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{= X} A most exellent oyle very sovreigne for a
Siatica, Owld ache, Bruse, Sinowes shrunk
well proued

Take Foote oyle. 3. pints, yellow wax a quarter of a pinte, May buter
unwashte one pound, Barowes grece half a pound Aquavite one pinte
an oxe or kowes gall (but in any cace no Bulles gall) Black sope
a quarter of a pound, water-cressis half a handfull. Malonse,
woormwood, and valerian, of each. 2. handfulles. Chamomile. 3. handfulles,
Chickweede, wallwoorte, Strawberg leaues, Rose leaues, hynny sukles
Shepards pouch, and Rewe of eache. 3. handfulles. dill, Broome toppes,
the firste budding Leaues of Elder (that are of a reddish Colore) of each
4 handfulles: Lauender-cotton, parsly, Groundsill, waybrode, redd croppes
of Brambles, Thine Bay-leaves, of eache one handfull toppes of Rosmary
unblowne half a handfull. Shrid those herbes small and boyle all on a
gentle fier untill the wice of the herbes be boyled owte and they look
dryish then wring them owte harde, and when the oyle is neere Cowld if
there be any dragges in the bottome take the oyle from yt and put too ye
the same oyle, oyle of Bayes, oy of Camomill, of dill, of populia, of excet
of eache. 2. ownces. Quicksilluer elaid in the pallme of your hand with
fasting spittle (ever stiring it with your finger untill it be inkorporaten
the Spittle) 4 peny woorth one pint more of aqua vite, Stire all
those together and heate yt well and straine yt throw a cloth in to the
vessell you wowld keepe yt in, the which you must keepe close stopte for your vse.
When you use yt by a fier with your hand anointe and Chafe yt well in
to the place greevid, so bind a linnen cloth aboute yt. yf yow make a gret
quantitie to keepe yt long after. 2. years renew yt thus. Take ye
black grounds from the pure oyle and put to the oyle mor aquavite
abating in a pinte so much in proporcion as is spent of the oyle warme
yt well together and so put yt upp againe.

{= +} A water to heale any wownde that is not mortall and any owlde vlcer proouid:
Take a quarter of a pound of Bollarmoniak., Camphire an ownce, white
Coppras a quarter of a pound. make it your Camphire and Coppras in to
fine poulder and put them in an erthen dish well and smoothe leddid
or into a Silluer dish & put that dish on a Chafing dish & Coles.
you shall see yt presently seethe and pople desoluing as yt were to walk
and assoone hardne againe, you must ever keepe stirring of it with a spoone
or splatter (which is better) of Silluer vntill it be so dry that yt may
be made i nto fine poulder, then take yt from the fier and make your
Bollarmoniac into powlder and beate both the Boll and the other in a miet
together into very fine poulder keepe this for your use in a bledder or in
a Cloce Box
When you haue occation to make the water. Take a pottell of faire
Running water putt yt on the fier in a pipkine vntill yt beegin to
boile then take yt from the fier and putt to yt 2. spoones full
of your powlder stiring yt with a faire sticke untill yt be could
then put yt in to a glass & stay yt Cloce & shake yt twise or
thrice a weeke to stur the groundes of yt.
The vse of yt is thus, Take according to the wownds gretenes, som of
some of this water when when yt is Cleere, warm yt in a Sawser on the
Fier as warme as you Can suffer yt, bath the greeff well with

a linnen cloth wett in it, then dubble that Cloth vj. or viiij times wett
it well in the water and couer the same with it, if there be any
of the water lefte in the Saucer, powre yt on the cloth and so
bind yt upp xi. or xii. howres, after dress yt againe, Continue yt so
untill yt be whole X Take heed you use yt not when yt is trowbled
for if there be any grounds in it, it will breede prowd and dead flesh
Sr Barnard Greinvile
A very good medisine for the Gowte
Take viij Eggs and bete them to oyle then temper them with a poltis of
black sopa very well that yow may not deserne the one from the other, then
spred yt on lether and bind the place greevid all ouer and keepe yt on
viij dayes withowte opning it att all.
A good medisine for A rupture.
Take the rootes of the herb Called Solomon seale and pound it and straine
it and straine it with any liquor yow will and geeve to drink of this when the gref
is vpp in the place it owght to be and bind of the same rootes powdred to the
greevid parte
A good medisine for the falling sicknes.
Take the after birth of a mann Child for wooman and the contrary for
a mann dye this and drinke it in any Liquor. yt must bee of the first
Child of a wooman.
{Mrs. Winefred Slurton}
Take a quantity of Barly meale and beate it very small, then take
asmuch of the Cloues of Garlick and peele them and stamp them very small
and boile both together very well in Clarett wine vineger vntill it Come to
a poultes, then spred it on Lint and lay it to the greef the Cowld taken of
three times att the least and yt will kill the Canker and take away proud
flesh and dead flesh and the Cancer in a woomans brest.
In the Canker water pelitory of Spaine, Salendine, Sinkfoile
are prinsipall herbes with the rest of the things the pellitory first to bee
brused and after yt is sodden then powr the liquor from the herbes and
take a parte therof and asmuch vineger and boyle them together a while
with a handfull of Reddrose leaues, then put in some hony and seeth it a
walline or tow and so applie yt. If the sore be very much festred then
use Smithes water to make the water in steede of faire water and seeth
therin som Barly to coreat the water. if yt be in som mowthes to kull it till
it bleede. The Canker water not to be used vntill the powltes bee
leste, for the powltes killes the Canker, and the water healith it.
Som healing Sallue to be spredd on a plaister to keepe on the Linte
that hath the powltis.
A medisine to caus a wooman in trauell to be speedy delivered the child dead or aliue.
Take iij Croppes of Germannder as much of Settwell with the Roote therof, pound both together
and straine it with 4. 5. or 6. spoonefulles of Sack and drinke the same blud
warme, and then take the same erbs that is so strained and put therton 2. or 3.
dropes of sallet oyle and spred the same on a blew Cloth and lay it on yo

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