
This collection largely comprises English manuscript newsletters, dating from 1674 to 1715, received and compiled by the Newdigate family of Arbury Hall in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. The letters cover a diverse range of topics but are mainly concerned with contemporary domestic and Continental news. The finding aid for this collection is available here.
We are sharing these newsletters alongside partial transcriptions, which need completion, editing, and vetting. Special thanks to Shakespeare's World volunteers, who created these transcriptions on the Zooniverse platform, and University of Maryland iSchool students, who extracted and processed those transcriptions so that we could share them here.
L.c.2104: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 June 23
Bifolium. Postmarked: IV[?]/23.
L.c.2106: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 September 13
Bifolium. Postmarked: SE/13.
L.c.2108: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 September 17
Bifolium. Postmarked: SE/17.
L.c.2109: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 September 20
Bifolium. Postmarked: SE/20.
L.c.2110: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 September 24
Bifolium. Postmarked: SE/24. Endorsed: 24 Sept. 92. Sections of the newsletter have been underlined and there are annotations throughout it. The endorsement has a summary of the contents.
L.c.2111: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 October 4
Bifolium. Postmarked: OC/4.
L.c.2112: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 October 22
Bifolium. Postmarked: OC/22. Endorsed: 22 Oct. 92. Drawing in pencil on 2v.
L.c.2113: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 October 25
Bifolium. Postmarked: OC/25. Endorsed: 25 Oct. 92.
L.c.2114: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 October 27
Postmarked: OC/27.
L.c.2115: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate, Westminster, 1692 November 3
Bifolium. Postmarked: PENY POST PAYD (AV4[?]) and W Mor 8. Endorsed: 3. Nov. 1692.. Newsletter. Addressed, "To the honble Sr Richard Newdigate Bart at his Lodgings at Mr Coleman's In the great Ambree Westminster present." Offsetting present on 1r.