Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention N.Y.

Mary Emma Jocelyn diary, 1851-1852.

p. 115
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p. 115

Monday May 3rd Bright and warm. Mr Murphy had remained all night and after breakfast before the gentlemen left for the city we spent a very pleasant hour in the parlor. Albert and Mary Emma bade us good bye and left for their new boarding place in Houston st. N.Y. Mr. E left this "Wide Wide World" for our benefit and accordingly evening found me entranced in the first volume. Went round with my tracts in the afternoon Was well received except by our Catholic family who refused any tracts, but of smiles and encouraging words there was no lack. Most are glad to see, and glad to receive what I have to give, and [illegible?] I feel very happy in the performance of this duty and pray that thus I may accomplish much good. Carrie's right eye has troubled her considerably for the last two or three days, and to-day it was so much swollen and inflamed that Mother sent for Dr Jones who pronounced it to be erysipelas. It makes her very sleepy which she considers quite a good thing as she can do nothing else. She retired very early. Mr Murphy spent the evening here Proffesor Abadie sent us a family ticket for the May Queen Festival to be celebrated by his pupils on Wednesday evening next. Miss Julia Waterman brought it in at his request and made quite a call.

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 123
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p. 123

In the morning received a long, good letter from Kate H. She is much pleased with her new abode and is very anxious to have Carrie and I come and see it as soon as they get settled and make her a good long visit -- six weeks she says -- not quite so long as I guess Miss Katie, if we come at all. For certain reasons neither Carrie, nor I are particularly desirous of accepting the invitation and have hardly made up our minds what to do about it. However she must excuse us for the present as it is quite certain that we cannot leave home now. -- Old Mr Hudson, Katie's grandfather from the east end of this island, who has been in N.Y. attending the anniversaries this last week made a long call soon after breakfast, and assisted at family prayers. He is a very pious old gentleman, and spoke of Henry's conversion with much feelings. In his estimation it is a greater gain than if he had returned enriched with all the gold in the mines of California. His conversation was very interesting and during his stay I sat, tidy in hand, listening attentively. Carrie and I employed the morning in putting down a carpet in our room.

Where were my wits when I commenced to write to-day's account? Of the afternoon and evening I wrote first bringing in the morning afterwards, but it is natural I suppose to mention the most important things first.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by AprilDuclos
p. 124
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p. 124

Saturday. Very Rainy. Occupied with my usual duties. Mr Murphy took tea with us. Read and wrote in the evening.

Sunday. Pleasant. In the morning Natty and I attended divine service at Central Hall. Rev Henry Ward Beecher preached from His principal topic was selfishness, and the impossibility of a selfish person obtaining true happiness. It is the first time I have ever heard him preach and was highly pleased, the house was crowded with eager and attentive listeners In the afternoon attended S. [Singing] School and preaching of our church. Father preached from Galatians 1:15-16. Mr Joseph I-- walked home with me. Evening in reading

Monday. Pleasant. Thunder storms in the afternoon. Wrote to Kate Hudson in the evening. Retired early.

Tuesday. Pleasant. Mother and Harriet went to N.Y. to buy new parlor carpets and to make calls -- were gone nearly all day. In the morning Carrie made an unusual effort and called on the Culberts. They persuaded her to stay to dinner and kept her till the middle of the afternoon I felt quite anxious about her before [she?] returned. Millie and I were left alone together most all day. Poor little Millie! time hangs heavy on his hands! Went out of an errand before tea. Mr Murphy spent the evening here.

Last edit almost 3 years ago by AprilDuclos
p. 128
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p. 128

Thursday May 27th.. Rainy. Sewed about all day for myself and Harriet. Wrote in the evening. -- Cornelius cut his finger badly while at play

Friday.. Pleasant. Sewed most of the morning and afternoon Mother attended Mrs Smillie?'s funeral in N.Y. Made a long pleasant call on Mary Reeve before tea. It is some time since and have had a good long chat together and we fully enjoyed it. Mary gave me a book-mark -- a cross wreathed with flowers. The word Truth above it and Love below. A very appropriate keepsake! for truly love and truth are teh bonds that unite our souls. Sweet Mary, she is very dear to me! Mr Murphy took tea with us.

Saturday.. Pleasant. Quite busy in sewing [He?]. Copied some letters for Father. We expected sousin Thomas over to pass the Sabbath with us but were disappointed.

Sunday.. Very fine day.. Attended our church all day and S. [Singing] School in the afternoon. Father preached

A new superintendent was installed in the Sabbath School His name is Mr Reed a young theological student, and a man well [wited?] to us. A very fine young man indeed energetic, thorough, pious and pleasing. The children were all delighted with him, and readily promised that nothing should be wanting on their part to aid in prospering and filling up the school. They went away eager to bring in

Last edit almost 3 years ago by AprilDuclos
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