



Status: Needs Review

To use also the simple Broth of an ould Cock without any mixture according to the
same order is exellect good to desolve wyude and to take away humors that are
not very grosse
Also to take 12 ownces of the first decoction, and put there unto of the oyle
of chamomill, and mell Rosarum of each iii ownces, salt half an ownce or one
ownce and make a Clister thereof and take it once a monith it is exellent
and this is the way to keepe your body in health & good likeing
To Hasten Birth
Take Aristolachia Kooty?, one ownce and half, Closs and Squinant of each
iii dragmes, make a tine poulder and guiue??? thereof one dragmee or a dragme or
and half in whyt wyne warm in the tyme of hard laboure
For paine in the Head
Take the flowers of Rosemary Chamomyle and Sichados and make a
Capp with them in equall portions, beeing somwate brused it is exellent for
all paine in the Hed whether of a hott or could cause for it mightyly
Comforteth the Braine.
A very good medcine forth Scuruie
Sweaten a hott howse once in iii or iiii layes all most half an hower
vseing a moderat ??eate to the hot howse and whyle the patient is in
it lett him drinke half a pinte of kenysh wyne from then to your to
a warm bedd and Coole moderatly 2 or 3 howers, this doe iii or iiii times
or till the pacient bee well vseing every morning a quantitie of Scurby
grass, Brookelinn, and water Cresses of eatch a like quantitie
so much of them all beeing stamped together in a Mortar as will yel{d} one
spoonefull or two of goice??, the with put in a glass of beere drinke it and
use moderate exersis to ro thre howers after beefore your eate anything
?? your beenut where a hotthowse is sweate in your by the help of Brike
as the usuall maner is.
Another for the same
Take a pott of possett drinke made with Ale and put therein a good handfull of
Scurvigrasse stamped and then seethe it very well in the posset drinke then shran
it and drinke thereof morining and kvning and at any tyme of the day: or boile
Scurvigrasse well in Milke and make with or whyt vyne a ponet thereof and drinke it as
A medicine for Ague of whatekinde soeber
Take Rew, fether few planten, Sage, Nipp and hemlock of eatch 9 or 10
the quantity of a wallnutt of of Black sope and as much baysalt, beate them all
together in a Mortar untill they bee made into one substancefitt to make
a plaister then devide it and lay it somwhate thick uppon two Clothes and lay
them to earth of the wrisk luke warme and let it ly on ii or iii dayes and then
renew it as beefore
Take half an ownce of knglish? safforn and devide it equally and a litle warm
it and lay it to boath the wriste to lett it ly iiii dayes, then take it of and
lay it to the fointe of of the little fingers as longe
these Cred M? william Bell of his Ague
An exellect plaister for all maner of Athes for
assoone as the plaister is on the Ache is gone
Take unv?rought waxe pound deeres suett half a pound francincence iiii
Cloves ii ownces, Mace ii ownces, Gaffron half an ownce, Rosine, Turpetine
Running pitch iiii ownces melt that with is to bee melted, and beate the rest
to powlder medell them well toger on a softe fier all saveinge the cloves, mace
and safferon, then take a pottell of redd wind and by litle and litle powre it in to
the salue sturring it well together when it is molten strand it in to a cleane
pan then strow in your powlders cloves, Mace, and saffron, stire it well together
a good whyle and lett it stand till it bee cowld then make it upp in Rolle
when your have onation to use it strike it on lether and lay it to the sore place

For the Eyes
Take pellamonten, time, verbaine, Erbgrace, red fenell, reg sage, fethersew
Cardus benedittus, Ivy leaves, exbright, whyt thorn leaves in Somer, and
the midell rinde in wintter of each a like quantity and shridd them small, then
put therein a spoonefull of bay salte, more or lesse, anording to the quantity
of your herbs then stamp them all together and strayme onto the poice and keepe
it for your use and with a spoone or feather dropp a little thereof in your Eyes once
twice or thrice a day according as the baddnes of your eyes bee lying upright
on your back.
For the fluxor Lask
Take of the Curnalls of Galls that make ynke, of each lyke quantity or of the
galles the moste beate them very small and soarce them throw a fine peece of
lame then with hony make pilles of it and so take iii att a tyme iii tymes a
lay as bigg as pease and salt after them, so take them iii times a day untill
your bee well or more often if your can. one yall is emuyh for one tyme to
make iii pills if your will your may drink a litle milk after the pilles But it is
bett or with oute.
Long Pepper boyled in milk is very good and planten sodd in in possett Ale
and drink nothing ease, and so cinamone, sod in water, also the inice of planke
and aquavite is very good.
An aproved medicine to kill any Fetter in the Face and
To take away any Reddnes and make the Face cleere
Take a good quantitie of klder blossoms when they are mose onte and put
to them so much of the best whyt wne as the glasse will containe that you put
the blossoms in then stopp the glasse closse and sett it all the Sommer after in
the Somme a somning? and when your use it wash your face there with every might
when your goe to bedd and if your finde it to sharp or eger then put there unto
a litle whyt wyne as your use it so quallifie the sharpnes thereof
To try whether flunber Greece bee good
Throw it hard in to the water if it swimme it is good, if it Sinke it is naught
also if you lay a little of it on a brinninge?? charrcole if it confine quit it is
good, but if it leave any cole or substance on the charcole it is then naught
To try Muske and to restore the cent of it
Take a litle thereof and put uppon the end of your tonge and if it melte & consems?
then it is good otherwyse naught and if your put one dropp of stale vrine in to it or
hang it on an ould pinie? house vaute it will bring the smell againe
To try Bezarstone
Take it and weet it a littl with a cloeane cloth and then gently knlb? it if the shining
of it weare away and to wleth the cloth it is then naught other wise if the cloth
continues cleane it is good also put it in to water if dissolves or breake it is
naught other wise good if it houlds.
A very good wlister that any woman lying in or while
may take
Take a quantity of new milke from the Cow and put therein a good quantity
of chamomille but more or lesse as the patiente body is hot or colld for Caomine
is hott, a quantity of Malous, som Aniseed, fenell seede and seede brused and
parsly seede if the patient be troubled with the stone, then boyle all well together
untill a leaste half bee confined then take it from the fier and put therein a good
quantity of comine seed fine beaten and a good quantitie of the blacke of sugar
your can geate and stirr them well together and straine it when it is strained
and well wrong that the strength of the comine seede may one in to the liquor
but without boyleing, then put in ii or iiii spoonefulles of the purest sallet oyle
And of your will have it weake then better iii spoonefulls of siropp of ked poses
stire it well together and apply it fittly warme
For Sore eyes
Take Rose water, Fenell water, Cleane water, of whyt wyne, of each one
spoonefull mix then and dropp it in to your eyes.

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