


Status: Needs Review

? off 30 Counterfeit Guinees &

The Earle of Portland Seemes
now Past Dainger insoemuch that his family
is prepareing for Holland

Sir Cavbury Price whose Bill
about the Royall Mine was reiected in Parliment
Peticioned the King this week that notwithstanding
he had severall verdicts at Law that his Mine
was not a Royall Mine but Lead yeat was
[proscemted] in the Court of Exchequer wherefore
prayed his Maiestie for a Noli prosequi on the
same which I am tould is Granted

Letters yesterday from Dover advise
that a Dutch Privateer has this week brought
in here 2 ffrench Vessells bound for Lahogue
with Necessaries for building of a Harbour
there the ffrench King being persuaded that he may
make aharboar there sufficient to preserve
his whole navy & designes to disburse a Million
of monney to perfect that work

yesterday one Mr Whitehead a
Member of Parliment Dyed in this Citty of
the Small Pox

All the Officers of the Army
have orders to compleat their Companies
Imediately upon paine of being [Cashered]
& yesterday the Drumm beat for Vollenteers
offering 20 per Man that will Lyst himselfe in
his Maiesties Service

Yesterday a person was Detected in
in putting off 30 Counterfeit Guinees &
was Committed to Newgate

Orders were this week sent to the
Officers of the Victualling Office to gett

come from ffrance: further sayes that the ffrench are laying Great stores of provissions & fforage at Dunkirk
more then can be used in that Garrison And they openly say that it is to sustain the troope that is
to Beseige Newport ~ On Thursday Night one Mr Stoakdale a Member of Parliament was
Interred in Covent Garden = This week 2 Citty Bakers were seized & Committed of being accused of
selling of Corn to the Enemy. but they pretend the Vessell was taken by aPrivateer & Carryed to ffrance

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Lucio Alvarez

Noli prosequi - Nolle prosequi is a Latin phrase, which directly translates to “not to wish to prosecute.”