alabaster Mortar with an Ounce of Gum drag= =on steeped in rose water & if you see yoe paiste be two weak put in more Suger if two dry more Gum, with a drop of Oyle of Cinnamon soe that you never deceive yoe self to stand upon quantities beat it into a perfect paist & then you may print it with yoe moulds & when it is dry gilde it, & so keep it fe yoe use;

To make Suger Cakes

Take a pd of Suger sweet Butter, & a pd, & a quarter of Suger, & [2] yolks of Eggs, & so much flowe as it will wett worke it very well to gether then make it into Cakes & bake it a soft Oven;

A receipt [fe] ye Surfiet water

Take 4 gallons of strong ale 4 pound of red popies & lett ym ly a steepe 2 or 3 days then still it then put some of ye popy floroew therein let it stand all night in a hott

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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still, & so colour it red

Good fe ye Cramp

Take ye downe of thistles & sow it in a bag & hang it about yoe neck

The Plauge water

Take Baume, Mugwort, Red-sage, rosemary, Dragons Scabious, Betony, Egrimony Pimpernel, veruen, May-weed Ellecampane take a pd of each of ym, except Rose-mary, of that two pd, & cut ym, steepe ym all in 14 Quarts of White-wine & let ym stand 4 or 5 days & when you will still ym wring out ye herbs wth yoe hands, & still ym, & still ye wine by it self in a Linbecke

For the yellow Jaundies

Take Strawbery rootes, & the inner peele of a Barbery tree, & boyle it, in Whitewine posset, & mangle it with suger, & drink it 5 or 6 times, morning & evening & it helpeth, - you may boyle a little sallendine in the Posset if you please for the jaundies

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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A pretious Cynnamon water

Take 8 Ounces of Cynnamon & a quart of rose wate, & a pottle of whitewine the flowes of Burage, & Rosemary of each two handfulls, of cloves a quarter of a pd, Baume & Relico carduis each 2 handfulls, the seedes of Fennel Anisseeds Coriander, seeds, of each a quarte of a pd Bruised put ym alltogether in a close still pott, coverd put this pott in warme wate & let ym stand 2 days then poure it into a common still set on ye Limbecke close it, & with a soft fire, & distill it, & keep it in a close glasse give it ym that have any cold sicknesses or dropsie, a bund of flegme stopping of Gall, rawness of stomacke, weakness of heart, wine collicke, dulness of spirit moist rhumes & such like.

For the Piles

Take linseed oile and oile of spike alike quantity mingle it to gether in a saser warme it and annoynt the piles then dip a soft cloth in the oile and lay it to the place as warme as you can suffer it this helpeth

Last edit over 2 years ago by LPage
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