Newdigate family collection of newsletters

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L.c.2120: Newsletter received by Gilbert Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 December 8

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London December 8th 1692

Sir The Merchants upon the September from their ffactory at Aleppo that the plague has been very severe in those parts that all the Christian Merchants were obliged to retire farr into the Countrey but were returned and by Computacion found that it had Swept away above 30000 Souls Tuesday night Mr Whitson the Exchange Broker pursuant to his Maiesties order attended the Lords of the Treasury and gave their Lordshipps great Satisfacion in certain proposalls he Laid before them for the raising of Money as also shewing a way that very few Merchant Shipps should be taken by the Enemy for the future that his Maiestie should become their Ensurer at 5li per Centum both Inward and Outward and take all the said Shipps under his particular Convoy they Sayling all together in ffleets and that his Maiestie should Reimburse any Losse out of the Customs whereby Seamens Wages would be brought down to a regulated price and his Maiestie haue them upon all Occasions which point was Very well approved of Sir George St Georges a Regiment which was ordered for Ireland Is Countermanded not being of that kingdoms establishment

{Serjeant at Arms who attended the Lord Cheif Baron Atkins is sworn in the place of Serjeant Topham = The first letters say that the Lord Livetenant is coming for England having constituted the Lord Merson Sir Charles Porter and Collonel Smith Lords Justices in his Absence and I am told that his Excellency will be made Generall of one English Foot in the Room of Count Solms = this day the Lords were upon the Advice and Carryed a Question that whereas one Collonel Gore a dutch man commands at the head of our Train his Maiestie would be pleased to Employ an English man = this day the house of Commons caused to be read a 2d time}

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And yesterday . Mayls from that kingdom gaue an account that most of the Barbadoes Shipps which were thought to be Lost are put in there - And the East India Company has the gladd Tidings that their ship Mary from India Captain Barker Commander which they had given for Lost was put into Baltamore in Ireland Yesterday the Grand Committee of the House of Commons went through the Regulacion of the East India Company and Resolved that there should be no Alien of the Committee - That [...] Iobbing should be Laid aside - That 508li stock should have a vote and [higher] summ no more, and that the Governor that should be Chosen should haue 5000li stock in the Company, , and 1000li every Committee man and that the Company should be obliged to Carry yearly to India 100000li worth of goods of the English Manufactury Yesterday a Duell was fought between the Lords Mohun and Cannada and tis said they are both wounded in the ffray = Yesterday our Merchants had Advice that the Dromedary a ship of 700 Tunns richly Laden from Barbadoes was Last week cast away on the Coast of Scottland she sayling round that way to avoid the ffrench Edinburgh 2d December

{and near the Exchequer Office ffought the Latter being killed the other made his escape - This day the Dorchester men had their ffeast at Merchant Taylors hall the Bishop of Rochester preached before them at Bow Church in Cheapside = Captain Whitney the highway man is in Chelmsford Goad and tis said he offers 320000li for his pardon = The Duke of Ormond Lyes dangerously Ill = Iust now I am assured that mr Grigg}

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the Cannell haue discharged those persons in Custody for not taking the oaths - an order is come from London to prosecute the Earl of Seaforth and Viscount Killseith for acting against the Government and another order is come in favour of the Episcopall Clergy who pray for their Maiesties and to prosecute those that refuse Plymouth 4th Instant a ship ~ Laden with Gricery ware from London for this port was cast away in the Late Storm but all the men Saved - the Ship providence of London is arrived here from Barbadoes and the men say that Iseland is still sickley Weymouth 5th the William and Mary and Sussex Gally privatiers are arrived into Portland Road from plymouth - - on the 3d they gaue Chace to a ffrench priv[...] of 12 gunns notwithstanding they ha[...] brought one of her Masts by the Boar[...] by the ffavour of the night she gott away Deal 6th this morning 4 ships from Malaga came into the Downs with 1 from Barbadoes Serieant Topham of the house of Commons died on Tuesday Last It is said Sir William Bishop will succeed him The same night Captain Tyore Commander of the Ossory a 2d Rate man of warr departed this Life much Lamented by the Seamen.

{on Tuesday 2 dutch officers of Foot Quarreled and ffought a Duell and the Livetenant killed the Ensign on the spot - And the same day the Lord Banbury ffought and Killed Captain Lawson upon some words concerning his Lordships Misse Misse and his Lordship was Seized and Committed to New-gate = Last night mr Young and mr Graham both [...] Quarrelled At the [Dorn] Tavern In ffleet street and at 9 a clock came in to the Temple}

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and committed Captain St Loes Bill for raising 20000 seamen as also mr ..... Vincents Bill for registring of seamen referred to the said Committee = a Bill was also read the 1st time against Exportacion of Coyn afterwards the House Resolved into a grand Committee upon the Advice and their Arguments were Chiefly how to hinder our Money going into fforreign Countreys and It was debated that they Advise the king that all the souldiers may be Cloathed here and that dry fforrage namely Oats and hay might be sent them from home they came to no Resolues but desired Leave to sitt again on the same next Munday

For Mr Gilbert Newdigate at Arbury near Coventry Coventry Bagg. 4

8 December. 92

Last edit over 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2121: Newsletter received by Gilbert Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 December 15

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and Captain Hill the Lord Chief Iustice has Issued out his warrants for the Apprehension. Yesterday afternoon was held of Verge at Westminster and adiourned to this day 7 night when Iohn How Esquire pleads his Maiesties pardon for striking and Wounding a person near the Court who had formerly been his servant Sir Henry Bellasis is sent Envoy to the Elector of Bavaria at the Court of Brussells to Complement the Elector on the Birth of his son. The house of Commons yesterday debated the Bill for 5 hours relating to the securing his Maiesties person ^[..] Government by making it Treason to utter words or disperse Libells against it there being an Oath also therein in the Nature of Abiuracion at Length they came to the Question whether it should be committed or not yeas 176 Noes 200 All the Regiments designed for Ireland are Countermanded except the Earl of Meaths on Tuesday Last the Oxford Waggon Was robbed by severall high way men who killed the Master because he made some resistance Dartmouth December 11th: yesterday a ffrench privatier came to Anchor off the [start] who perceiving a vessell coming from the Eastward hoysted sayl and took her Letters yesterday ffrom Cowes say that 4 shipps are driven a shoar at stoaks Bay

{that allready they began to Carry on the policyes giving 50li to receive 500li when King Iames was reinstated on the Throne which in all Governments but this would be severely punished and therefore this was a time of Exigency That a person at a Late Sessions was obliged to take the oath and a stewards told the Iustices he was then as much a Iacobite as before this day the House of Commons read an Engrossed Bill from the Lords about Butter and Cheese}

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In the Late storm and tis feared will be Lost Portsmouth 13th Instant this day their Maiesties ship the Rupert came in here with a ffrench privatier of 16 guns and 100 men which he took off of Alderney and yesterday came in the Sussex Galley from Cruising having spent her Main Mast In the Late Storm - the ships designed for the streights and the West Indies are still at Spithead but will Sayl the first fair wind Last night Sir Robert Henry Master of the Kings Bench Office departed this life yesterday the Debates were Long and strenuous in the house of Commons upon the Bill for securing their Maiesties xi and even by those well Intencioned to the Government alledging that It was too sanguinary and would be a snare for many people and they ought to be very Carefull how they make words to be Treason for otherwise every honest man was at the Lash of a knave and servants if they did not Like their masters [v....e] Corrected by them they would presently swear Treasonable words against them - besides honest men might hear words and perhaps mistake them and then swear positively as he believes he heard them no Averment to the Contrary or the persons to say they did not hear such words spake in the Company would avail

{and It might be of ill Consequence in another Reigne - and as for Oaths they would not bind Ill men for it they took it as Dr Sherlock had deciphered an Oath upon the Landing of King: Iames they would Look upon themselves as no Longer obliged but take part with him as thinking him King de Iure - But it was obiected that the Disaffected party were allmost come to an Open boldness dispersing the Libells in every Corner which did Empoyson the people and were ready to ffly in the face of the Government}

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upon Land and household goods be Included Resolved that a million be raised upon the proiect that any person may bring in a 100li and have 7li per Centum and that 70000li upon the hereditary Excise be Appropriated for the purpetuall Interest & that the surveyivor shall Receive the Benefit of those that dye & if the full Summ be not brought in to.ta [heap] the same, which shall be paid next sitting of Parliament: = we hear that 16 high men robbed a Carrier at New Market Townsend Last Munday the Countrey people jumping upon them at the Same time [without] being able to attack them We haue received a fforreign Mayl since my last but the Gazett will furnish you with the most most materiall Occurrences

For Mr Gilbert Newdigate at Arbury, near Coventry 4 Coventry Bagg.

15 December. 92

Last edit over 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez

L.c.2122: Newsletter received by Richard Newdigate?, 1692 December 31

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London December 31: 1692

Sir yesterday we received 2 fforreign Mails which bring the following Novells Coblentz 28th Instant the enemy hath so pusht on their Attacks at Rhinfelden as to haue ruined the 2 Bastions and yesterday Morning they made a Generall Assault on the [Camterscarp] with 3000 men Supported by as many and Carryed the same but the beseiged before they could Lodge Themselves thereon drove them out of it with 1000 killed and as many wounded with the Loss of 300 on our side The confederate fforces haue passed the Rhine and are marching towards the enemy whereby our next may give an account of raising the seige or a Bloody Battle. Hague the ffirst of Ianuary ~ the States haue received an Express that the ffrench 2 dayes besieged Huy with 18000 men but Shamefully drew off upon our fforces drawing towards them and have Lost 1200 in the Enterprise Since which the ffrench haue besieged ffurnes but the Heer Overkirk is Marching with the Horse and the Earl of Achlone with the Foot to prevent their design One Captain Newland who had been taken and Carryed into Brest and Lately came Thence and St Maloes

{Except the Commissioners which they do on Munday, They haue fflung out the Oath to the Assessor and instead thereof laid a penalty of 10li = The House of Lords deferred the Affair of the Duke of Norfolk till Munday and haue been all this day upon the Bill from the Commons about disabling Members to sitt in Parliament that shall accept of an Employ at Court and It was believed}

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Arrived here this Christmas gives an account that there are great preparacions making in those ports and they openly declare that they will make a descent either Into Scottland or Ireland but sayes that our taking Lately a ffleet of Danish shipps being Laden with Navall stores doth very much retard them In order to the Equipping their new shipps - he further adds that money is some what plenty in the Sea Port Towns but very sccarce in the Countrey and that for one young man might see 40 old the fformer being hurried to the warrs Those of St Maloes are fortifying it as Likewise all other Towns fearing a descent from England Edenburgh 24th December Sir Iames Stewart has taken his place at the Councell Board as the Kings Advocate and on the 23d appeared before the Lords of the Sessions in his Gown - It is said his Maiestie has remitted the Affair of the Magistrates of this City which still continues on the same Foot as mencioned In my Last to his Councel. Sir patrick Murray their Maiesties Cash Keeper and Sir William Lockart their Maiesties sollicitor Generall are removed from being Councellors and tis said divers Alteracions will be made shortly among the Officers of state in this kingdom - ffrequent Robberies are of Late committed in and about this City the Rogues going In Bands 20 of which Lately attacqued

himself was slightly wounded in the Belly but I cannot learn the Occasion = Die Sabbati 31 The House of Commons would not agree to a present free Conference with the Lords but sent word by a Messenger of their own - They haue this day committed the Bill for Coynage that the Standard or Current price be 3d Lesse in value to hinder the Exportacion thereof They afterwards went through the Money Bill

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The Laird of pennycocks house but were repulsed before they could accomplish their design This Week his Maiestie sent to Chattam for sir Clously Shovell to wait upon him at Kensington. It is said Mr: Bridgman will Succeed Mr Dives (Lately deceased) as Clerk of the Councell Advice came yesterday to the Lords of the Admiralty that some of our ffrigatts haue brought into portsmouth 2 Danish men of warr after 4 hours ffight they were Convoy to 40 Sail of Danish shipps that were bound for ffrance with Navall stores after which one of our ffrigatts is sailed and tis hoped will give a good account of Them. Yesterday the House peers were debating a Long time the Matter of the return of the Earl of Nottinghams papers from the Commons and at Length agreed to haue a free conference this day at 12 a clock with them and Instructed the Managers to insist upon some heads relating to Admirall Russell The Letters from Ireland say that a Conspiracy is discovered there to have betrayed the Towns of Cork and Kingsail to the ffrench for which severall persons are in Custody and the Lord Liuetenant is going to the aforesaid places to see that they be put into a posture of defence and a Train of 28 pieces of Cannon is gott ready to be drawn out at an hours Warning The Letters yesterday from Paris Say they haue an Account that

{The ffrench Privatiers haue Lately Carryed Into Dunkirk Severall Dutch Merchant Ships particularly one worth 150000 livres = yesterday our Merchants received the bad News that the Berckley Castle a merchant Ship worth 40000li was Lately cast away near Leghorn = Yesterday the Earl of Danby went out of Town and ffought a Duell with Captain Stringer and wounded him in the Arm and Thigh and}

Last edit over 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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