



Status: Incomplete

Rose water, Scabiouse water, woodbine water distilled, of eyther of them
halfe a pynte plantaine water a pinte and an halfe, put them together, and
to euery pynte of water put the waiyste of Eighte pence of white
mercurye made in to powder often tymes myxinge them untill ther mercury
be disolved annd this water will heale any ould sore that hath in yt
corrupted fleshe, on any maner of ryngeworme or hott wateringe
tetter the Iche or breakinge out washe any ould sore with yt annd
then applye upon yt this salue followinge.
A possett to be made for the wynde that fumes vpp into the
Head that [pseedete] from the Mother

Make a pint of cleane [possett] Ale and boile therein a good handfull of potmother
woort Timeand when it is half boyled away straine owf the time and seasen it with
sugar and drinke therof a god drafte morning and Evning when you [find yod]
[sels] grived
To strengthen a weake Back
Take a pint of [Muskadine] wth a handfull of [Lnzl Lyazl rutt] cernells [of] blanch
them as yon [doe] Allmonde then stamp them and straine them as you doe Allmond [mdks]
then take .2. or . 3. capp dates, stone them and slise them thin and put in one [stirk]
of [cmamom] and sezn it wth sugar and lett it boyle on a softe fier the space of a
quarter of an hower continnually stirring it so eate os this in the morning fasting
and you shall find of it greate comfort.
A very good [Melilote Emplaster]
yu mays take five handfulles of greene melilote and bruise yt a little
then put yt into a quarte of wyte wine and put ynto yt a handfull of
camomyll a handfull of mallowes and sprigge of rosemarye
and two or three Baye leaves [vet the se] boile togyther a good
spare vntill yt be halfe wasted, then strayne yt for the annd
put into yt three other handfull of freshe melilote brused and
before, put also unto yt halfe a pound of rosen awa quarter
of a pound of waxe and [mnuh Shcepes shuer and ownve ]

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