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A Trifle

Take a pint of cream & boyle it & when it is almost cold sweeten it
with double refin'd sugar & set it in the bason you use it in put
to it a spoonfull of a Runnet & let it stand till it is come lie a cheese
you may perfume it with orange flower water.

A Gooseberry Fool

Take Gooseberrys & scald them till they are very tender in just as
much water as will do them. when they are very tender rub 'em thro'
a seive & to a qt of gooseberrys take 6 eggs whites & all. beat & mingle
them well together & sweeten it. give it one scald & keep it stirring on
the fire till tis thick. you may put a little rose water.

Jelly of Cream
Take 4 ounces of hartshorn put it to 3 pints of Spring water. set it on
a slow fire & let it boyl 'till tis a strong jelly, then strain it while it is
hot. put in half a pt of thick Cream, 2 or 3 spoonfulls of Sack or Orange
flower Water , sweeten it with loaf sugar to yr taste.boyle altogether &
stir it 'till tis cold otherwise the Jelly & Cream will part then put it into
narrow bottom Cups,'till the nex day. then take Cream Sack Orange
flower Water & Sugar, mix it to yr taste & loosen the Jelly from the sides
of yr cups & 'twill come out whole then put it into yrCream turning it
upside fown, serve it up.

Orange Cream
Take the juice of 2 lemons & one Orange sweeten it very well & put to
it 2 or 3 spoonfulls of Orange flower Water, then take a pt of Cream & boyle
it with some Orange & Lemon peal, sweeten it a little & let it stand till
tis almost cold put yr juice in a broad shallow dish & then pour yr cream over it
thro a funnel as high as you can that it may froth, if it be for dinner it must be
made overnight.

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